Family Departure

Memories to Lies and Love

Ha-Neul POV

I stand very still and just stare at her. She sips her glass of  wine carefully. It seems she has drunken more then one glass. Her face is hidden by her hair. I noticed the bruises on my mother's arms, which are still black and blue. Scars are very visible. It was if she was scratched by a vicious cat. There was even drops of dry blood. Was this really my mother? I knew she and father were in fights... But not that bad...

"Ha-Neul..." my mother said weaky. "Please sit down. There's something I need to talk to you about."

I hesitated but slowly made my way to the table and sat across from her. It's been so long I've heard my mother call me by my name. Or just even face her.

"Ha-Neul, you're aware that your father and I have been... Disagreeing with each other lately. Don't you?"

Lately? It's been two years. Of course I know you two have been fighting. That's what I wanted to say but I was afraid of what she would do to me so I just answered, "Ne."

"Well, we made a decision that might seem a shock to you."

I stayed silent. 

My mother gave a deep sigh. "We've decided to go our separate ways. Your father and I are getting a divorce." I looked up with widen eyes. "Wae? Anio. You can't..."

"I'm sorry but it's too late. It's been decided. You can't always have what you want."

All my anger was then unleashed. I stood up and looked at my mother straight in the eyes. "How would you know what I would want? You never knew what I even wanted. For two years, you never knew anything about my needs."

"Two years? What are you talking about?"

"It's been too long. You and father have been fighting all this time."

"You are wrong. We've only fought for a couple of mouths—"

"ANI!!!!!" I yelled as I tried to hold the tears. "Two years mother. TWO! While you and father were fighting, did you even bother to see how your children felt about it? I don't think so!"

"Ha-Neul, watch your tone. Now listen to—"

"ANI! You listen to me! For once I can actually talk you about what's happen." I paused. My mother looks at me with horror. "Do you even know what your son wants? An idol. That's what he wants to be. He wants to drop school and become an idol! You know how hard it is for me to not let my own brother follow his dreams? It breaks my heart to see him sad all the the time because I have to keep telling him to stay in school for your guys' sake! And I don't even remember the last time you told us how much you loved us. Where is the love that parents are suppose to give their children? "

"Ha-Neul, I know this divorce is a big deal for you but you must understand that it's the only way we can sort things out."

Sort things out? They could of sort this out without the fighting. Or maybe even better, two years earlier. I can't believe after all this time, they finally have come to something they actually agree on. Now I can't even look at my mother. She is a disgrace to me. Looks like I'm making a decision on my own...

"Mother where's father?" I ask, having my back towards her. 

"He already left, dear, but he's coming to pick up the rest of his things tomorrow."

"Great..." I let a tear go down my eye as I linger to my room.

When I enter the room, I see my brother doing my homework. He looks at me asks what's wrong. I tell him it was nothing but that we needed to pack our belongings.

"Wae? Why? Are we going somewhere?" he asks.

"I'll explain everything later. Just trust me on this alright. And what ever you do, don't listen to mother. Don't take any orders from her. You're just going to listen to me, got it?" He nodded his head. "Good. Now come on. Help me."

After packing all of our stuff (well... most of it) in our suitcases, our room looked a little empty. It was 5:00. I look out my window. Sunset was nearing. I would usually have met U-Kwon soon but I told him I canceled. I guess I can just text him later. I took one last look at our bedroom. It was the last time I'll ever see this place again. After turning the light off and closing the door, my brother and I headed out the front door. I thought we weren't going to be seen from our mother but I thought wrong.

"Ha-Neul! Where are you and your brother going?" she asked.

We looked at each other then to mother.

"You two better come here right now." she demanded.

I looked at my brother. "Remember what I said. Don't listen to her. Just go to auntie's house right now. And don't stop till you get there."

"Okay eunni." and with that he ran off without even looking back.

My mother grabbed my arm. "Why is your brother running off like that? Aren't you going to stop him?"

"You leave him out of this. It's not my fault he never had the same amount of time spending with our parents as me. I fine it unfair."

"I never asked you to tell me what's unfair young lady. I told you and your brother to come to me. If you're planning to run away as well, I'm not allowing it."

I pulled my arm away. "You left me with no other option mother. I never  bothered to even look at you after you and father cut my hair. All I did was ask nicely to stop fighting. But no, you just had to give me a 'punishment'. You know how hard I work nowadays? I work my off to pay off the bills and my brother's education. I was stress and I didn't have a parent to tell me to quit my jobs. I'm now going through something I wish I could get a mother to help me with but... it seems I can't do that." I turned away and this time I let the tears fall. "Goodbye mother."

With tears filling my eyes, I took my suitcase and without turning back I headed to my auntie's house. I looked at my phone and received a text.

Cousin: hey just to let you know your brother is over and has a suitcase full of clothes. Is something going on?

Me: I'll explain everything later. I'm actually on my way right now to just drop off mine. I have to do something later on.

Cousin: well alrighty if you say so. See then.

After I had arrived to the house and dropped my luggage off, I looked up at the sky. The sun still hasn't set just yet. I thought. I changed my mind... Maybe I can make it last minute...

Me: hey do you mind for a last minute thing? Sorry. I just really need someone to talk to right now. Can we meet at the usual place?

As soon as I got the reply, I headed towards the secret garden. I thought I was going to be the first one there but to my surprise, someone was already there.

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Story still hasn't changed just added a poster was all. ^^


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XxLoserGyuxX #1
Chapter 26: Good Job! It was really cute and sweet!
2PMOkTaec #2
thank you for writing this :)
it was really sweet and cute...
i really liked it~
2PMOkTaec #3
awwww... that's soo cute :)
please update soon~
2PMOkTaec #4
happymoon #5
waaaaaahh! please update soon! I need to know how she'll react to his confession *bites lip curiously*
Oh, way to leave us on a cliff hanger - thanks -_-
Seriously, ur killing me here!!!!
happymoon #7
awsome story! please update soon
wow~Haneul and Ukwon met already!
kyaaa~what would happen?
update soon^-^
This sounds interesting~
Update soon nae?^^
looking forward to your next chapters:33
Sounds good. ^_^