That's right, I'm Jealous

My Three Prince Charming


I just kissed L.Joe. Oh my god…you freaked out a bit in his hug. Little did you two know Chunji was inside watching you two the whole time, now disappointed.

Darn that L.Joe always get to ~~~~~ before I had the chance to. I was the one who started paying attention to her first!He yelled in his mind as he continued to watch the two when he saw you push L.Joe away kind of yelling at him too.

“You… you…” you didn’t know what to say as you pushed yourself away from his embrace

“How can you just kiss someone out of the blue? It’s against the rules! And I don’t want to kiss a guy who kisses other girls easily like that you flirt!” you hit his arm and headed for the door when you took one last glance at him before turning the knob

“Wha- ” before he could make a comment, you stopped him

“Forget about that kiss. It didn’t happen because I don’t acknowledge it” you smirked and opened the door to find Chunji standing by the wall looking at you

“There you were” he managed to say while grabbing your hand

“Let’s go and dance some more” he pulled you away. He wanted you now as far away from L.Joe as possible before he could go any further with you. All’s fair in love and war Chunji thought as he held your hand and you two began dancing. As soon as you moved to the rhythm, Chunji swept you off your feet. Your heart began to beat at that fast pace again when you were with L.Joe.

That Chunji! I need to talk to her. It’s not a joke!  L.Joe thought in his head as he was frantically finding you among the mass amount of people at the party. When he finally caught a grasp of where you were Chunji saw L.Joe approaching you two and he suddenly yanked you away from the dance floor and out of the party.

“Chunji!” you panted as he made you run further and further away from the party to the other end of the house.

He opened the door that was really familiar to him and led you inside.

“What…was…that…for?” you asked still panting as he sat you down. That’s when you realized where you were. In a room. A boy’s room to be exact. Everything neatly placed with many books, puzzles and other crafty things. Then you saw a picture of Chunji and L.Joe and figured where you were. You were in his room.

“I wanted to be alone with you” he said while sitting next to you

“I saw it you know.” He pouted and looked at you

“What are you talking about?” you asked and pinched his cheeks

“The kiss” he answered now starring into your big round eyes that widened at the word kiss.

--back to L.Joe—

“AISH, where did they go!” he yelled as he ran after his brother that left with you

“~~~~~, I need to speak to you” he yelled again running everywhere looking for you

That Chunji better not do anything stupid!He cussed in his mind at his brother as he continued to search through the whole house opening each and every door he saw.

--back to you at the room with Chunji—

“What are you talking about! There was no kiss” you tired to brush off the topic

“Wow, you were so cute when you were young!” you tried to change the subject by picking up the picture closest to you when Chunji suddenly grabbed you and pulled you down on the bed, with him on top of you

“Chunji!” you panted as he grabbed your wrist pulling it above your head

“I saw it. You kissed L.Joe.” he said looking a little sad

“Wait a minute there. Are you jealous?” as you watched the handsome boy in front of you pout and blush a little

“What’s there to be jealous about?” you laughed and tired to break free of him but couldn’t as he pinned you down more on the bed.

“I like you too. More than he does. I liked you first. I took care of you first but he managed to take all the credit.” He continued

“Now just wait one moment. Both of you are flirts so why do you care who I kiss and who I don’t?” you asked him in all seriousness

“I said it already! I LIKE YOU PARK ~~~~~~! Can’t you tell?” he said while staring at you with only a couple of inches distance. You felt his breath as he spoke to you and could feel every single time he inhaled and exhaled.

“Chunji…” you didn’t know what to say and before you found the right words your mouth wasn’t able to make any more noise because something was stopping it. 

In the short moment you thought to yourself while starring at the handsome boy on top of you, he moved closer and those inches away became centimeters, then millimeters then there was no space at all. His soft lips landed on your pink rosy flushed lips as he kissed you. He bit your bottom lip asking for your permission to continue and before you could react you opened your mouth allowing his tongue to come in contact with yours. His tongue played with yours as you close your eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck as one of his hand moved around your waist and the other one pulling your head closer to deepen the kiss. Finally after a couple minutes of that steamy make out section he pulled away hugging you in his arms on his bed. You were engulfed with is scent as your heart pounded like crazy.

“I like you” he whispered in your ears as he fell asleep with you in his arms

“I like you ~~~~~, I really do” he mumbled as he held you in his embrace tighter afraid that you might leave.

After an hour or so you realized that you needed to go back to your room before Eunji finds out and broke out of his hug. At this moment you missed his arms around your but you know that it wasn’t right. He was a playboy and you were just his past time, at least that’s what you thought you were.

“Good night Chunji” you whispered in his ears and patted his head as you headed for the door.

“I knew it. You were in there” you were suddenly welcomed by L.Joe who was sitting in front of the door.

“So you choose him huh?” he said now standing up and looking at you.

“No. I don’t” you confirmed and walked away as L.Joe just starred at you from the back

“Her dress is still on perfectly and her hair is not messed up, so they didn’t do it!” L.Joe rejoiced knowing that Chunji didn’t mark you his yet.

“Park ~~~~~, just you wait. I’ll make you realize that I am the one” L.Joe smirked and went inside his room to shower and sleep.

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Chapter 40: This is sweet and fluffs story all the prince charming become the husband charming heheh

Nice authornim ^^
Chapter 40: Oh my this is so sweet <3
freudian_slip #3
omgggggg all my biases!!!!
Chapter 40: Aww.. I love this story and it has all my favourite bands in it.. Teen Top, Infinite and EXO!! I love how the story went and the way it ended.. It was marvelous... Author-nim daebak!!! Please do more amazing fanfics!! This stowie should be featured!! ^-^
Chapter 40: lol 3 husbands?? ~~~ SO LUCKY ~~~ =)
Chapter 26: Chunji is so cute when he's jealous...That's what makes me fall for him more than the other 2.
i loved this book it was the best so far i loved it and i wished i was her hahahha jks :) it was good
I just get done with chapter 10 reading this in class. I can't wait to get home and read the rest!!!!! :)
This fic is so sweet and cute..KYAA!! ^_^
Haha, imagining baby Eli XD