
My Three Prince Charming

"I...." you didn't know how to reply. Truth be told, you can't be yourself nowadays without any of them. L was always the one to cater to you, Chunji showering you with hugs and kisses daily and L.Joe's comforting presence.
"You haven't decided?" she said holding your hand
"I'm sorry" you replied and looked down when the three of them slipped and fell in your room, eyes widen.
"Oppas!" you screamed as the three landed face first on the floor
"Omma, isn't okay for all of is to be together?" Chunji blurted out. He knew you. He knew that out of the three you couldn't choose any of them as they all held a part of your heart.
"How can one girl be married to three guys?" Mrs. Lee sighed
"I know how she feels and I don't want to break you guys up either but society doesn't really accept a girl with 3 husbands" she continued and felt something wet hitting her hand. When she looked up she saw you crying and without a word you got up along with your crutches and bowed at her
"I'm sorry Mrs. Lee!" you apologized and ran out of the house
"Omma! We don't care how society sees us. If we don't have her we can't function!" L.Joe yelled and chased after you
"L.Joe is right, we don't have to officially get married. As long as we're happy being together" Chunji said grabbing his sweater and headed out the door after you also
"Omma." L said and held Mrs. Lees hand.
"Don't feel bad about it. We can manage as long as we have ~~~~~ and also your support. Just like Mr. Lee was the world to you, she's our world. None of us want to lose her. Please understand" L said and kissed Mrs. Lees cheek before heading out after you
"I wish you the best kids. Don't let society stop you from what you want. I wished I was brave like you three, then I probably wouldn't have lost him like that. I wish I held on too and not cared." she sighed remembering how society refused to let her be with someone not in the higher social class like herself.
"~~~~~!" they called out but was replied but nothing but silence
"Where are you?" they continued to look for you nearby the house and at parks but no luck
"Where can she be!" L.Joe said frustrated and ruffled his hair
"You promised not to leave!" Chunji screamed looking everywhere franticly by even caring that he was sweating bullets
"Come back to us!" L said looking in corners and boxed anything that can conceal the fragile and tiny body of yours
"Nothing." the three sighed in unison after 4 hours of frantic searching
"Where is she?" Chunji said as tears began to fill his eyes
"I'm such a fail I said I'd protect her!" L.Joe said punching a nearby bus with his hand.
"We need to find her" that was the conclusion they came up with. Either way they weren't letting you out of their lives. They NEEDED you to live.
--What happened to you after you ran out of the house—
~~~~~’s POV
I can’t do this, Mrs. Lee is right. It’s not right for me to have all of them by my side. I know deep down they’re all in pain because I can’t choose. When they fell through the door before, I saw the look in their eyes telling me how disappointed they were. I have no right to choose between them. I need to get away but these stupid crutches and tears aren’t helping me do anything right! URGH!
“I need to call him” I sobbed as I took out my phone and dialed a number
“Hello, ~~~~~?” the voice answered
“Oppa….” I cried and needed him with me
“What’s wrong? Did they do something stupid again?” He asked and I can hear I’m shuffling in his steps trying to grab something and a door slam
“I’m coming, where are you?” He asked
“I’m walking to your house, I’m on the bus already” I sobbed as he told me to not go anywhere after I got off and hung up.
The moment of silence on the bus was terrible. I wasn’t far from “home” but it was good that L.Joe, L and Chunji didn’t come for me.
“I’m sorry” I whispered as another couple of tears shed from my face
“~~~~~!” I heard someone screamed and looked out the window finding the three of them looking for me franticly everywhere
“You promised not to leave!” I heard Chunji yell
“I know, I’m sorry, I’m horrible, forgive me for my selfishness” I sobbed hearing him cry out loud
“Come back to us!” This time from L Oppa.
“Sorry, I can’t. I don’t deserve this. Find some better girl okay? I promise you I’ll take care of myself from now on” you whispered touching the L through the glass as if the glass were him. Lucky for you the three of them were to never have guessed you took the bus to go somewhere because, well they were spoil brats that had cars since forever and never took public transportation.
“I'm such a fail I said I'd protect her!"L.Joe yelled and punched the bus
“Don’t make this any harder for me! I decided to leave you so you can have a proper wedding and love life!” I gripped my hand hard and began to cry again
“I’m sorry. I love you guys and always will but let this memory just be buried within us okay? And lets live a life society accepts” I gulped at the last word and leaned backwards. I’m sorry, I love you, and I’ll let you go to find better happiness as I myself can’t give you any. I can barely walk and will be nothing but a burden. I’m sorry…

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Chapter 40: This is sweet and fluffs story all the prince charming become the husband charming heheh

Nice authornim ^^
Chapter 40: Oh my this is so sweet <3
freudian_slip #3
omgggggg all my biases!!!!
Chapter 40: Aww.. I love this story and it has all my favourite bands in it.. Teen Top, Infinite and EXO!! I love how the story went and the way it ended.. It was marvelous... Author-nim daebak!!! Please do more amazing fanfics!! This stowie should be featured!! ^-^
Chapter 40: lol 3 husbands?? ~~~ SO LUCKY ~~~ =)
Chapter 26: Chunji is so cute when he's jealous...That's what makes me fall for him more than the other 2.
i loved this book it was the best so far i loved it and i wished i was her hahahha jks :) it was good
I just get done with chapter 10 reading this in class. I can't wait to get home and read the rest!!!!! :)
This fic is so sweet and cute..KYAA!! ^_^
Haha, imagining baby Eli XD