Step 6

My Three Prince Charming


@LoveYouGee I am seriously considering putting their names in a hat and picking out a name to see who she should end up with haha! I like them all but all equally haha, I’m horribleL

@NillaBerryMyMy Yeah, I thought it was about time to put him in the story because it’s about 3 prince charmings after all. I already wrote so much about L.Joe and Chunji. It’s going to be a long story! I apologizeL



“Hyung, you could at least be nicer to her. She isn’t the type of girl you think she is” Chunji told L as he also headed for the door. He needed to talk to ~~~~~ about Minjung before she causes any more misunderstandings between the two of you.

“Don’t let her trick you”

“Hyung!” Chunji protested because he knows the type of girl you are.

“She might not act like it, but she is after all our money and stuff. All the girls are. Look at your Minjung, she was too until I was named heir and she so called left you for school in the states. Chunji, this is the reality.” He smirked as if he knew all about your plan, not that you had one. You for one didn’t need his stinking company because you after all are the heir of your parent’s company.

“She isn’t like one of those girls that want our money. Never has she asked me for anything or anyone in this house of anything. Hyung you need to know her before you can judge her” Chunji told off L as he slammed the door of the living room while he left

“I just don’t want to see you get hurt like you already did before from that Minjung girl” L told himself as he walked next to the window and saw Chunji drive off in his car

“Let’s just hope your right” L sighed as he headed upstairs to his room for some rest. He has been on a business negation for 7 months and finally he returned home, all he wants is some peace and quiet.

“Girls are problems” L told himself as he headed for his king sized bed and slowly fell asleep.

--~~~~~ and L.Joe—

“You’re hyung is so annoying” you told L.Joe sounding like you were very irritated

“I thought you like him?” L.Joe laughed as he took the keys out of the motorcycle

“L. No. Never” you said in a straight and serious tone

“Oh, I thought you were talking about Chunji” L.Joe laughed

“Yah! You know who I was talking about don’t joke with me!” you pouted and began to walk off leaving L.Joe behind as he locked the helmets up.

“~~~~~” he screamed after you and grabbed your hand

“I was trying to lighten up the mood” he plead for you to turn around

“Whatever” You replied and continued to walk

 “So what do you want to do?” he asked as you sat down on a bench. The two of you didn’t drive off very far, you guys decided to go the Han River to cool down, even though it was only 8 in the morning you felt exhausted already.

“I don’t know. It’s summer already though. I remember when I first came here, it was near the end of winter” you sighed remembering all the memories you had suddenly

“It’s summer…” L.Joe said thinking to himself as of what you two should do

“I just said that silly bumpkin” you laughed and nudged him on the shoulders

“I know!” he shouted out all of a sudden and grabbed your arm to help you up

“The beach!” he smiled and headed for his motorcycle

“Wait! I’m not in the right attire for the beach!” you protested


“Let’s go buy some then” you heard a voice behind you. You didn’t even have to turn around and know who it was as your heart skipped a beat, Chunji you thought in your head

“How?” you pointed at Chunji who was standing right next to you now

“It’s not hard to follow you two” he laughed and placed his arm around your neck.

“I’ll ask the maid to pick up your motorcycle. Let’s go in my car” Chunji said and dragged you away

“That Chunji-hyung, always coming in out of nowhere” L.Joe sighed and followed

“But” you tried to protest about not going to the beach because you weren’t confident of how you look. Especially not when you have two hot guys around you, the last thing you want to do is embarrass yourself in front of the two.

“It’s okay. We got it all taken care of” L.Joe assured you as he got off the phone talking to someone

“Okay…” you stopped protesting since you knew that the two would never let you say no when they had something fun planned

Beach beach beach! ~~~~~ and I on the beach! Ah, what a perfect day it would be!Chunji thought in his head as he drove on the highway, he mentioned something about a mall before starting the car

I can’t wait to see how stunning ~~~~~’s going to look with a bikini! Oh no, don’t think erted! I’m not Chunji! Man, I have been with him too much that his erted thoughts are getting to me!L.Joe face palmed himself silently as he watched you gaze out the window smiling

Beach! I haven’t been to one in so long! Last time was with sunbaeyou sighed a little I hope I can have fun it has been way too long you smiled and thought of good thoughts along the way

“Okay. Time to pick out your bikini!” Chunji yelled and grabbed you out of the car

“I know the best color” L.Joe suggested and the two high fived

“erts” you told the two and stuck your tongue out and headed in the store

“I’m sorry mam’ but the store right now is reserved for our VIP guest. Please come back later” you were told by an employee and was about to head out when L.Joe and Chunji stopped you and looked at the employee

“Chunji-shi, L.Joe-shi welcome!” she greeted with a smile and bowed

“Where are you going?” L.Joe asked and grabbed your hand

“She said it’s reserved right now” you told him and tired to head for the door again

“Yeah. By us silly” Chunji bent down and hit his head with yours

“What?!” you said in shock

“What?” L.Joe replied


“Well…I didn’t want other guys seeing you try on bikini.” He blushed and began to walk further in the store leaving you in awe

“You’re our special girl after all” Chunji said and grabbed your hand and headed inside after L.Joe

“She’s so lucky!”

“Two guys are treating her so sweetly!”

“Chunji-shi is so hot!”

“L.Joe dyed his hair again! I’m going to faint! I’m so happy I have work today!”

“I wish I was her!” you heard the employees squeal as the three of you walked by

“~~~~~, you have to come out some time you know” you heard Chunji yell while you were in the fitting room

“It’s embarrassing” you blushed as you stuck only your head out

“Let us take a look” L.Joe protested and headed for the curtains that hid your body

“No!” you screamed

“You’ll see it later!” you said and closed the curtains preventing L.Joe from seeing anymore

“I’m dressing so don’t you dare do anything!” you yelled from inside as you placed your dress over your bikini.

After you finished and headed out of the fitting room, the two grabbed one of your hand each and intertwined their fingers with yours and headed back to the car

“The day is still early” Chunji said looking at his watch

“What time is it?” you asked

“Only 11” L.Joe replied

“I took 2 hours picking out a bikini?! Why didn’t you two say something!” you asked shock

“We wanted to wait for you.” Chunji told you as he buckled in your seatbelt for you

“It was worth it, we get to see you in a bikini later” L.Joe smiled at you and placed his light jacket on your legs because your dress kept riding up

“Thanks” you blushed at the two’s action and the three of you began heading for the beach.

Since it was summer after all, you weren’t shocked with the massive crowd on the beach

“Wow. That’s a lot of people” you said as you headed out the car with the two by your side, holding many things with only one had as they insisted that they wanted to hold your hand.

And so, the three of you headed for the beach..

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Chapter 40: This is sweet and fluffs story all the prince charming become the husband charming heheh

Nice authornim ^^
Chapter 40: Oh my this is so sweet <3
freudian_slip #3
omgggggg all my biases!!!!
Chapter 40: Aww.. I love this story and it has all my favourite bands in it.. Teen Top, Infinite and EXO!! I love how the story went and the way it ended.. It was marvelous... Author-nim daebak!!! Please do more amazing fanfics!! This stowie should be featured!! ^-^
Chapter 40: lol 3 husbands?? ~~~ SO LUCKY ~~~ =)
Chapter 26: Chunji is so cute when he's jealous...That's what makes me fall for him more than the other 2.
i loved this book it was the best so far i loved it and i wished i was her hahahha jks :) it was good
I just get done with chapter 10 reading this in class. I can't wait to get home and read the rest!!!!! :)
This fic is so sweet and cute..KYAA!! ^_^
Haha, imagining baby Eli XD