The World Unknown to Me

My Three Prince Charming

“Miss, Miss, You should wake up. We arrived at Seoul." A man said waking me up from my slumber.

"Ah.. We’re already here?" I asked while rubbing my eyes

"Yes" He replied and left.

As soon as I was about to go reach for my luggage, I noticed the Black hoodie that was placed on me. Hey, wasn't that red headed boy wearing this? I thought and got up. That's really sweet of him, I continued my train of thought as I grabbed my book bag from the seat underneath. I was heading out of the bus when it suddenly started to rain, I put on his hoodie that reeked of expensive cologne smell and ran to the sidewalk.

"Ash! I really have bad luck!" I said while looking up at the sky and my luggage that was getting wet in the rain.

"Unni, I hope I can find you soon so we can go back home" I said while looking at the picture we took on my 17th birthday. I'll be turning 18 in another 2 weeks, why leave now. I thought while tearing up a bit.

**beep beep**

I looked up and saw a black car with two people in it.

"Do you need a ride?" They asked

I was about to shake my head and saw that one of them already came out with an umbrella. They looked so familiar but before I could take a good look at who they really are I saw blackness only....

"Hey! Hey! You! Are you okay?!" I heard one of them scream as I landed on the floor

"Hurry! L.Joe get her in the car! I'll take the luggage" the other one screamed.

"Hyung... we’re we going to bring her? Omma is probably still mad that we secretly went to Busan to find 'her'." L.Joe continued as he lifted ~~~~~~ up from the ground.

She's shivering. He smiled in his head and tugged you closer in his arms as he carried you bridal style in the car.

"Cute, hello kitty suit case" Chunji smiled and grabbed the remaining things into the trunk of his car

"Hyung, where should we bring her? The hospital?" L.Joe asked

"No, let's just bring her to our apartment. It's easier that way." Chunji replied and continued to drive away

"She's shivering. Turn up the heat a bit" L.Joe told Chunji. What's your name? L.Joe wondered and starred into you're sleeping face.

Hmmmm.... she's lucky we picked her up or else who knows what would have happened. I wonder what her name is. Chunji thought as he pulled into the driveway

------At the same moment with Eunji-------

"ASH! THIS IS THE 15TH TIME I CALLED HOME! WHY IS NO ONE PICKING UP!" Eunji yelled into the phone as she slammed it on her bed

"~~~~~~ please get back to me soon! Unni just wants to check if you were safe or not! My baby sister, please get back to me soon" Eunji worried and headed outside to get some fresh air.

"Eunji." a voice came from afar

"Ajumma" Eunji weakly replied "What is it that you want?" Eunji spat out

"I just want to talk about ~~~~~. You know it's for the best for her if we did this" the ajumma answered

"NO! What's best for her is to stay out of the world you are in and live one with freedom!" Eunji yelled

"Eunji, listen I---" before the ajumma could continue her thought, Eunji stormed off

"If only she new how much better ~~~~~~'s life would be with us. Eunji isn't even her real-" before the ajumma answered someone called her

"OMMA!" a boy screamed at the end of the line

"I'm still mad you two ran off to Busan before Omma could settle anything" the ajumma answered

"We... we.. We need help omma" the boy's voice softened.


"What should a sick person eat when they have a fever?" they boy asked

"You got sick?" the ajumma asked

"No, our, ehh friend did" the boy shuddered

"Just get him in a bed and constantly wipe his sweat. Then cook something warm with lots of vitamin in it and feed it to him" she answered

"aish, you boys better not have gotten in trouble you hear me Lee Chanhee and Lee Byunghun!" the ajumma yelled across the phone

"YES OMMA!" and he hung up. Aish, really first running off when hearing that they'd be engaged to a girl and now getting sick. Such a handful, just like their father. The ajumma chuckled and ordered the driver to head home.

----back the apartment-----

"Get some towels and wet them, I'll go and cook something for her" the one in the blonde hair ordered the red headed boy

"Okay but first, where should we put her down?" Chunji asked while carrying you in his arms

"Well, we do share the same room so our room?" L.Joe replied and headed for the kitchen

"Okay, time to get towels!" Chunji said while heading off the bathroom after he settled you down on his bed.

For a moment you woke up. Where am I? You asked yourself as your eyes pondered around the room.Ah my head, it feels so heavy you thought again when you heard the door open

"Ah you're awake!" Chunji said and ran to your side

"Hey, how you feeling?" before you could answer your heavy eye lids closed again and fell back to sleep

"Haha, I guess that mean's you're still tired?" Chunji said while rubbing his hands on your cheeks that was flushed red from the fever.

"Feel better soon!" he said while kissing your cheek and headed out the door.

"I think she's feeling a lot bet--" Chunji was cut off by his phone

"OPPA! where are you! I thought we were going to have a date today!" the girl on the phone whined

"Sorry, baby. Oppa is busy today okay? I'll make it up to you" he said while using his charms even through the phone

"Fine. But tell me what I want to hear" she whined again

"Baby you're so cute. haha. Saranghae<3" he said and closed his phone.

"Girls." he said and flashed a smile at L.Joe who was now done with the food.

"Chunji's" L.Joe replied and laughed

"Ya! You are no better that i am!" Chunji laughed while pointing at L.Joe's phone that has been ringing for the past hour flooded with messages from different girls.

"Ehhh.., is she awake? Should I bring it to her?" L.Joe asked while rubbing his hand behind his neck

"Yeah, it's been awhile, she should be hungry" Chunji replied while grabbing the doorknob

When they entered, all they saw was you............

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Chapter 40: This is sweet and fluffs story all the prince charming become the husband charming heheh

Nice authornim ^^
Chapter 40: Oh my this is so sweet <3
freudian_slip #3
omgggggg all my biases!!!!
Chapter 40: Aww.. I love this story and it has all my favourite bands in it.. Teen Top, Infinite and EXO!! I love how the story went and the way it ended.. It was marvelous... Author-nim daebak!!! Please do more amazing fanfics!! This stowie should be featured!! ^-^
Chapter 40: lol 3 husbands?? ~~~ SO LUCKY ~~~ =)
Chapter 26: Chunji is so cute when he's jealous...That's what makes me fall for him more than the other 2.
i loved this book it was the best so far i loved it and i wished i was her hahahha jks :) it was good
I just get done with chapter 10 reading this in class. I can't wait to get home and read the rest!!!!! :)
This fic is so sweet and cute..KYAA!! ^_^
Haha, imagining baby Eli XD