
My Three Prince Charming

“Sunbae!” you called out as you saw Jinyoung walk in the café where you two decided to have lunch. You didn’t tell L.Joe nor Chunji because they made you mad from the way they acted before in the lobby

“Did you wait long?” Jinyoung asked you since he saw the cup almost half full

“Not really” you smiled and called the waiter over

“Can you get him a cup of coffee, add extra milk in it please” you smiled and she obliged and went to fetch you what you ordered

“You still remember how I like my drinks?” he said and laughed making you blush. Truth is, since he was your first and only boyfriend you had, you remembered everything. From how and where it started to when and how it ended.

“Yeah.” You smiled knowing that you no longer ever will feel the same way for him again.

“How is Nara?” you asked him. She was the reason why he left you but, you thought it was a good way to start the conversation

“I don’t know. We broke up for almost 7 months now” he replied sipping the coffee that the waiter placed down moments before you asked him the question.

“Oh…” was the only thing that came out of your mouth

“Why?” you asked wanting to know why they broke it off after all, he left you for her

“She didn’t like me anymore. She wanted someone else” he said

“I’m sorry” he apologized out of nowhere

“For what?” you asked puzzled and drinking your water while looking at the menu

“You know, cheating on you. Saying all those mean things to you before” he said putting the cup down and looking at you

“I’m really sorry about what happened” he continued, but before he could say no more, you stopped him

“I forgive you. It’s okay. I mean we are still friends” you laughed and quickly called the waiter over to stop this conversation

“Can I have a piece of chocolate cake please” you said and looked at Jinyoung who was stunned for a second then told the waiter

“I just want a lemon pie” the waiter nodded and left the table leaving you two together again

“I still have feelings for you” he blurted out suddenly stopping you from whatever you were doing

“Sunbae…” you said looking at him shyly not knowing how to reply even though you were sure that you didn’t like him anymore. He took the chance between the awkward silence and grabbed your hand begging you to answer him

“I still love you. I was stupid and blinded by Nara for a moment but when you weren’t around anymore, nothing felt right” he said looking at you hoping you’d give him some sort of reaction. But, before he could move any further someone’s arm came in between you two and grabbed his hand away from yours causing you to look up

“Boss” you heard Jinyoung say in shock

“Don’t touch her so easily please” he said and looked at you

“~~~~~, you okay?” he asked and you nodded. He grabbed a chair and sat next to you keeping him away from you

“Don’t mind if I join right?” he asked and Jinyoung was about to reply but you replied first

“Yeah” you smiled

“So, what’s my favorite employee doing here with my fiancée?” L asked

“Fiancée?” he asked in shock

“Then, what’s her relationship with the Lee brothers?” he asked more shocked then ever in his life

“Well, we’re all her candidates, she can pick whoever she wants” he laughed and placed his arms around you. Thinking that his was weird to begin with you wanted to shrug him off but he then whispered in your ears

“You don’t want him to cry all over you trying to get back with you now do you?” you shook your head “then good, keep acting with me kiddo” he smiled and faced back at Jinyoung

“Jinyoung, I hope you weren’t doing anything rude to my fiancée” he said and laughed

“No…I wasn’t” replied the now very disappointed Jinyoung, knowing that he can never have another chance with you.

“Good” L replied

Soon the food came to the table and before you were able to eat you cake, L took the liberty to feed you the first bite.

“Eat it” he smiled eyeing you and Jinyoung, forcefully you ate it and smiled

Soon Jinyoung, feeling all weird and tensed up decided to leave, for good.

“Thanks L” you said watching Jinyoung’s figure disappear

“Where were the two idiots?” he asked looking around

“I sent them home. They were being mean to sunbae before, but if I knew he were to confess I would have at least kept one of them by my side. What are you doing here?” you asked

“I saw him grab you from the window and knew you needed help. I heard him before in the office brag about how he’s going to get back with his hot ex-girlfriend or something, but hot ehh not so much.” He teased and paid for the food

“Jerk” you smirked at him and headed for the door

“I’ll drive us home” he said and took you to his car

“Come on, I don’t bite” he said rolling down the window as you stood in front of his car not knowing whether to enter or not. Since you didn’t have a car and L.Joe and Chunji were home and you didn’t have their number, you opened the door and went in.

“Be happy not everyone gets to sit where you’re sitting” he glanced at you and turned the car on

“Psh… I don’t know anyone that wants to sit here you arrogant man” you told him and looked outside. The car ride was nothing but awkward silence as you know that the two of you started off on the wrong foot since day one. As soon as you got home you just thanked him for the ride and left him there no looking back at all.

“Stupid arrogant man! Can’t believed I felt relieved when he helped me before.” You screamed to your pillow and went to shower.

“Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!” you repeated and flew on the bed after the shower.

“Man, today was one heck of a day…”



Oh wow, 30 subscribers! Thank you so much for the support! This is my first fanfic I'm writing, I know it's long but bear with me as I am debating who YOU will ultimately end up with xD

Thanks for the support and do leave comments!!!:D you never know your comment may influence me to write something unexpected!

Once again thank you so much!!<3*mwah*

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Chapter 40: This is sweet and fluffs story all the prince charming become the husband charming heheh

Nice authornim ^^
Chapter 40: Oh my this is so sweet <3
freudian_slip #3
omgggggg all my biases!!!!
Chapter 40: Aww.. I love this story and it has all my favourite bands in it.. Teen Top, Infinite and EXO!! I love how the story went and the way it ended.. It was marvelous... Author-nim daebak!!! Please do more amazing fanfics!! This stowie should be featured!! ^-^
Chapter 40: lol 3 husbands?? ~~~ SO LUCKY ~~~ =)
Chapter 26: Chunji is so cute when he's jealous...That's what makes me fall for him more than the other 2.
i loved this book it was the best so far i loved it and i wished i was her hahahha jks :) it was good
I just get done with chapter 10 reading this in class. I can't wait to get home and read the rest!!!!! :)
This fic is so sweet and cute..KYAA!! ^_^
Haha, imagining baby Eli XD