Step 5

My Three Prince Charming


@ Crystal1937 I know!! I’ve been debating for a long time who she should end up with actually and am still debating! Haha. I wonder how the development will go myself >< I still have yet to introduce L in the story!! AHHHH

@Calippo Thank you so much! I was lucky that I saved this on my laptop and if I didn’t I would have to rewrite it all over again from chapter 6LSo, you’re a big Chunji fan I seeJCan’t blame you, he’s so cute!

@PigRabbit1912 I think being called a silly bumpkin was cute haha. I call my best friend that when she acts all cute and as a dork xD



“~~~~~” you heard someone shaking you

“Hmm?” you mumbled as you turned around to the person shaking you

“Wake up” you heard a sweet voice. Chunji? You thought at first to yourself but when you began to open your eyes you saw a blonde guy instead

“I have something to show you” he said

“L.Joe?” you questioned and saw him smile at the sleeping you

“It’s like 3 in the morning!” you whined as you began to tug on the covers and pulled it over your head. That was when L.Joe pulled the sheets completely off you and carried you bridal style out the door

“What are you doing?” you whined as the cold air brushed against your skin when L.Joe carried you out

“Look up first” he said holding you tighter noticing that you were shaking a little.

“Oh! The stars!” you replied in enjoyment!

“So shinny!” you continued to stare at the sky

“Not as shinny as your eyes” he told you making you blush in his arms as he placed you on his lap near a bench.

“I can sit myself” you said trying to get off him

“But the floor is cold” he said and held you closer again

“But-“ before you continued you saw two other people in front of you two, in the same position


“Yeobo, it’s been so long since we watched the stars together” you heard a girl voice say

“Yeah.” The guy replied and sighed a little

“I missed you” she said again

“Chunji…” she said hugging the guy

CHUNJI?You thought in your head as you heard the conversation and you also knew that L.Joe heard them if you heard them

“I want to restart everything” Minjung began

“We didn’t break up because we didn’t love each other anymore. We broke up because I wanted to be selfish and further my education. You said you’d wait for me, I don’t care how many girls you played with while I was gone. I just want us back together.” She snuggled in Chunji’s arms

“I need some time Minjung” Chunji told her but still holding her

If you wanted to think about it then shouldn’t you not hold her like that!You yelled at Chunji in your head mentally and felt your fist tighten. When you clenched your fist together you noticed another hand holding onto yours and looked up at L.Joe. His eyes were soften and telling you to not get mad. He pulled you up trying to get you to leave but instead you insisted on sitting and watching the stars, well at least a part of you did you wanted to hear more of the two talking.

“Chunji. It’s been only 3 years!” she protested

“I… I’m sorry” he told her not getting up from his spot

“I… I loved you” he told her

“Loved?” she asked

“Loved. I, found someone else that I want to treasure now.” He said

“You’ll always be a memory that I cannot erase, I loved you so much, more than myself but when she came into my life, I knew that she was different. Although she is clumsy, she is sweet and caring. I don’t have a specific reason why I like her but when you really like someone I guess you don’t really need a reason” he said getting up from his seat

“Minjung, let’s just stay as friends” he said about to leave but she held onto him

“I still love you” she cried

“I’m sorry” he replied and swung her hand away and began to walk but he stopped when he saw the figure of a guy carrying a girl in his arms and the two were giggling. When he looked closer he noticed that it was none other than his brother and ~~~~~.

What are they doing out here so late? Did she hear what Minjung and I spoke aboutChunji wondered as he began to follow the two of you

“L.Joe. If I say yes to the proposal, do you think auntie would be happy??”You suddenly asked L.Joe out of the blue as he was about to head inside the door

“Wait, you’re saying yes?” his eyes twinkled

“I said if” you chuckled.

“Well of course she would be! But the most happy person would be me!” he said smiling at you


“Because the instead of fiancée I get to call you wifey” he laughed and opened the door with little room since he was still carrying you

She’s choosing L.Joe?Chunji heard as he leaned against the wall a little heart broken

“I didn’t say it’d be you” you threw out at L.Joe

“Wait, Chunji?” he said a bit sad but at the same moment this lit up a little hope in Chunji’s heart.

“For as much as I know I might have a third fiancée you know” you laughed not knowing what you just said and caught the two off guard as they almost stumbled at your comment

“Yeah….” L.Joe stuttered

“I have a third one?” your eyes widen when you saw the reaction L.Joe had upon hearing a third fiancée

“Em… how about you go to bed now and we’ll talk about this another time?” he said placing you inside your room now

“Wait.” You tried to stop him from leaving because this is getting ridiculous.

“Get some rest” he said and quickly left leaving you pouting and sitting on the side of your bed

This is stupidyou thought to yourself and decided to sleep


Morning hit when you felt the warmth of the sun on your skin as you turned to your side. You found a note written in your sister’s handwriting telling you to dress extra pretty today, which meant to wear the dress she left for you and come to the living room instead of the dining hall for breakfast.

“Who am I meeting that I have to wear another dumb dress” you mumbled to yourself when you heard a knock on the door

“~~~~~, are you awake?” you heard a voice ask


“Yeah, can I come in?” she asked

“Sure. Can I ask you who I am meeting?” you said holding the note in your left hand and the dress on the right hand

“Someone, someone” she repeated and smiled helping me dress. The dress was red this time, sleeveless exposing your nice shoulders and nape. It was a simple dress but you made it look like an original piece of work, something so beautiful that it made the first two people saw you drop their jaws.

“You look beautiful” you heard Chunji compliment, all you could do was smile remembering how he was holding Minjung the night before. You were at the scene but you didn’t hear his heartfelt confession.

“Come” L.Joe said holding out a hand and you took it since you weren’t use to wearing heels but Eunji unni insisted you wear them

“Who am I meeting? Unni wouldn’t tell me” you pouted holding onto L.Joe hand and leaving Chunji behind

“Him” L.Joe suddenly stopped and pointed at a guy sitting on a chair. This guy was none like the others you’ve met before but instead he was drop dead good looking. Even you couldn’t help but stare at his beauty. Although unlike you who was stunned, this good looking fella just looked at you and smirked

“I’m L. You’re third fiancée. Sorry I didn’t make it the other time but I was too busy. And I have no intention in girls like you” he said looking at you and shaking his head.

“No appeal at all.” He laughed. This got you steaming and you were just about to hit him when you tripped on the rug and landed on him

“Not to mention girls that literally fall for me are a no, no” he said pushing you aside

“L, don’t treat her like that” Chunji said pulling you up next to him but you went to L.Joe’s side instead

She’s slipping out of my hands just like that…Chunji thought as he watches you boil at the presence of L.

“I HAVE NO INTENTION TO MARRY YOU EITHER WAY!” you protested and headed out the door but first tripping once more. Lucky you though, L.Joe was right there to break your fall and the two of you headed out.

“I hate him already” you told L.Joe as he just laughed at and went on his motorcycle. 

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Chapter 40: This is sweet and fluffs story all the prince charming become the husband charming heheh

Nice authornim ^^
Chapter 40: Oh my this is so sweet <3
freudian_slip #3
omgggggg all my biases!!!!
Chapter 40: Aww.. I love this story and it has all my favourite bands in it.. Teen Top, Infinite and EXO!! I love how the story went and the way it ended.. It was marvelous... Author-nim daebak!!! Please do more amazing fanfics!! This stowie should be featured!! ^-^
Chapter 40: lol 3 husbands?? ~~~ SO LUCKY ~~~ =)
Chapter 26: Chunji is so cute when he's jealous...That's what makes me fall for him more than the other 2.
i loved this book it was the best so far i loved it and i wished i was her hahahha jks :) it was good
I just get done with chapter 10 reading this in class. I can't wait to get home and read the rest!!!!! :)
This fic is so sweet and cute..KYAA!! ^_^
Haha, imagining baby Eli XD