Nightly Texting

Memories to Lies and Love

U-Kwon POV
I was so happy. Even though it wasn't a full conversation I was hoping for but I got her number. This was great. I could talk to her tonight. Well maybe texting her would be the best idea. The others shouldn't know about this. They don't need to know I'm in interested in someone. It's my life after all. Not everything has to involve them in it. Although I have this feeling one of them is going to find out anyway...

As we were in the dorm, I made sure my phone was with me at all times. If any of them go through my contacts, I'm going to just die. Yes I sound like that I have no trust with my members with anything. Not true. But at times like these, there are just times you wished they didn't know anything. I made sure everyone was asleep before I had started texting Ha-Neul. When lights were out, my fun was about to began.

I was surprised that she replied back and that she was still awake. I thought of just being myself for this. I mean what's the point in lying to her. Ha-Neul would never like me if I did. Or worse, hate me for life. Then again she might think I'm lying in the first place. Well if she doesn't believe me, I'll make it convincing.

Ha-Neul: I didn't know you read. Then again I don't even know you.

Me: haha well is there anything else you would like to know about me? Ask away. :)

Ha-Neul: I don't really have a question at the moment. I actually don't know where to start...

Me: that's okay. How's about I ask you the questions. I kinda want to get to know you too

Ha-Neul: okay that could work. But try to keep it to a minimum. I have to go to bed at 11.

Me: you have a bed time? Why?

Ha-Neul: well just for now I guess... I have to work tomorrow.

Me: you work at the cafe again?

Ha-Neul: Anio. No I work someplace else

Me: Wae? You have two jobs...

Ha-Neul: ... I actually have five...

Me: O.O Five? Are you serious? That must be stressful then.

Ha-Neul: it is... But I can handle it.

This girl must be crazy to have five jobs. Unless she has a good explanation then it's understandable. But five jobs? She must be a hard worker then.

Me: well be sure to take care of yourself well. I don't want you to be to stressed.

Ha-Neul: oh I will. Thanks for looking out for me. ^^

Our conversation went longer then I expected. But I feel bad that I made her go pass her bedtime. I had yet to ask if she knew any boy groups. I was about to ask but she said she had to go to bed. After saying goodnight to her, I wondered how she thinks of me. Does she like me back? Or does she think I'm just a player? I would never harm her in anyway. Never. I have feelings for her after all. I really hope I get to see her again. Still thinking about our conversation, I wondered if she ever care if I told her I was an idol. Is she a fan? An anti-fan? Or is she just neutral to the whole thing? Maybe I should just keep quiet about it for now...

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Story still hasn't changed just added a poster was all. ^^


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XxLoserGyuxX #1
Chapter 26: Good Job! It was really cute and sweet!
2PMOkTaec #2
thank you for writing this :)
it was really sweet and cute...
i really liked it~
2PMOkTaec #3
awwww... that's soo cute :)
please update soon~
2PMOkTaec #4
happymoon #5
waaaaaahh! please update soon! I need to know how she'll react to his confession *bites lip curiously*
Oh, way to leave us on a cliff hanger - thanks -_-
Seriously, ur killing me here!!!!
happymoon #7
awsome story! please update soon
wow~Haneul and Ukwon met already!
kyaaa~what would happen?
update soon^-^
This sounds interesting~
Update soon nae?^^
looking forward to your next chapters:33
Sounds good. ^_^