Coming to an End

My Three Prince Charming



“Stupid Lee Chanhee and Kim Myungsoo. Just because I forgot you got yourselves other girls. Liars. I hate liar. Lied to me. What happened to loving me. Jerks. Asses. Ugly heads. Weridos.” You yelled at them as you limped out the building and into the nearest park. The typical Park ~~~~~, whenever something happens she always ends up at a park. Parks just somehow calmed your heart down, the smell of nature itself and birds with flowers budding everywhere.

“Stupid stupid stupid stupid!” you yelled as you started to hit your leg. You felt your eyes tingling as tears will come out any second, you bit on your bottom lip to stop the tears from coming out.

“~~~~~!” You heard the two as they ran towards you. Without a second though you got up and tried to get further away but your leg didn’t let you go so far

“Listen!” Chunji said pulling you back to face him

“L.Joe told us everything” L said behind him. That’s when you saw L.Joe walking behind them and approached you

“Sorry had to tell them” L.Joe apologized and sat on the nearby bench

“YOU KNOW AND YET THOSE GIRLS! URGH! YOU JERKS! I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT FOR A SECOND IT WAS ALRIGHT. AND YOU LEE BYUNGHUN WHAT HAPPENED TO BEING ON MY SIDE. I HATE ALL OF YOU!” you yelled at them as you kicked Chunji’s leg making him grab his leg in pain and took the chance to run off

“~~~~. STOP!” L yelled and picked you up

“LET ME GO YOU LIAR. YOU IDIOT. YOU STUPID!” you yelled as you hit his back when he flung you over his shoulders

“Listen to us!” he said and plopped you on the bench next to L.Joe

“WHAT!” you pouted and looked the other way avoiding all their glances

“Look, those girls are nothing!” L said and laughed a little

“WHATS SO FUNNY!” you yelled at him

“You’re jealous” he poked your cheek and pulled you in a hug

“That’s what you get for forgetting about us” L whispered and kissed your forehead.

“I’m glad it’s all over” L said and smiled waiting for the limping Chunji to get to the bench

“Baby! Why’d you have to kick me so hard!” he cried and came to your side grabbing you arm

“Cause you kissed another girl!” you said and pushed him away

“Baby!” he said trying to kiss you

“NO! I don’t want those lips that touched another girl!” you pouted and sat closer to L.Joe. But Chunji wouldn’t stop as he kept whining how he hasn’t kissed you in so long that he can’t bare it but you protested

“NO! NO! NO!” You laughed pushing away Chunji and burying you face in L.Joe’s Chest and grabbed L as a shield from Chunji.

“Baby! I want to kiss you too!” He yelled as L tried to stop him while laughing because now, Chunji is just plain ugly with his sloppy drool drooling from his mouth and wanting to kiss you

“Don’t kiss my princess with that ugly drool on your face!” L said and laughed

“Oppa, let’s run before he gets me” You told L.Joe as he nodded and took the chance to carry you and run away from the kissing monster.

“Yah! Yeobo! I helped too don’t run from me too!” L said chasing after the two of you

“Baby!!!!” Chunji yelled as he ran after the three of you.

From afar a bunch of people were watching…

“I’m glad everything worked out” Luhan said nodding his head as if he was proud that he set you guys up or something

“Come here baby, let me wipe that ugly kiss from your cheek” Sehun said as he grabbed Hyemi whom pretended to be Chunji’s girlfriend.

“He’s lucky that I lend him my girl. Here, let me disinfect you” Sehun said and pulled Hyemi in for a kiss

“Hyemi! Keep it rated!” her friend said and hit her on the shoulders

“Yah! Choi JiEun, don’t him my girlfriend!” Sehun said while rubbing Hyemi’s arm

“Oh Sehun! Don’t be rude to my girl!” Kai said and grabbed JiEun as she chuckled in his arms

“So everyone got their happy ending huh?” Daehyun said standing over the bunch of idiots enjoying the drama you were displaying for them


6 Months later

--~~~~~’s POV—

“Oh gosh I’m so nervous right now!” I breathe in and out as Eunji unni came to my room

“Sweety, take a deep breath okay. Everything is going to be alright” she said while patting my back and fixing my veil. That’s right today I’m getting married. You’re wondering who I choose out of the three right now aren’t you? Well I didn’t choose any of them. I chose all of them. Yeah, the media was shock as heck when they found out that all three of them proposed to me. I heard from Mrs. Lee, well Omma that because Seoul needed their business as a big supporter, no one said anything about the marriage with the three guys.

“Unni! Where you this nervous when you got married too?” I asked shaking in my chair. Any moment from now I’ll be walking down the aisle and no longer will be Park ~~~~ but a Lee.

“Yeah. But, it’s the best feeling ever” she said while she held my hand. I noticed the ring on her finger, nothing too showy but just perfect, I want one like that too but instead I got three. Funny thing right?

“Come on, it’s about to start” she said as she led me out of the room and in front of the doors I was about to step into.

“Oppa!” I said grabbing onto Daehyun’s arm

“Calm down!” he laughed and patted my head

“I can’t!!” I replied as I watched a girl approach us

“Oh! MinYoung unni!” I said as she came to us

“You’re so pretty!!!” she squealed as she held my hand

“You’re the luckiest girl I know!” she shot me a smile but then Oppa interrupted us

“And you’re not?” he asked wrapping his arms around her. That’s right Daehyun Oppa is dating MinYoung unni. They met during Unni’s wedding around 2 months back. MinYoung was my brother-in-laws little sister and well, they just clicked

“I’ll see you inside okay?” she said and went in the church

“OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!” I nervously squeezed Daehyun’s arm

“Ow! It’s going to come off!” he said hitting my head

“Ready Mrs. Lee ~~~~?” he smiled and I nodded. This is it.

As I walked down the aisle I couldn’t help but feel all fluttery inside, the thought of being married to three people who love me more than their lives.

“Do you Lee Chanhee, Lee Byunghun and Kim Myungsoo, take Park ~~~~ as your wedded wife?” the priest asked as I was standing in front of all my husband’s to be any moment now

“I do” they smiled

“Do you Park ~~~~~ take Lee Chanhee, Lee Byunghun and Kim Myungsoo as your wedded husband?”

“I-I do” I blushed as everyone in the church squealed

“You may now ehh… kiss the bride” the priest announced weirdly. Why you ask? Because it’s going to be hard for 3 husbands to kiss their 1 wife

“I’m first!” Chunji said and grabbed me around the waist pulling me closer

“No, I am” L.Joe said and pulled me away from him as I landed in his arms

“I’m the hyung I should go first” L interrupted the two and kissed me right there and then. Everyone couldn’t help but laugh because well, I was loved.


5 years later

--~~~~’s POV—

It’s been 5 years since we got married and not one day went by without the three of them arguing. It’s either about who is sleeping with me or who’s going to go somewhere with me. Such babies, but they are my babies.

“Omma” I looked down and saw my first born son, Lee Eli

“Yes baby?” I said as I picked up my 4 year old boy

“Why is appa fighting with L.Joe appa and L appa?” he asked pointing at the three grown men in the living room who was trying to build a toy house

“Ignore them” I told my Eli and kissed him

“Is my baby hungry?” I asked Eli and saw him shake his head, then the door bell rung.

“Baby can you get that for mommy?” I asked him and he nodded and ran from my embrace to the door.

“Omma!!!!!” I heard a voice from the door.

“Omma’s in the kitchen!” I yelled back knowing who it was already.

“Omma!!” a little girl around the age of 3 came to my side

“What’s wrong HaeNa?” I asked my baby girl as I saw her in a mess

“Where did uncle Luhan take you?” I ask crossing my arms and looking at the dirt on her face and dress

“Ehhh. To the park?” she said and tilted her head while smiling showing me her dimples she got from her daddy.

“Luhan Oppa!” I yelled from the kitchen and saw him enter slowly with L by his side

“What’s wrong baby?” L asked me while picking up our daughter

“Look at her, Luhan Oppa made her a mess again!” I said while pouting

“I’ll clean her so don’t be mad anymore baby” he said and kissed my cheek while Luhan took the chance to run to Sehun.

“Sehunnie! ~~~~~’s bullying me again!” he said grabbing onto Sehun’s arm

“Yah! I was not!” I pouted when L.Joe walked into the living room with more parts of the toy house

“Baby! Don’t get mad! It’s bad for our baby!” he said while rubbing my big belly. That’s right, I’m in my 8th month of pregnancy and this time its twins. Stupid L.Joe made me pregnant with twins. They’re heavy and I have weird cravings because of them but, I love it. I love this warm family we created.

“Omma! I’m clean now! So don’t be mad at HaeNa?” my daughter came up to me and hugged my leg

“Aww. Omma can’t be mad at her precious baby” I said and kissed her cheeks

“Can I get a kiss too? I cleaned her” L said coming close

“HaeNa, give appa a kiss” I said and placed her in his arms

“Baby!” L looked at me

“Oppa!” I smiled and ran away. But 4 steps into the living room I felt my legs getting wet, MY WATER BROKE.

“OH MY GOD! L.JOE OPPA! MY WATER BROKE!!!” I screamed on the top of my lungs as they all ran to me panicking

“GET ME TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!” I screamed as they carried me in the car and the hospital

“IT HURTS!!!” I screamed as we got into the operation room

“Baby, breathe, come on breathe!” L.Joe said as he held onto my hand

“IT HURTS!!!” I screamed again

“OH MY GOD!!!” I kept screaming and after 20mintues into being in the room my first baby came out.

 “Congratulations! It’s a healthy baby boy” the nurse said while wiping him down

“URGH!!!” I cried again as I felt my second baby coming

“Push” the doctor said

“I AM PUSHING!” I screamed as I heard another cry.

“Congratulations! You’ve got twin boys!” the nurse exclaimed as I looked at the two baby I just gave birth to.

“They’re beautiful” L.Joe said while holding the older one in his hands and kissing my forehead as I held the younger one.

“What should we name them?” I asked while kissing my babies

“Lee JaeHwa and Lee JaeSun” he smiled

“I like it, respect and beauty, respect and goodness” I repeated while looking down on my newborn sons.

“Mommy loves you guys” I said hugging the two of them in my arms as they blinked their big eyes.

“Thank goodness they have your big eyes” L.Joe said pinching their cheeks.

“I know right” I laughed as he gave me a big kiss

“I love you baby. Thank you for everything” he said.

“I love you too” I smiled and leaned in his arms

“Who said you could only have one prince charming” he smiled at looked at me, but I already fell asleep from the intense ‘workout’ I had

“You have three prince charming my princess” he chuckled and put his finger to his mouth as Chunji and L came inside to tell them to be quiet because you were sleeping.

“Our princess” they said and kissed your sleeping figure

“This is our happy ending” L smiled and the other two nodded their heads in agreement

“Our happy ending” They repeated and smiled. 


I just want to thank you all for the support you have given! All 49 subscribers! You guys kept me going in my story and I just can't say thankyou enough! Well here's some good news! I'll be writing another fanfic soon and well you'll see who they are:) 

Please do and continue to tell me what you think as it will only help me write.

Thankyou for the immense amount of support once again! 



here's the link to my new fanfic!!!

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Chapter 40: This is sweet and fluffs story all the prince charming become the husband charming heheh

Nice authornim ^^
Chapter 40: Oh my this is so sweet <3
freudian_slip #3
omgggggg all my biases!!!!
Chapter 40: Aww.. I love this story and it has all my favourite bands in it.. Teen Top, Infinite and EXO!! I love how the story went and the way it ended.. It was marvelous... Author-nim daebak!!! Please do more amazing fanfics!! This stowie should be featured!! ^-^
Chapter 40: lol 3 husbands?? ~~~ SO LUCKY ~~~ =)
Chapter 26: Chunji is so cute when he's jealous...That's what makes me fall for him more than the other 2.
i loved this book it was the best so far i loved it and i wished i was her hahahha jks :) it was good
I just get done with chapter 10 reading this in class. I can't wait to get home and read the rest!!!!! :)
This fic is so sweet and cute..KYAA!! ^_^
Haha, imagining baby Eli XD