
My Three Prince Charming


You woke up first as you felt the car come to a halt. You realized that you were leaning on L.Joe the whole time while Chunji practically slept on you.

“Oppa...” you began to voice out

“Are they always like this? Flirting with girls and clinging onto them?” You asked Daehyun as he looked at the two clinging onto you.

“Well…” he started wondering if he should tell you the truth but he didn’t second think that and spoke up right away.

“Well yes and no.” he answered taking the keys out of his car

“What does that mean?” you asked trying to break free of Chunji’s grasp

“They flirt a lot. Like no tomorrow I can tell you that. But you’re the first that they are clinging onto. It’s usually the opposite. You know like Sohee and Yeeun. The girls are usually the ones hanging onto them. this though…” he said while pointing at you up and down because of the two next to you “is a first.” He laughed and got off the car and opened the side door

“Ya. Chunji, L.Joe we’re here” Daehyun said hitting Chunji on the head while trying to get him off you

“No. I want to hold onto her more.” he whined but Daehyun was too strong and finally Chunji gave in stepped out of the car

Before you were able to get off, L.Joe practically picked you up off your seat.

“You’re taking too long” he smiled at you and let you go.

“~~~~~~!” you suddenly heard and spun around

“Unni!” you answered with a grin across your face

“Back just in time!” she smiled and began to drag you away from the three

“You need to get dressed! Come on let’s go!” she said dragging you inside the house as your figure disappeared before the three.

“Jung Daehyun” he heard as he closed the doors of the car

“What?” he asked looking up at the two boys leaning by his car waiting to get his attention

“Do you like ~~~~~?” they asked in unison

“Why?” he laughed and was about to walk away when L.Joe stopped in front of him.

“Hyung.” He pleaded because he wanted an answer

This kid. I’ve never seen him so serioushe laughed in his head and placed his hands on L.Joe’s shoulders.

“She’s a lovely dongsaeng I love. But I don’t like her like that” he reassured the stubborn boy

“REALLY?” Chunji interrupted and grabbed Daehyun’s hands

I was interested but I would be the worst hyung if I fought with you two for her now wouldn’t Ihe laughed and replied

“Yes. Now let’s go. The party is going to start” he dragged the two away

Thank goodness! I thought having L.Joe was enough competition but thank god Daehyun hyung doesn’t like her. They are too close!Chunji silently pouted but he trusted Daehyun’s words and went inside to his room to change

“Hyung.” L.Joe suddenly interrupted the silence

“Yeah?” Daehyun turned around at the boy who was now as fly as ever. His suit brought out his features. Pretty boys will be pretty boys he thought in his head as his dongsaeng approached him

“Hyung. You really just treat ~~~~~ as a dongsaeng?” L.Joe wanted to confirm

“Yes.” Daehyun laughed “Don’t worry. When did hyung take away this girls of his dongsaeng?” he laughed and patted L.Joe’s shoulders

“I know how special she is to you” making L.Joe smile

“Alright” he confirmed and let out a sigh

“Oppa!” he heard after he let out the sigh. Suddenly something stopped his heart

“Oppa!” you yelled across the room trying to run to Daehyun for help it seemed like

“Tell unni that I can’t wear this!” you pouted and hid behind Daehyun

“~~~~~~, it’s pretty come on” Eunji continued to bug you

“No!” you said while sticking your tongue out behind Daehyun

“~~~~~~,” he suddenly said breaking the silence and grabbing onto your shoulders

“You look stunning.” He said and smiled causing you to blush

“But-“ but before you could finish Daehyun took the heels from Eunji and sat you down while grabbing your leg

“and with this, it would make you more beautiful” he continued and placed the shoes on you

“Aish. Fine” you stopped arguing. Daehyun oppa, you’re lucky that you’re charming or I wouldn’t let anyone touch me like that you smiled in your head

“Oh. L.Joe” you suddenly realized him being there

“Hey… hey…” he answered looking away

“See I knew it!” you shouted

“I look weird don’t I?” you asked him but only saw him turning away more

How am I supposed to answer that when you’re so beautiful! I can’t even look at you straight. My heart is beating so fast right now.L.Joe thought and when he can finally calm down a bit Chunji was already fawning over you like a bee over a flower complementing you and all

“But L.Joe thinks it’s weird! He won’t even look at me” you interpreted Chunji’s compliments

“No, you look nice” L.Joe answered

“I just couldn’t find the right word at that moment before. Sorry” he apologized and came to your side

“It’s nice” he smiled and helped you up from your seat.

“Let’s go inside” he said taking the lead and letting you inside the big room now filled with hundreds of people here to celebrate your birthday.

“So many people” you said hiding behind L.Joe

“Don’t worry I’m here” he said reassuring you and holding onto your hand

“I am too!” Chunji grabbed your hand from behind.

“It’s Chunji and L.Joe!” you heard as you walked with them

“Who’s that girl with them?” “Why is she getting escorted by the two?” “Who is she?” “He’s so handsome!” “My prince charming” you heard murmurs as you walked to the center of the party where Mrs. Lee and your sister were.

After a long introduction and everyone was eating you were pulled onto the stage and there, at that moment you heart stopped. You knew what was coming next. The announcement.

“This girl here, I am glad to announce is the Park Corporations sole heir, Park ~~~~~. We have kept her out of the media to protect her until she’s of age and today this is what the party is for. Also, as the head of the Lee Corporations am glad to announce that she is engaged to my son’s Lee Chanhee and Lee Byunghun. Please give them your blessings” she announced and saw the shy you.

“Go on. My sons are right there” she said and pointed at L.Joe and Chunji standing by the steps of the stage.

You headed towards them super shy. Now the whole world knows you thought as you felt the million pairs of eyes staring at you

“Let’s dance!” Chunji said suddenly pulling you away from L.Joe.

You were having so much fun with Chunji dancing. He made all your worries go away. You almost forgot you were even at a party because he eased you mind. At this moment you didn’t think of anything but having fun with Chunji. Suddenly a voice interrupted your sudden happiness with Chunji

“That Hyuna girl is going at it again. Even though L.Joe is taken already. Shame” you heard the ajusshi next to you say and looked at where they were looking

Suddenly you say that girl approach L.Joe and was all over him but, he didn’t reject one bit instead he looked a little as if he were enjoying it.

“Chunji, I’m tired” you told him and he gladly let you rest as he caught up with some friends getting their congratulations.

“Stupid L.Joe” you said out loud as you sat down on a table in the balcony

“Hey, what did I do?” you suddenly heard a voice

“Nothing” you said and looked away knowing who it was

“Aren’t you suppose to be with Hyuna girl or something?” you asked in an irritated voice which he noticed and chuckled at

“What’s so funny” you said pouting at him who started to approach you until his face and yours was only inches apart

“Are you jealous?” he asked and placed his arms around your waist pulling to towards to edge of the table where he stood

“~~~~~” he said pulling you closer. So close now that you were at the edge and his legs were touching yours his arms around your whole body and his lips only centimeters away.

You tried to look away when he grabbed you chin making you face him

“Let go” you protested but he refused

“You spend the whole day with Chunji and I wasn’t this mad” he said looking into your big round eyes

“I told you already. I like you” he said still starring at you

“Prove it” you only wanted to and weren’t really expecting anything when you suddenly felt something soft on your lips

Your eyes widen when you realized that L.Joe now, was kissing you and as each second pass he was pulling you closer and closer.

“I like you” he stopped the kiss and hugged you in his arms

“eh…” you didn’t know what to say.

Am I falling for him already?You thought as you continued to struggle free from his warm and strong embrace. You stopped after a try and gave in because it was just too comfortable. A part of you wanted to go but a part told you it was alright.

Our first kisshe thought smiling as he continued to hug you

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Chapter 40: This is sweet and fluffs story all the prince charming become the husband charming heheh

Nice authornim ^^
Chapter 40: Oh my this is so sweet <3
freudian_slip #3
omgggggg all my biases!!!!
Chapter 40: Aww.. I love this story and it has all my favourite bands in it.. Teen Top, Infinite and EXO!! I love how the story went and the way it ended.. It was marvelous... Author-nim daebak!!! Please do more amazing fanfics!! This stowie should be featured!! ^-^
Chapter 40: lol 3 husbands?? ~~~ SO LUCKY ~~~ =)
Chapter 26: Chunji is so cute when he's jealous...That's what makes me fall for him more than the other 2.
i loved this book it was the best so far i loved it and i wished i was her hahahha jks :) it was good
I just get done with chapter 10 reading this in class. I can't wait to get home and read the rest!!!!! :)
This fic is so sweet and cute..KYAA!! ^_^
Haha, imagining baby Eli XD