Together Forever

Memories to Lies and Love

U-Kwon POV
Ha-Neul was so beautiful. When I saw her come down the stairs all dressed up, I just couldn't believe my eyes. I was also thinking (out my members) I was the luckiest guy in the world. (They are so going be jealous.) I almost didn't recognize her (yes in this case, again). Before all this had happened, I just planned to go to Ha-Neul, tap her on the shoulder and say it was me all along. I was then thinking that was just a stupid way of doing it.

I rushed back to the dorm to write another note. Everyone was asking me questions but I kept saying I didn't have time to talk. Even though I said that they kept bothering me. I sighed and thought 'They're never going to leave me alone. At this rate, Ha-Neul's just going to cry till her eyes fall out.' I turn to them and say "Alright. I'm only going to say this once so you all better listen."

"Wait so you're asking us to help you?" Kyung asked.

"Ne. But I'm kinda in  a hurry so I have no time to answer questions after. Does everyone understand?" I saw them all nod and handed Jaehyo a phone number. "One of you call that number and make a reservation for two at 8. And ask if they could not let anyone else in at that time."

"What if they say no?" Tail asked.

"I don't know. Try to convince them to do it." I say as I go through my clothes. "Just don't take no for an answer."

"It's not going to easy. But we'll try." Kyung said.

I came out of the room, ready to leave. "Cool, I know I can count on you... Well some of you. Anyway."

"Are you trying to be the smart one?" Jaehyo asked.

"Look do you guys want to help or not? I don't have time for jokes. If I don't leave now, I'm going to make to same mistake I did years ago."

"Which was what exactly?" BBomb asked.

I stopped at the doorway. "Let's just say, I can't leave her alone. Ever."

After leaving the dorm, I ran quickly back to the garden. I just hope I wasn't too late.

I got to the garden and saw Ha-Neul in sight. It was just like last time. She was in the same spot too. The same feeling was now coming back. I felt bad and felt like I couldn't do anything. Well not this time. I carefully placed the note next to her and ran behind a bush but I was so close to getting caught by Ha-Neul.

I kept wondering if I should show myself yet but every time I would want to, I forgot she hadn't read the second note. There just has to be timing. 

But then I was thinking, let's have some fun at the same time. I made my way to the tree when Ha-Neul wasn't looking. And then you know what happens next.

After confronting with Ha-Neul, we had to go the cafe. That's when I told the guys that they needed to their part of the job. They didn't agree at first, but I made sure they did it. Ha-Neul and I were together now. I want nothing more for her to be happy. Never again I will let her cry. When we decided to end our date, we went back toward the dorm. Only because Ha-Neul's parents wanted her to be there.

It wasn't long till we saw her parents actually waiting outside the building.

"Mother. Father. Were you waiting out here the whole time?" Ha-Neul asked worriedly.

"Ne." they both answered.

"Why did you wait out here? I could of just called when I was near while you waited inside.."

"Anio. This just couldn't wait. We were to anxious to see you right when you came here?" her father said.

"Ha-Neul, we feel so bad for what you had to go through these past couple years that we both decided that it's time to live on your own." her mother said.

"Wae? What do you mean?" Ha-Neul tilted her head.

"We mean, as for today and the rest of your life, you're living here, in your own living space."

"We choose here because we figured you want to be with U-Kwon. And yes we know he's an idol. We do our research." her father adds then faces me. "My wife and I wish you great success in the future."

Ha-Neul and I looked at each other. Was this really happening? Ha-Neul's parents just bought her an apartment. That's in the same building as our dorm. This must be a dream.

"So I'm really living here? You're not lying are you?"

Her parents laughed. "Here are your keys for proof." Ha-Neul's dad handed them to her. "And your stuff is already there so you don't have to come home and get it."

Ha-Neul screamed a little and gave her parents a hug. She grabbed my hand and we went straight to her new home. As she was opening the door, I noticed it was across from my dorm. Okay there was no way her parents got this type of info on the Internet. But hey I'm not complaining. I get to see her everyday now without even having to step of the building to go to her house.

"Your parents must really feel bad if they got you a room here this nice." I say as we enter inside.

"I guess so..." she sits on the bed and sighs. "I know they are sorry... But this is just bribe. I can't fully trust them yet."

I sit beside her and as I place my ran around her, Ha-Neul rests her head on my shoulder. "You just do what you have to do. No ones going to force you to anything bad. And if you need help along the way, you know who has your back."

"I know. Gomawo." Ha-Neul looked up at me. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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Story still hasn't changed just added a poster was all. ^^


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XxLoserGyuxX #1
Chapter 26: Good Job! It was really cute and sweet!
2PMOkTaec #2
thank you for writing this :)
it was really sweet and cute...
i really liked it~
2PMOkTaec #3
awwww... that's soo cute :)
please update soon~
2PMOkTaec #4
happymoon #5
waaaaaahh! please update soon! I need to know how she'll react to his confession *bites lip curiously*
Oh, way to leave us on a cliff hanger - thanks -_-
Seriously, ur killing me here!!!!
happymoon #7
awsome story! please update soon
wow~Haneul and Ukwon met already!
kyaaa~what would happen?
update soon^-^
This sounds interesting~
Update soon nae?^^
looking forward to your next chapters:33
Sounds good. ^_^