Step 3.5

My Three Prince Charming


“Hold on tight” L.Joe said while putting the pink helmet on my head and adjusting the strap for me.

“Where are we going?” You asked as you positioned yourself behind him watching him start the engine of the motorcycle

“Somewhere to meet some friends” he said grabbing your arms and placing them around his waist which made you blush a little.

“What about Chunji?” you asked looking back at the house

“Forget him today. It’s our date” L.Joe replied and began to drive away from the house.

“Little brother, I’m letting today slide since I had her to myself yesterday. We call it even” Chunji said to himself as he watched from the window upstairs as you and L.Joe sped off on his motorcycle

You two rode for about 30 minutes before you reached the middle of Seoul, Dongdaemun. You noticed all the hipster people that watched you two as you got off his motorcycle and was headed in a building. The people there dressed very fashionably while you wore something comfortable, a simple leather jacket, black t-shirt that showed your belly a little but outlined your S-line body, and skinny jeans that showed off your nicely shaped bottom.

Why did she have to look so hot todayL.Joe thought as he walked behind you and starring back at the boys that was checking you out as soon as you got there

“L.Joe?” you asked looking back at him “I don’t know where we are going” you laughed and pulled him next to you

“Oh, right.” He chuckled and grabbed your hand shoving it in his pocket to keep it warm

“Come.” He said pulling you closer. People that passed by thought that you two were a couple from his sweet actions. Soon you two arrived at a coffee house.

“Coffee?” you asked looking up at L.Joe who was now opening the door and pulling you inside

“Yeah, my friend owns it” he said dragging you away from the coldness of the winter from outside

“Yo Hyung!” you heard some boys yell as they approached you

“Hey!” he replied giving them a pound and high five

“OPPA!” then you heard as you saw 5 girls running towards L.Joe and when they finally got to him they pushed you aside giving you a death glare and clung onto L.Joe.

“Hey. Get off me now!” L.Joe demanded and stepped away from them, “and don’t you push her” he hissed as he grabbed your hand and pulled you away from the crazy girls who starred in awe

“L.Joe, it’s not nice to yell at girls” you told him but he shrugged it off and just smiled at you

“Woah, hyung can smile like that?” you heard one of the boys in front of you say.

“Yah!” L.Joe raised his voice at the younger boy

“L.Joe” you said and placed your hand on his shoulder which calmed him down. Every little thing you did calmed him down, except the physical contact you had with Chunji and other guys, that would only make him jealous and go nuts!

“Okay, ~~~~~ meet Neil, Changjo and Ricky.” He said while pointing them from left to right

“Hi! I’m ~~~~~” you greeted them and smiled

“Hey! I’m Neil nice to meet you! So you’re the famous ~~~~~ we’ve been hearing about?” he asked

“Famous ~~~~~ you’ve heard about?” you asked looking at L.Joe who was just blushing

“Hyung talks about you a lot. Of how cute you are and all” Ricky blurted out which resulted in a flick from L.Joe

“Hey!” he said blushing harder as you sat there giggling to yourself

“Chunji hyung also said that you’re hot. And I can see that” Changjo said looking you up and down

“Don’t eye her like that” L.Joe warned as the youngest stopped starring at your body. It was hot so you took off your jacket and the tight black shirt did nothing but show your perfect curves to the world. You were covered but dang, anyone that passed by couldn’t help but look at you. A stunning beauty with long wavy brown hair, big dark brown eyes, lips of a angel, boy of a devil and innocence of a child.

“Chunji did?” you asked shy from the compliment you heard

“Yeah.” Changjo simple replied sipping on his drink

“Here noona” Ricky said handing you a cup of hot chocolate

“Thanks” you smiled and took the cup from his hands as you brushed upon his fingers. You sipped the cup of chocolate but the clumsy you left a little bit of whip cream on the corner of your lips.

Noona has really soft handsRicky thought to himself as he recalled the touch you two shared

“You are too cute” L.Joe said grabbing you face that was now only inches away

“What?” you asked not knowing what he was talking about

“Let me get that for you” he said and the whip cream from your lips. When he was done he his bottom lip and formed and yum expression on his face.

“Yah!” you said hitting his arm and hiding your face behind the cup from embarrassment.

“Hyung! Get a room!” Neil and Changjo cooed at the two of you

“Who’s that girl!”

“Did Oppa just kiss her?”

“What gives her the rights to hang out with them?”

“That girl, flaunting her body just to get oppa’s attention.”

“Maybe I should leave” you said upon hearing the background gossip about you. when you tried to get up L.Joe stopped you and held onto your hand

“Ignore them.” he said pulling you back in your seat.

“And wear this” he said taking off his hoodie and now putting it on you and zipping it up for you too.

“I’ll be right back” he said while walking off

“But it’s hot in here” you complained to the three boys in front of you wanting to take off the hoodie.

“Noona, hyung knows it’s hot in here. But…” Neil said but didn’t finish his sentence

“But?” you asked him to finish

“The guys here keep starring at you noona” Ricky finished for Neil

“Hyung doesn’t want you to be looked at by other people” Changjo replied. Upon hearing this you only blushed. He’s actually sweet and caring. You thought to yourself as L.Joe returned with another guy

“~~~~~, this is CAP hyung. He owns the place” he said introducing you to another guy.

“Hello ~~~~~.” He smiled and shook your hand

“Nice to meet you” you replied and smiled

“She’s cute” he whispered into L.Joe’s ears making him blush

“Hyung!” he said leaving you puzzle at his action because you didn’t hear what they were saying.

“Okay. Enough with meeting them. Let’s go somewhere else” L.Joe said pulling you away from the 4 friends you just made

“Bye, I hope to see you guys again” you said looking back at the 4.

“Noona see you again!” you heard the three younger boys yell.

“~~~~~, nice meeting you.” CAP replied

“Come on” L.Joe bugged you as he now was behind you pushing you to walk with his hands on your waist

“L.Joe” you said “I just wanted to say bye” you pouted and began to walk slowly

“Hurry up or I’ll pick you up” he smiled and placed his arms around your neck and shoulders

“Okay okay” you laughed as you headed for the door with L.Joe still clinging onto you

“I know this great place where we can eat” he suggested and took you by the hand and led the way

“What are we eating? BBQ? Japanese? Chinese? Pizza?” You asked drooling already at the thought of what you can soon taste

“Whatever you like” he answered

“But you said that you had an idea!”

“Yeah, a place where they have everything!” he smiled heading to a door and opened it

“Come on in” he laughed and pulled you in

“Smells so good!” you said smiling so widely that the corners of your lips could touch your ears

“Doesn’t it?” he laughed and led you to a table.

“Well what do you want?” he asked standing next to you

“Bibimbop!” You suggested

“That simple?” he asked again

“Yeah, I miss simple food like that” ever since you began living with Mrs. Lee and her family, the food everyday was so extravagant that you missed the simple daily food regular people eat in life

“Okay, just give me a couple of minutes” he said while walking away

“Why would you need to go?” you asked yourself puzzled.

After around 20 minutes L.Joe came out and brought you the food you desired in front of your face

“What took you so long?” you asked looking at him who suddenly dressed different, he had an apron that tied around him on his lower body making him look so cute in that cooking outfit

“Go on, try it” he suggested sitting in front of you putting his hands on his chin and waiting for you to take a bite of it

“Stop staring at me it’s weird” you blushed looking away from him and putting the spoon down. He then took the spoon and started mixing the food together as you starred at him. He scooped up a spoonful of food and placed it in front of your mouth

“Ahh.” He said and you obliged and took the bite of food on the spoon

“Yum!” you smiled so brightly as you held you thumb out

“It’s so good!” you said taking the spoon from his hand

“Of course, who do you think made it?” he laughed rubbing your head as if you were a puppy

“YOU MADE IT?” you shouted standing from your seat making everyone looking at you.

“Go on keep eating” he said as he watched you sit back on your seat smiling. You held out another spoonful of food and told L.Joe to take a bite from it and he did.

“We just shared an indirect kiss” he laughed as you ate another bite. Instead of yelling at him you blushed and continued to eat without looking at him.

“You didn’t yell back. Hmm… does that mean you fell for me?” he said brightening up.

“Nope” you simple answered and smiled at him

This girl! I made her food introduced her to my friends and still she’s going to play with me like this!He thought in his head and frowned a little watching her finish you food. 

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Chapter 40: This is sweet and fluffs story all the prince charming become the husband charming heheh

Nice authornim ^^
Chapter 40: Oh my this is so sweet <3
freudian_slip #3
omgggggg all my biases!!!!
Chapter 40: Aww.. I love this story and it has all my favourite bands in it.. Teen Top, Infinite and EXO!! I love how the story went and the way it ended.. It was marvelous... Author-nim daebak!!! Please do more amazing fanfics!! This stowie should be featured!! ^-^
Chapter 40: lol 3 husbands?? ~~~ SO LUCKY ~~~ =)
Chapter 26: Chunji is so cute when he's jealous...That's what makes me fall for him more than the other 2.
i loved this book it was the best so far i loved it and i wished i was her hahahha jks :) it was good
I just get done with chapter 10 reading this in class. I can't wait to get home and read the rest!!!!! :)
This fic is so sweet and cute..KYAA!! ^_^
Haha, imagining baby Eli XD