My last day with you

My Three Prince Charming

“Unni!" I screamed out early in the morning

"Why didn't you wake me up! Now I'm going to be late for my own graduation!" I screamed again while brushing my hair and zipping up my skirt.

"Mianhe! I forgot and well, you were the one that forgot to set the alarm!" she said while shoving another piece of bread in my mouth

"duank-off unni" i said while chewing and rushing to grab my shoes and hair tie.

"Go on" she said while standing by the door.

"bye! I'll see you later!" I said while slamming the door behind me.

"yeah... later..."

-comes back from graduation-

"Unni! I'm back!" I yelled and peeked into the house but was greeted by silence.

"Unni?" I said and pondered around

I looked in the kitchen thinking maybe she was cooking, no luck. I then check the bathroom maybe she was showering, no luck again. I look inside our room maybe she was taking a nap, no luck once again.

"Unni! Where can you be!" I pouted and sat on the couch when something caught my eyes, a pink postit note stuck on the T.V.

To my baby sister whom I love and adore ~~~~~~,

You must be wondering where Unni went right? Don't you worry you silly head and just stay here okay? I promise one day I'll come get you. It might take me a long time but don't come and find me. Unni will be alright. Remember don't ever go to Seoul! Stay here in Busan and wait for unni's return. I promise it won't take me long and if it does, I promise I will arrange some plan. Don't come looking for unni, I have reasons why I left. Unni loves you a lot. Stay healthy and don't EVER COME TO SEOUL.

Your loving sister,

Eunji Unni

In my head, many emotions were flowing out. I know unni, she wouldn't leave me like this but I can also tell one thing. She won't be coming back. I mean it's only obvious when she packed everything from our closet that was her leaving only a huge amount of money behind that I can't use up in my lifetime.

"Unni, where did you go" I said and cried a little

"SEOUL! I MUST GO THERE!" I thought out loud and ran to my room to get packing

I know she told me not to go but really, what is so bad about the city life? If unni is there, I will go too! Two heads are better than one, so no matter what problem she has i know we can get through it!

------At the same moment-------

"Ms.Park, we won't keep asking you the same question. Where is ~~~~~-shi?" A woman raised her voice

"I don't know. I don't live with her." Eunji replied

"Ms.Park. You know nothing bad will come out of this, why don't you tell us where she is?" she raised her voice again

"I DON'T KNOW. SHE PROBABLY DIED WHEN MY PARENTS DIED TOO YOU KNOW!" Eunji screamed and stormed out of the cafe.

I know you're safe ~~~~~, that's all that matters. Let unni help you get the freedom Omma and Appa weren't given.Eunji thought as she was pulled back by the women again

"Look. I know you think we did it, but we didn't. What's wrong with bring my future daughter in law home to see her fiancée?" The lady asked

"SHE'S A KID. Mrs. Lee, I hope you understand that she does not want this and neither do I nor our parents." Eunji blurted out

"So she didn't die" Mrs. Lee smiled and clasped her hands together

"Oh no! What have I said!" Eunji thought and quickly covered and headed off into her car.

~~~~~, please be a good girl and stay in Busan like Unni told you okayEunji prayed in her head as she drove off

'-----back at home with ~~~~~---

"Okay, I think that's all I need" I said while throwing on my canvas book bag. I wanted to be as comfortable as ever while looking for unni so I wore my black converse shoes, some skinny jeans unni bought me two weeks ago, and a white t-shirt saying "I’m with stupid ->".

I headed out the door, bus station wasn't far from where I lived, and I only had to walk around 20 minutes.

"One ticket to Seoul Please" I said while getting my money out to pay. Suddenly, two guys came up behind me and asked me to pay for them too, since they saw my wallet and well let's just say I carried an awful amount of money, never know when I'd need it.

"Okay. Three tickets actually please" I said and paid

"Here" I said I was going to leave when the two of them pulled me back and planted a kiss on each of my cheek.

"Thank you" they said in unison

"haha, are you guys twins?" I asked and laughed from their cuteness

"Yeah!" the one with the red hair smiled

"Thanks again" said the blonde one

As I walked away, the clumsy I tripped for the 5th time today, but then someone grabbed my arm and to my luck it was the twins again.

"haha, thanks I guess we're even now?" I said and smiled

Hey, she's actually pretty cute. But too bad, a country girl like her ain't for a guy like me the one in the red hair thought.

How stupid can she get? First buying us a ticket back to Seoul when she doesn’t' t know us and thank us from helping a random girl that feel? Gez. Clutz. the blonde one thought in his head and smirked.

"Gotta catch my bus" I said and waved bye

"OH SNAP, THAT'S OUR BUS TOO HYUNG!" the blonde one suddenly screamed

"RIGHT!" and the two of them ran after ~~~~~ for their bus

To their amusement, as soon as they got on the bus, the only two seats left were the ones behind you. You though, to their amusement knocked out as soon as you sat down from worrying so much about Eunji unni. You barely had time to rest or eat let alone it was you're graudation date and 2 weeks before you're 18th birthday.

"Unni" ~~~~ muttered in your sleep "I miss you" and a tear drop shed from your cheek

"Awwww, Chunji, she's crying" the blonde one said

"L.Joe caring? ha!" Chunji laughed and brushed the tear drop off ~~~~'s face.

"there" he looked at L.Joe who shrugged his shoulders and headed off the dream land.

I wonder what's her name, why is she going to Seoul? Unni?Chunji thought in his head as he took off his jacket and placed it on the shivering you next to the windows.

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Chapter 40: This is sweet and fluffs story all the prince charming become the husband charming heheh

Nice authornim ^^
Chapter 40: Oh my this is so sweet <3
freudian_slip #3
omgggggg all my biases!!!!
Chapter 40: Aww.. I love this story and it has all my favourite bands in it.. Teen Top, Infinite and EXO!! I love how the story went and the way it ended.. It was marvelous... Author-nim daebak!!! Please do more amazing fanfics!! This stowie should be featured!! ^-^
Chapter 40: lol 3 husbands?? ~~~ SO LUCKY ~~~ =)
Chapter 26: Chunji is so cute when he's jealous...That's what makes me fall for him more than the other 2.
i loved this book it was the best so far i loved it and i wished i was her hahahha jks :) it was good
I just get done with chapter 10 reading this in class. I can't wait to get home and read the rest!!!!! :)
This fic is so sweet and cute..KYAA!! ^_^
Haha, imagining baby Eli XD