
My Three Prince Charming


“Unni!” I screamed as I ran to hug her.

“~~~~~~” She said while hugging me back and whispered “I thought I told you not to come to Seoul! Why? Why..” she said while sobbing.

I quickly pulled away from the hug and looked at her. Eunji unni never cried in front of me before. Not even during our parent’s funeral. I must have done something really horrible and now my heart hurts seeing unni crying. You know that stabbing pain you get in your heart when you feel like a piece of you has just been broken.

“Sorry unni. I just thought that whatever the problem is we can solve it together” I said while looking in her eyes. She suddenly raised her hand, for a moment I thought she was going to hit me but instead she settled with a warm pat on my head.

“Well, I can’t hide you forever from this world. I mean you were born into this situation...” she said while looking at Mrs. Lee who was now sitting on the couch besides us with L.Joe and Chunji.

“You never told her?” Mrs. Lee suddenly interrupted

“Told me what?” I asked while looking first at Mrs. Lee then at unni

“No. I thought it was better if she didn’t know” unni answered and pulled me with her in the couch directly opposite of Mrs. Lee and her sons.

“What are you guys talking about?” I asked puzzled at how the two even know each other

“~~~~~, have you ever wondered how no matter what we always had money and can live by ourselves even though I don’t really earn much of an income from work?” Unni suddenly asked while turning to me

“Isn’t it because of omma and appa’s money they saved” I answered because I mean that is what she told me.

“Yes and no… you see. Omma and appa aren’t actually the type of normal parents, they are actually rich, let me correct myself really rich. The reason why I had to take you away was because when omma and appa died, everyone wanted the company but in their will, they left everything to you and-“ before she could finish something popped up in my head

“Wait. But what about you? They left you nothing? You’re the unni and you are more suitable then I am.” I said confused for a moment

“well you see… I’m not really your blood related unni. I was adopted by your parents until they had you. My job was to protect you and well let me continue. Like I said they left everything to you and everyone around started to gain interest in the company and came after you. Which is why we left to Busan. But Mrs. Lee here, she really wanted you no matter what so I came to Seoul hoping to settle something with her but, she found you first instead.”

“What…” I said. So I’m the daughter of a multimillion dollar company and had no idea of it. And my unni isn’t really my unni. Everything isn’t as it’s supposed to be. This is just too much in one day.

Suddenly, I got up from my seat and slowly headed for the door. As soon as I was at the door I ran out. I didn’t know where I was going and I didn’t care where I was going anyway. Everything is just coming at me too quick right now. What company? She lied to me the whole time? Was unni after the company also? Did appa and omma really die of an accident then?

I ran. All I can do is run run and run. I had nowhere to go. Whenever I saw a corner I turned. Whenever I saw a bridge I ran across it. That’s when I ended up here. I guess this is where they call the famous Han River. It’s beautiful, even on a rainy day like this. I just sat there like an idiot, not caring about the people passing by and the comments they were making. I just wanted to sit here and soak in the rain to clear my head. This is too much for a 17 year old girl to process in a day…

--back at the house—

“~~~~~-“ Eunji yelled after you but you didn’t listen and continued to run

“Wai-“ suddenly Eunji was held back by Mrs. Lee. “She needs some time to clear her head so let her go…”

“Okay. But-“ before Eunji could continue L.Joe ran out the door

“I’ll go find her” he said while running after ~~~~~.

“Me too” Chunji said and grabbed his jacket and left after L.Joe

“Does your sons know that she-?” before Eunji could finish Mrs. Lee answered

“Yes, they know she would be the one they would marry. I raised them for the purpose. I know you must have a bad perception on me but listen. I am not after the company. I don’t need the company actually what I need is ~~~~~” Mrs. Lee said looking into Eunji’s eyes

“Why?” Eunji replied puzzled.

“~~~~~’s mom and I were best friends since we were in middle school and we promised if ever anything happened to one of us we’d take care of the others child. From the bottom of my heart I mean no harm to ~~~~~. It might not seem that way but really. Your mother was the only one that was there for me when everything in my life did not seem right. If it wasn’t for your mother, I wouldn’t be able to have this social status I have today.” She continued

Eunji shocked can only look at Mrs. Lee.

“How do I..”

“Look. See this bracelet? Does it seem fimilar?” Mrs. Lee replied while holding up her left wrist. The bracelet was really simple but it had half a heart on it.

“Wait. Mother ha-“

“I bought it for us. A symbol of our friendship” she said.

“I see.” Eunji can only smile now knowing that ~~~~~ didn’t have to marry people that only wanted the company.

“But I don’t know if ~~~~~ is ready for this” Eunji told Mrs. Lee

“I’ll wait for her. My son’s whoever she chooses it doesn’t matter. I can wait” Mrs. Lee replied

“I believe she’ll come to like them one day” she continued and smiled at Eunji while placing her hand in hers.

“Mrs. Lee…” Eunji said looking up at her.

“You can call me omoni. I’ll take care of you two okay?” She said while patting Eunji’s head.

Even though Eunji was a grown women, not one day she lived without fearing what would happen to ~~~~~~, it wasn’t a burden but a responsibility as an older sister. Even though the two were not blood related she loved ~~~~~. Her parents gave her a reason to live and love.

“Omoni. Thank you” She said and huged Mrs. Lee.

“It’s okay. Everything will be alright” Mrs. Lee continued and hugged Eunji who was now sobbing in her arms.

---back to ~~~~~ at Han River---

“I… found you...” you heard a voice as a guy was approaching you.

You couldn’t really see well because of the rain and your tears. All you could think of right now is to run away.

“~~~~~~!” you heard another voice

When you were about to get up someone caught you in their embrace

“Let. Me. Go.” You struggled

“No. It’s raining and you’re sick. Let’s go back” he pleaded.
“No.” you replied and continued to break free. When you did you accidently slipped and landed in the arms of the other guy.

“Nice catch Chunji” the other one replied

“Why’d you let her go?” Chunji asked L.Joe

“I slipped” L.Joe replied and laughed a little

All you can do in this situation was cry and cry. You didn’t know what to do. These two, did they plan all this? Were they after your company too?

“Let’s go” they said as Chunji slipped his hands into your left hand and intertwined his fingers with you and led the way

“Wait for me” L.Joe replied while taking your right hand and slipped his fingers between yours.

You didn’t struggle. You just seem to have lost your strength as the three of you walked. Funny how you ran so far away from their house and yet they managed to find you. It’s a miracle you may say. Slowly, they led you inside the car and sat side by side with you. Watching the tired you sleep they continued to hold onto your hands not letting go.

“You like her don’t you” Chunji said smiling at L.Joe

“And so do you playboy” he replied flicking Chunji’s forehead

“Hey, what can I say. I like girls” He replied and kissed your temple as you seemed stressed since your eyebrows were scrunched up together but then relaxed at his action

“Settle for one girl hmm..” L.joe quietly whispered to himself as he rubbed thumb on your hands as he was still holding your hand. You nudged your head more on his shoulders as he brushed some of your hair away from your face.

It was an awful quite ride back home… if that even is your home now…

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Chapter 40: This is sweet and fluffs story all the prince charming become the husband charming heheh

Nice authornim ^^
Chapter 40: Oh my this is so sweet <3
freudian_slip #3
omgggggg all my biases!!!!
Chapter 40: Aww.. I love this story and it has all my favourite bands in it.. Teen Top, Infinite and EXO!! I love how the story went and the way it ended.. It was marvelous... Author-nim daebak!!! Please do more amazing fanfics!! This stowie should be featured!! ^-^
Chapter 40: lol 3 husbands?? ~~~ SO LUCKY ~~~ =)
Chapter 26: Chunji is so cute when he's jealous...That's what makes me fall for him more than the other 2.
i loved this book it was the best so far i loved it and i wished i was her hahahha jks :) it was good
I just get done with chapter 10 reading this in class. I can't wait to get home and read the rest!!!!! :)
This fic is so sweet and cute..KYAA!! ^_^
Haha, imagining baby Eli XD