Happy Without Me




“You can drop the act now; I’ll be emailing my boss tonight and I’m pretty sure things will go well. I’ll even put in a good word for MinSung.” Soojin spoke as she stepped through the doors, Chrisitan chuckled and followed the girl.

“There’s nothing to drop. And, thanks for that, Miss Im.” He mused in reply as they went down the steps.

“I already have twenty or so people calling me that, so, don’t.” She shook her head at him, tugging on the strap of her bag.

Then, just Soojin?” He asked as they reached the last step, the girl nodded back in reply.

“That’s better.” She switched to Korean, she spotted the Cullinan driving towards them, Christian followed her gaze just as the car halted before them. A uniformed chauffeur appeared and opened the door for her.

“Ahjussi, have you eaten? You’re here early.” She blurted out, Christian looked at the male.

“I haven’t yet, young miss.”

“What? Why?” Her pitch got higher, as she started to frown at him. The male beside her grew amused as Soojin pushed the driver back to the car.

“I asked you to come with me earlier and I would order for you, but you told me you’d grab a bite outside instead. I was conned.” Soojin continued, nagging at him, the man grimaced at her words.

“It’s really~”

“It’s not fine. Go and eat first, ahjussi. There’s a café nearby, pick me up there after you get lunch. I’m sure they have great coffee.” She waved him off, the driver was about to argue back but Soojin simply turned her back to him.

“Well, I..guess this is goodbye?” She said to the doctor, Chrisitan was smiling as he nodded.

“I didn’t know skipping meals was like a capital sin to you, but, okay, I’ll….I guess my father should be waiting for you call?”

Yes, I’ll call him as soon as I get something from the main office. And, I just don’t like it when people don’t eat on time. Driver Park’s like family to me.” She continued, Christian hummed back, the girl stretched her good hand towards him. He was smiling as he took it in his and gave it a firm shake.

"Doctors should stay away from you, we tend to never eat on time." Christian said as he leaned forward, righting the strap of her sling, Soojin sighed at his statement.

"No wonder why some doctors are grumpy."

"Hey, I'm not. I've always been nice." He let out a hearty laugh, Soojin shrugged at him and raised her injured arm.

"That's still up for debate, you still won't remove this for me."

"I'm sorry, dear. That's not even up for debate, darling. Go get your coffee now." He replied, playful.

It was great talking to you over lunch, even though it was work.” Soojin added while looking at the shop across the street, Christian pondered whether he should walk her there, but decided not to.

Same here. I’ll see you at the hospital? Next week?

If I survive my father’s engagement party, but okay.” She shrugged in reply.

Please do. Enjoy your day, Soojin-ah.” Christian said to her, Soojin nodded before crossing the street, the MinSung son exhaled and buried his hands in his pockets.

A pretty face with a kind heart, wow.




“Lunch went well?” Kai asked as he followed the girl out of the elevators, she nodded back before speaking.

“The son was my attending physician, so…it did go well. I mean, even if I didn’t know him beforehand, I think it would have still gone like that.”

“Good for you, I still don’t understand why we need the Ahns.”

“Why? Things are not going well with the son? I thought you met Chairman Ahn last week.” She said as they headed towards their office.

“I met both Ahn men. It was okay, I mean, the main office has already approved of everything, but,” He exhaled, slinging one arm around her shoulders.

“The chairman kind of transferred responsibility to Bohyun, so now I have to deal with him. Alone.” He made a face at that, Soojin chuckled and shook her head.

“I really can’t stand him, I’m sorry, Kai.”

“Well, I’m the one with the better temperament. I’ll take one of for the team.” He said as they opened the doors, the male paused, finding two women already inside.

“Oh, it’s the work husband. Hi.” Chaerin spoke first, Seri eyed him briefly before tipping her head towards her friend.

“I didn’t know we had guests. But, hello.” Kai put his arm down and walked towards his desk, Chaerin chuckled and sat down again.

“I knew you were having lunch out today, but Seri here was adamant about seeing you.” Chaerin begun as Soojin removed her coat and hung it on the rack. Seri exhaled and sat up straight, Kai grew amused, something was up.

“Soojin-ah, about this morning, I’m sorry if I~”

“Wait, you two fought this morning? Over what?” Chaerin chimed in, surprised and intrigued.

“Hopefully, me.” Jongin leaned over his desk, Seri’s eyes shot to him, disturbed. But Soojin simply chuckled in response.

“I admit I was being a little too sensitive, it’s just that I’m worried, okay? I don’t want anything bad to happen between you and Jisoo.”

“Wait a minute, did she finally start things? Yes!” Chaerin cheered, but both Soojin and Seri silenced her with sharp looks.

“It’s about the night at Ara’s, you know when oppa drove her home and left Jisoo to take a cab.” Seri explained in her usual calm tone.

“Well, she could have walked back to her place, who cares?”

“Chaerin-ah, chill.” Soojin murmured as she sat across the two, Kai opened his laptop and let the friends chat,

“Look, I know I’m at fault too, Seri. But, I’m you guys may have already become used to her, but I’m not..yet. I just got back, and I’ve always kind of…relied on Son Hyunwoo, and he does the same to me too. And, it never was a big deal, remember? It’s been like that since we all were kids. I just…I know, boundaries should be set, but I need time too.”

“She has a point, even though I don’t care for Jisoo.” Chaerin said as she opened the box they brought and took out a croissant.

“No, you’re right. I shouldn’t be overthinking it. All of us have been driven around by Shownu oppa at some point, and you are still injured. I feel bad that Jisoo doesn’t understand about it, but if she’s with him, then you kind of come with the package too.” Seri murmured, Soojin broke into a grin.

“You mean, the three of us come with the package. It’s not like he can get rid of us.” Soojin stated, Chaerin and Seri laughed and shook their heads.

“This Shownu guy seems lucky, where do I sign up?” Kai commented as he put his glasses on, Chaerin glanced at him before speaking.

“You know what, I like you, Soojin’s work husband. You should come to the bar opening next weekend.” Chaerin conversed, Jongin nodded back at her.

“Of course, Mrs. Chae. I’ll ask the work wife to allow me to tag along with her.”

“Can…you guys stop…using those terms?” Soojin groaned, Seri shook her head and started to eat.

“It’s kind of cute.” Chaerin mused at her, Seri glanced at the male again.

“Hi.” Kai said to her with a smile, Seri simply nodded back and turned away, disturbed.

“He’s harmless, maybe a big flirt, but he means well.” Soojin mouthed before getting herself some tea.




“Halmae, halbae.” Changkyun was smiling as he approaching his grandparents, at first he was surprised that his paternal grandparents were in attendance. The couple had always been vocal about their not so positive thoughts about the wedding.

“It’s good to see you, my dear. Now, where’s your lady love?” Mrs. Im chuckled before enveloping him in a hug.

“She’s coming with her parents. She’ll be here in a while, how was Cancun, halbae?” He said, his grandfather set his drink down before speaking.

“We had a great time, your grandmother enjoyed the sights and I enjoyed the outdoor sports. Where’s your sister?”

Changkyun pursed his lips and looked around, his sister had arrived minutes ago, he knew this because he ran into driver Park on his way to the event hall.

“I’m not sure, but I know she’s here. She’ll say hi as soon as she~”

“Grandparents, hello!” Soojin was walking towards them, the girl was dressed in gold and her hair was tied in a loose bun.

“Soojin-ah, finally, you’re home.” Mister Im stood up to hug the girl, her grandmother smiled as Soojin leaned over to kiss her cheek.

“I’m sorry, I had to check with catering, abeoji’s new bride does not know how to run things.”

“Or, you’re just being an eldest child taking on more responsibilities, but we’re never sure.” Changkyun pointed out, Soojin tried to raise her middle finger at him, but failed. Mrs. Im shushed the two siblings.

“Is your arm healing well?”

“Yes, halbae. I actually have to go see~” Soojin paused when she saw Baekho and his mother arrive, followed by the Chaes.

“I’m guessing the Sons are arriving separately.” Mrs. Im commented, a little concerned.

“Have things not been going well again?” Mr. Im asked, his eyes on his two grandkids.

“I think so, halbae. I’ll go say hi to Haeyoung.” Soojin excused herself, she walked towards the three, Hyungwon grinned and bumped fists with her.

“Wow, you look hot. Even with the cast on, it’s giving y mummy.” Chaerin chuckled as she held the girl at arm’s length to examine the gold off shoulder dress she had on, the clothing had clung to every curve of the girl’s body nicely.

“Thanks, I guess?” Soojin shook her head before looking at Haeyoung.

“Hello, princess. How are you feeling?”

“Not so good, I was supposed to be watching cartoons. But I’m here.” Haeyoung puffed her cheeks, Hyungwon chuckled before lifting her up.

“Your uncles will be here any minute, I’m sure they’d love to see you, princess.” Soojin mused, she saw Baekho standing by the open bar and her eyes went to the lady he was speaking with, her brows rose, trying to place a name on her face.

“That’s Hong Shinhye. Hong Industries, KangSan just recently decided to finally take them up on their offer.” Hyungwon informed her softly.

“And she’s good friends with Jisoo.”

Chaerin made a face, Soojin slowly nodded, she was about to look away when Baekho caught her eye and he waved her over.

“I have to go say hi to one of the Son boys. You guys have fun.” Soojin said as she crossed the hall, ignoring the stares she was getting. She didn’t want to chat with everyone yet, it was not exactly a festive day for her.

“Baekho-ya,” Soojin was smiling as she neared him, the male nodded as she hooked arms with him, Baekho grinned at the girl.

“Noona, you look great. Is your arm…a little better now?” He said with a teasing smile, Soojin scoffed.

“A little better? It’s still in a cast.” She chuckled, her eyes went to the girl across him and she smiled.

“It’s nice to see you again, Shinhye-ssi.”

“Yes, same here.”

“You’re good friends with Jisoo, right? I don’t see them yet.” Soojin glanced around the room, her gaze hardened when she saw Seri enter with Bohyun.

“Yes, we went to high school together.” Shinhye replied, Soojin faced her again.

“Well, I’m glad there’s a familiar face for her here. Uhm, you’ll have to excuse me, my…plus one just arrived.” Soojin spoke as she noticed Kai walk in, the male met her gaze and tilted his head at her.

“Hey, we should catch up over lunch soon, okay?” Soojin reached out to touch his arm, Baekho nodded back.

“Of course, noona. I’ll call you.”

Soojin nodded back and excused herself, she waded through the sea of guests and reached her colleague.

“Thanks for coming.” She said with a sigh as she took his offered arm, Kai smiled before speaking.

“Hmm, of course, any chance to see South Korea’s most elusive families in one room.”

“Shut up, Mori Group.” She muttered, Jongin chuckled as they walked to their table.

“I see our favorite person is here.” He commented as he pulled the chair for her, Soojin followed his gaze and her eyes narrowed.

“He’s your favorite person too? I don’t share.” Soojin replied, Kai snorted and sat next to her.

“She’s too good for him, you know that, right?” Kai said to her, the girl scrunched her nose.

“I just…I don’t know how to tell her, because, what if..he’s just like that by nature?”

“A flirt? Made passes to other women by already being in a committed~”

“Jongin, please.” Soojin frowned at him as she leaned back on her seat.

“Protecting her from the pain of hearing it from you is not the best option, you know that.” Jongin stated, keeping his voice down. Soojin grimaced, she spotted his father and Ji Seonmi going around the hall, greeting guests.

“But that would hurt her.”

“It’s going to either way.” Jongin replied, Soojin was about to reply when she saw one of their staff approach Changkyun. Her brother spoke to the male briefly before looking around, Soojin raised her brows at him.

“We’re needed outside.” He mouthed at her, Soojin nodded and excused herself from Kai.




“There must be a misunderstanding,” Shownu spoke again, the security staff glanced at each other again. The men knew him of course, but the problem was Jisoo. Her name was not on the list.

“We’re sorry, sir. But her name’s not here, and chairman has specifically said that we be careful in letting people in.” The lady spoke again, Jisoo’s forehead creased, and she looked away, some of the guests were staring at them as they entered.

“You can go in first, young master. We can’t reach young miss Im, and director Im is preoccupied. I’m sure she can clear things up with security.” She continued, Jisoo exhaled and crossed her arms, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

“Oppa, I~”

“I did call to inform that I’d be bringing a plus one, and~”

“Hyung!” Changkyun walked through the doors, the staff pulled back. Shownu exhaled and waved him over, the younger male smiled at Jisoo in greeting.

“What’s wrong? Why are you still out here?” He asked, confused.

“Something’s wrong with the list. Jisoo’s name was not added.”

“Then, just let her in.” Changkyun sighed at the staff, Shownu was about to speak when Soojin walked through the doors.

“Noona, they won’t let Jisoo in, I thought you checked the guest list.”

Soojin’s brows rose, confused.

“I did, but Ji Seonmi asked for it before I could forward it back to abeoji’s secretary.” She was frowning as she reached them, Shownu tilted his head at her.

“I did check, your name was there.” Soojin stated as she reached them, Jisoo gave her a small measured smile as the girl leaned over give her a hug.

“Then let her through, why would you question Hyunwoo?” Soojin turned to the organizer, raising her brows at the woman.

“O—Of course, young miss.”

Soojin exhaled and turned to her friend again, Shownu exhaled before giving her a one-armed hug.

“I’m sorry, my father’s new…wife is not the sharpest knife. Like, ever.” She muttered under her breath as he let go of her.

“Jisoo noona, I’ll walk you to your table. The others are already here.” Changkyun chimed in as he offered his arm to her, Jisoo thanked him and looped arms with his. Soojin smiled as Hyunwoo gently led her back to the hall, his hand on the center of her back.

“Lunch with MinSung went well? You weren’t really looking forward to it.” He said in hushed tones, Soojin started to smile.

“Oh my god, it went really well. I mean, yes sure, I met up with chairman Yoo’s son, but it turns out that I already know the guy. So, a win for Im Soojin.” She chuckled and pressed her palms together.

“So, the..things are good, right? I mean, I know I caused trouble, but she’s here with you…?” She suddenly paused, looking at him, the older smiled and nodded.

“We talked it out.”

“Admit it, we need to adjust.” Soojin crossed her arms and glanced around the room, she made a face as she spotted Ji Seonmi running over to her friends, she watched as their group let out excited shrieks.

“Maybe. But, you can’t get rid of me that easily.” Hyunwoo replied, teasing. He nudged her, not wanting people to notice her glaring at the bride.

“A girl can only hope.” She replied as they walked to their table, Hyunwoo smiled and gently pulled her to his side.

“I’m sorry if it made you feel uncomfortable, Im Soo. But, really, it’s not a big deal. Jisoo understands.”

Soojin nodded back, they reached the table, and Jisoo was already chatting with Seri and Bohyun. The male looked up and waved at her, Soojin nodded back, keeping her expression cool.

“We’re still on for next week, right? I need your help.” Hyunwoo said as he lowered himself to his seat, Chaerin and Hyungwon had joined the table, while Haeyoung stayed with her uncle Baekho at the other table.

“Of course, I’d do anything for you, Hyunwoo.” She said with raised brows, Hyunwoo scoffed in reply before greeting their friends. Soojin let out a shaky breath as she turned away from the table, her eyes wandered around, she spotted a few familiar faces and smiled back at them. Some of the young women in the room were glancing towards Jisoo’s direction as they whispered to each other.

“Oh.” Soojin grimaced to herself as she approached the bar, she asked for something light before tuning the crowd in.

“Did you see? She was being blocked by security, I guess she wasn’t on the list.”

“It’s strange, she’s obviously accepted by their group, why would she not be on the list?”

“It’s been a while since Son Hyunwoo brought a girl with him, he shines more when he’s with Im Soojin, right?”

Soojin silently gagged and picked up her drink, she leaned on the bar and tried relaxing her arm.

“Still, how embarrassing it must have been. People did see how she was being barred off.”

Soojin pursed her lips, her eyes went to Ji Seonmi across the party. The lady was smiling at her, and then she slowly raised her champagne in her direction. Soojin’s lips thinned, but she raised her glass towards her as well.






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hi! give me two months(max) and then i will be able to start uploading this as regularly as i can :>


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princessswan #1
Chapter 26: Jisoo is seriously so annoying & insecure lol, I'm glad Seri is standing up for her friend here. Currently very unimpressed with Hyunwoo.. he needs to get his priorities straightened out. I really miss our handsome doctor Ian, hope he shows up soon! He's my favorite. <3
Chapter 26: Jisoo, shut your trap
KimHyeJoo #3
Chapter 26: Seri the kind girl is snapping!!! Chaerin would be so proud🤭🤭🤭
SummerLuv #4
Chapter 26: Ooooh fierce Seri putting Jisoo in her place, but why can't she see how bad Bohyun is 😂 Jisoo's still trying to play with fire tho there are so many warnings, seriously... She's the newcomer and she dares to say soojin hasn't been around for long???
rukehna #5
Chapter 26: I hope he loss her. Just my opinion.
zangsia1 #6
Chapter 26: Ohoh... Jisoo is starting trouble
Chapter 26: Haha ..let's see can he survived without her
Annasaranghaeee #8
Chapter 26: Yeah go seri you go girl
KatTS501 #9
Chapter 26: Chapter 26: Oooh snap! Watch it Jisoo. It’s you that hasn’t been around very long. You are Shownu’s girlfriend but doesn’t mean you can do what you did
Chapter 26: Aww! I loved the sassy version of Seri!