18 (Pt. 2)

My Three Prince Charming

“Hey ~~~~~, we’re here” You heard a voice hover over you as a hand brushed my hair out of you face

“We are?” You asked rubbing your eyes because your contacts got a little dried. When you first arrived at Seoul you were wearing glasses but when Chunji saw the angelic face you had, he quickly got contacts for you and forced you to wear them but you didn’t hate it. He meant it in a good way.

She’s so cuteChunji thought watching you rub your eyes like a little girl

“Oppa. Come on let’s go!” Yeeun pulled Chunji out of the car and headed for the entrance followed by L.Joe and Sohee.

“Why are they here?” you mumbled under your breath.

“Sorry. I brought them here thinking it be nice company. But it turns out not huh?” Daehyun spoke up hearing you mumble as he placed his hands awkwardly in his pockets.

“Oppa! Of course I’m happy with the company!” you smiled to assure him that it’s not his fault.

“Let’s go then” he quickly let out a smile and grabbed your hands trailing not far behind L.Joe and Chunji

“This is like a triple date!” Sohee announced

“Me with my L.Joe. Unni with Chunji and Daehyun oppa with you” she said pointing at you last causing you to blush a little. It’s true you thought that Daehyun was hell of an attractive guy but you weren’t so sure about liking him.

“Is not. It’s not a date. I’m here no because of you” L.Joe glared at Sohee and pushed himself away from him

“Let’s get inside, I have the tickets” he continued and grabbed you away from Daehyun and headed for the doors

“I don’t like her already” Sohee mumbled

“Hey!” Daehyun warned her and hit her head with his hand

“That’s not nice. She’s a very important girl” he told her and followed L.Joe’s lead

“Don’t wanna get left behind now do we?” Chunji suggested and went inside also

You went crazy as soon as you arrived inside Everland. It was like a dream come true. All you can think about are the rides and crazy attractions that you took really no notice of your surroundings. Daehyun being the sweet oppa he was to you decided to do a little switcheroo.

“~~~~~, let’s go into this one” he suggested

And without looking at what the attraction was you replied

“OKAY!” and ran inside

It wasn’t until you were inside that you realized what type of ride it was. The type that you hated the most, a haunted house.

“Okay in groups of threes please” the employee informed us. You were about to grab Daehyun when he pushed L.Joe and Chunji towards you and smiled.

“Have fun!” and off the ride went

“OPPA!” you yelled at him when you realized that he was still smiling and waving you a good bye

“Why did you do that oppa! I wanted to go with Chunji/L.Joe!” the other two girls said in unison.

“Too bad. They wanted some time alone with the birthday girl.” He laughed and grabbed them onto the next rid.

You were placed right between L.Joe and Chunji as the ride just started

Out of nowhere something popped up in front of you and all you can do was grab on to the thing or person in this case, closest to you and that happened to be L.Joe.

“Sorry” you apologized when you came to your sense since you felt heat from the “thing” you grabbed

“It’s alright” he said while blushing a little I don’t mind if you wanted to hold my hands longer actually he laughed a little and continued to gaze at you

That should be me she’s grabbing ontoChunji thought in jealousy.

Suddenly the ride stopped, it was broken but a part of the ride. All of a sudden things just randomly started popping up and making scary noises and the first reaction you had was scream. Then cover your eyes and started to cry.

“It’s okay. It’s okay, its fake” you heard someone comfort you

Your tears blurred your vision when something else suddenly jumped in front of you causing you to burry your head into the person who was just comforting you.

You suddenly felt a warm embrace and the cologne smell that was now very familiar to you. Chunji.

He patted your head as you continued to sob and placed his hands around your shoulders, then another jolt came from your left and you noticed that L.Joe was not holding your hands

“It’s okay. Both hyung and I are here. No need to be scared” he laughed a little and patted your head

All you could do was continue to sob as the ride just began; whenever something came out they would either hold onto you already or covered your eyes for you. You had to admit at the moment in time you felt like a princess.

When the ride was over you were still so scared that Chunji had to lead you out by holding your hand since your vacant hand was used to wipe your tears.

L.Joe on the other hand watched Chunji lead you out and inside something bothered him. This picture just doesn’t seem right to me he thought as he looked at the two of you that was heading towards the exit.

“The worst 20 minutes of my 18th year old life” you sobbed as Chunji was smiling watching you follow him with his hands in yours.

“Hey, today’s only the first day” he said and stopped then turned around to you when you guys were in the middle of the crowd

“Aw what a cute couple!” you heard as people were passing by

“Her boyfriend made her cry” others said

“Such a loving couple look at him taking care of her” you heard again when Chunji bent down you your eye level and started to wipe your tears away. He was at least a head taller than you. You were just the typical size a girl needed to be for a guy like him. The perfect size.

“Stop crying. People will think that I did something to you” he said and pulling you into his embrace.

“Pabo.” You said as you snuggled yourself in his arms. You needed this right now after all you heart is beating like crazy! My heart is beating like crazy! Stupid ride! You thought in your head, but something tells you that there’s another reason why it’s beating so quick.

“Come on” Chunji broke the hug and brought you to the side when he saw L.Joe coming out after waiting for Daehyun and the others.

After all that you all decided to go eat because you were hungry. Again Daehyun was being mean and placed you in a booth with L.Joe and Chunji besides you as the two girls sat with him.

“I wanna sit with L.Joe/Chunji oppa” they whined battering their eyes at Chunji and L.Joe

“And I wanna sit with ~~~~~” L.Joe commented while putting his arms around you and sticking his tongue out

“What makes her so special?” the questioned while glaring at you who were now being fed by Chunji since he wouldn’t let you eat by yourself

“She’s our girl” Chunji commented and continued to fed you. Then you realized that you had sauce on your face when Chunji clumsily smudged it on you

“But you said I was your girl too” Yeeun yelled a bit angry now “what makes her different from us?” Sohee added

“Everything” L.Joe commented while taking a napkin and wiping your mouth for you

“Thank you” you blushed and tried to eat again with your hands this time but Chunji just kept holding your hands down not letting you

“But why does she get this special treatment!” they yelled and threw a napkin at you finally angry at Chunji and L.Joe

“YAH!” Chunji yelled at the two and brushed off the napkin from you

“Don’t you dare throw stuff again at our fiancée” L.Joe glared

Your eyes widen. WHY. Why did he have to say that out loud you thought as you looked at L.Joe who was only smiling at you not understanding why you looked shocked.

“FIANCEE?” Daehyun, Sohee and Yeeun yelled in unison

“I-“before you could explain yourself Chunji covered your mouth and replied

“Yes. Our fiancée.” He replied and smiled at you

“They’ll know one day or another” he whispered in your ears when he saw that you were going to make a comment

“URGH! I hate you LEE CHANHEE!”  Yeeun said and stormed off

“L.Joe you PABO!” Sohee ran out too sobbing a bit

“Shouldn’t you chase after the two?” you questioned them both

“Nope.” They answered in unison and continued to baby you

“Fiancée? Want to explain?” Daehyun asked

“Oppa…” you started but didn’t know where to begin

“Yeah. It was decided by our parents.” Chunji told him

“So you guys don’t you know? Have that feeling?” Daehyun continued to ask fearing what he would hear

“No. I like her.” L.Joe declared shocking you a bit

“You want?” you asked shocked now staring at the prince charming with the blonde hair in front of you who was now smiling

“I like you” he whispered again and laughed I do like her. She’s a girl and I like girls. Duh I like her. He thought inside her head

No way… we just meet. Stupid playboyyou thought and just hit him across the shoulders

“It’s not a joke and it’s not funny!” you commented

“Who said I wasn’t telling the truth” he teased and continued with his food

Is he serious?You thought.

That L.Joe I can’t believe he likes her. Last time I checked he didn’t care much for girls except for that girl he met years back that called him cute. Chunji thought and suddenly grabbing your shoulders

“I like you too!” he blushed and smiled at you

“Same goes for you” you knocked your forehead into his.

“I hate liars” you said and refused to eat anymore

“Cute.” Daehyun commented looking at the three of you bickering

I like you but, your taken. So I’ll just hide these feelings for you and watch over you like and oppa does for his dongsaeng. Chunji, L.Joe you guys are lucky to have met ~~~~~ first or else I would have made her mine. She’s everything I have been searching for. But if you guys weren’t my best friends I wouldn’t give her up without a fight. Daehyun thought slightly heart broken.

After you guys finished your meals it was time to head home for the party.

“Buckle up” Daehyun said but you weren’t listening as you were asleep since you were so exhausted from a day of playing.

Before Daehyun can help you an arm reached across you and placed you around his arms. L.Joe took the initiative to place you in his arms acting as your human seat belt. There we go he thought smiling at your sleeping face.

“Yah!” Chunji hit L.Joe’s shoulders

“I wanted to do that” he pouted

“Too bad” L.Joe stuck his tongue out at his hyung and continued to bear hug you in his arms. You loving the warm embrace didn’t care for you were already deep in your slumber.

This is the first time I saw L.Joe and Chunji smile like that. Those girls they were with before, even though they would hug and hold them they never had that smile on their face. Seems like these two idiots really found someone special but just can’t understand for sure themselves yetDaehyun smiled and started the car.

When you guys entered the highway Chunji once again took your hands and held onto it.

I’m not giving you up to L.Joe. I don’t know why I want to possess you but I’m not giving you up. He thought as he continued to stare at the sleeping you.

Maybe I really fell for you? Is it your clumsiness or cuteness? I thought I couldn’t like someone else other than “that” girl but when you came into my life, something just changed. You and her as similar so similar, but I’ll forget her. L.Joe remembered and held you tighter next to him as you slept.

I think that I like youthe two thought as they held you close watching you sleep as they wished that the ride back to home will never end…

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Chapter 40: This is sweet and fluffs story ever....so all the prince charming become the husband charming heheh

Nice authornim ^^
Chapter 40: Oh my this is so sweet <3
freudian_slip #3
omgggggg all my biases!!!!
Chapter 40: Aww.. I love this story and it has all my favourite bands in it.. Teen Top, Infinite and EXO!! I love how the story went and the way it ended.. It was marvelous... Author-nim daebak!!! Please do more amazing fanfics!! This stowie should be featured!! ^-^
Chapter 40: lol 3 husbands?? ~~~ SO LUCKY ~~~ =)
Chapter 26: Chunji is so cute when he's jealous...That's what makes me fall for him more than the other 2.
i loved this book it was the best so far i loved it and i wished i was her hahahha jks :) it was good
I just get done with chapter 10 reading this in class. I can't wait to get home and read the rest!!!!! :)
This fic is so sweet and cute..KYAA!! ^_^
Haha, imagining baby Eli XD