You are mine

My Three Prince Charming


“Chunji-shi and ~~~~~-shi, this way please” the waiter led you towards an empty table near the windows. You guys were on the second floor, only VIP’s allowed and had the best seat in the house

“Jaigiya, is there anything you’d like to eat?” Chunji asked while placing his hands underneath his head and staring straight at you

“An-anything is fine” you blushed and he send the waiter away after picking some dishes. It was awfully quite between the two of you until he interrupted the silence.

“Don’t be mad at me.” He said causing to look at him in confusion

“Mad?” you asked not really understanding what he was talking about

“I didn’t know that Minjung were to return to Korea either. I have nothing to do with her anymore trust me” he said now holding you hand.

He thought I was mad that he and his ex-girlfriend are together. Why does he care what I think, doesn’t she love him enough?You thought as you looked at your hand in his. It somewhat fit like a puzzle piece where everything was just in place

“I wasn’t mad. Why would I be mad?” you told him trying to grab your hand back but he held onto it tight

“She means nothing. I already told her that I love you. She’s the past and you’re my present and future” upon hearing these words you blushed ten shades darker and didn’t know how to reply, luckily for you the waiter came in suddenly with your food and settled it down in front of the two of you

“Oh, the food is here” you said breaking away from the topic and picked up your fork and knife

“Thanks for the food!” you smiled and began to eat. You loved to eat, it was the ultimate hobby you cannot give up and love to do no matter where and what season it is.

“Cute” Chunji said while looking at you munching and enjoying yourself. Your carefree self allows him to enjoy the meal too. You didn’t know but for the week you were gone he was planning what to do to make you like him and nothing seemed to work. His planning just involved in him sulking that you weren’t in his life.

“That was so good!” you said and looking up when suddenly you didn’t see Chunji anymore and everything around you went quite. Curious you started to look around and eventually went out the balcony to look at the sea

“~~~~~” you heard and looked down and saw Chunji standing there in the middle of the sand inside a heart made with stones and candles.

“This is my second surprise for you” he smiled and started to sing

“You softly came to me, you stole my heart
We have already connected, look at my eyes
You make me call you several times a day
You make me smile at your sweet voice
To me, I only have you (I got ya)
My lady, hold my hand


Hey shawty, My baby are you thinking of me by any chance?
I can’t sleep at the thought of meeting you
I laugh alone heh heh, I know you feel the same
What more can I say, to be honest, you’re the first


You’re so pretty, pretty, more than anyone else, you’re dazzling
White skin, black eyes (you are mine, mine)
You’re ma beautiful girl”

He sang to you and without realizing you began to tear a little

He’s too cute. And this is too sweet. You thought and continued to look at him in a different view of light

“~~~~~, I know that we’ve only met for 7months but in these 7months I really fell for you. At first I thought you were just a pass time but now, every day I feel incomplete without you.” he said and walked out of the heart

He came closer to the balcony and suddenly he started to get taller

“What in the world” your eyes widen when you noticed that Chunji was on a lift and getting closer to you in the balcony

“~~~~~” he continued as he stopped in front of you with a bouquet of roses in one hand and his other hand in his pocket

“Please. Consider me” he said and held out the bouquet in front of you asking you to take it

“I won’t break your heart. I promise to treasure you. I love you” he pled as you reached out your hands to take the flowers.

Once you got close enough he grabbed you and lifted you from the balcony and into the lift he was in and settled you in his arms

“I know that I might not be the only one in your heart but I don’t mind. If loving you needs me to share your heart with someone else, even if I hate it and would die to claim you mine, I would share your heart” he said and took his other hand out of his pocket and held out a box.

“Chunji….” You said surprise knowing what he was about to do, propose.

“~~~~~, I Lee Chanhee, am making this vow to you here and right now, I’m not asking you to marry me right away or to love me whole heartedly, but I am making this vow to tell you that I love you. I will love you if you were sick, poor, no longer beautiful, even though you always will be” he smiled as you hit him lightly on his shoulders

“Old, and even with you don’t love me no more. I will be there for you as long as I live, I will care for you, treasure you, tend to you as the only women I’ll love in my heart.” He said and smiled opening the box

“Be mine?” he asked not telling you marry him, but simply just be his. You smiled knowing that a part of your heart already belong to him. You debated in your head as you know that a part of you belong to Chunji, another part belonged to someone else.

“Chunji, are you sure? Even if I can only love you half as much as you love me?” you asked helping him get up

“As long as I can love you, isn’t it all that matters?” he smiled and kissed the tip of your nose as he placed the ring on your forth finger on the left hand.

“Now, I need to fight that brother of mine don’t I?” he smiled knowing who had the other half of your heart.

“You-“before you could say anything else he planted a kiss on your lips. Instead of struggling you wrapped your arms around his head pulling him in more. He obliged and kissed you deeper as he s his left arm around your waist tugging you closer and his right hand on your head not letting you pull away at all.

“I love you” he whispered when you finally pulled away and rested your head on his chest.

“I know” you smiled and suddenly jumped upon hearing the fireworks that set off in front of the two of you. 


I AM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATE IN DECADES! well this will be two chapters in one day><

I know it . I know it seem rushed, I know i have failed you all. But things are still starting. 

please continue to read on :) 

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Chapter 40: This is sweet and fluffs story all the prince charming become the husband charming heheh

Nice authornim ^^
Chapter 40: Oh my this is so sweet <3
freudian_slip #3
omgggggg all my biases!!!!
Chapter 40: Aww.. I love this story and it has all my favourite bands in it.. Teen Top, Infinite and EXO!! I love how the story went and the way it ended.. It was marvelous... Author-nim daebak!!! Please do more amazing fanfics!! This stowie should be featured!! ^-^
Chapter 40: lol 3 husbands?? ~~~ SO LUCKY ~~~ =)
Chapter 26: Chunji is so cute when he's jealous...That's what makes me fall for him more than the other 2.
i loved this book it was the best so far i loved it and i wished i was her hahahha jks :) it was good
I just get done with chapter 10 reading this in class. I can't wait to get home and read the rest!!!!! :)
This fic is so sweet and cute..KYAA!! ^_^
Haha, imagining baby Eli XD