Step 8

My Three Prince Charming



“Sunbae….” You said with your eyes still widen

“Hey” he said and rubbed the back of his neck

“How are you?” he asked

“F-fine…” you replied and tried to get up

“When did you come to Seoul?” he asked reaching for your hand to help you up. You took it and answered

“A couple of months ago”

“Cool… so, we’re still friends right?” he asked and looked at you. At this moment he was regretting ever cheating on you if he knew you were this hot behind those dorky glasses you had.

“You know…” he wanted to say something but suddenly he was pushed back by two guys who were dripping in water

“What are you doing to our girl?” they asked and pulled you towards them wrapping their arms around you and glaring at the guy

“Who… who are you two?” he asked shocked at their protectiveness over you. He was shocked by two things, one is that the girl he dated is being protected by two guys and second, those two guys are really good looking, good looking enough to be models.

“Like I said. She’s our girl” Chunji continued to glare at the guy with his hands around your waist

 “What do you want with OUR girl?” L.Joe asked emphasizing on the OUR as he tightened his arms around your shoulders

“Chunji! L.Joe!” you said stopping the two before anything

“He’s… a sunbae from Busan” you corrected the two. You knew the two of them know who he was now that you mentioned a sunbae from Busan. It was that guy who broke you heart back then.

“Oh, you. I’m Chunji” Chunji smirked and put out a hand to shake his

“Hey, I’m L.Joe” L.Joe murmured and did the same

“Hello, I’m Jinyoung, Jung Jinyoung, ~~~~~’s old school mate and-“before Jinyoung sunbae finished introducing himself L.Joe stopped him

“EX-boyfriend” he smirked emphasizing on the ex part. You hit him on the shoulders and he just shrugged answering you

“Hey, but it’s true” he said and kissed you on the cheek easing your expression.

“How’s everything sunbae?” you asked breaking free from the two boys who were clomping over you

“Okay. I just got an internship with the Lee’s incorporations” he smiled proudly. To intern at the Lee’s incorporations was one of the hardest accomplishment anyone can get, once they get it, they’re pretty much set for life.

“What?” L.Joe and Chunji shockingly asked

“Impressive right?” he said and smirked at the two

“Ha. Not one bit” Chunji told him off

“You don’t know who we are, do you?” L.Joe smirked at Jinyoung’s cockiness

“What?” Jinyoung answered a bit mat

“We own Lee incorporations brat.” Chunji said and laughed

“You two are the Lee twins?” Jinyoung asked surprised.

“Yeah” they answered in unison and grabbed your hand

“Enough wasting time with this guy. Let’s go babe” L.Joe said and walked first

“Hun, we need to dry you up” Chunji continued and hugged your from behind walking like a penguin.

“When did ~~~~~, change so much?” Jinyoung asked himself

“That was a bad choice I made back then. Watch I’m going to get you back” Jinyoung smirked and walked away.

“Chunji, L.Joe. You guys were too mean to sunbae” you pouted as the two dried you up first making all the girls around your die in jealousy

“He broke your heart” Chunji said

“It’s nothing compared to what we said to him” L.Joe finished his sentence and placed a hand on your cheek

“No one hurts you without punishment” he smiled and continued to dry your hair.

After awhile the three of you got dried and decided to head for dinner. This time not at a fancy restaurant but somewhere you want to go, a more common place where there would be less drama, or so you hoped for.

For the past few months that you’ve been in Seoul, you wandered around places by yourself when L.Joe or Chunji was too preoccupied to be with you, so you know a few places to eat, well that’s partially because you enrolled in Seoul University and had time between classes to roam around.

As the three of you entered the restaurant, many people turned your way.

“Great, they get checked out here too” you whispered to yourself quietly but Chunji heard

“Ignore their eyes then” he smiled at you and waved at the water that it was the three of you eating

“What do you want?” L.Joe asked you looking at the menu. Before you could answer a bunch of girls gathered at your table. 

“Hey, what would you boys like to drink?”  They asked trying to push each other out of the way to get the attention of Chunji and L.Joe

“~~~~~, what do you want?” they asked you but you just wanted water and shook your head to tell them you want nothing

“Nothing then.” Chunji said and looked back at the menu you two shared

“Are you sure?” they asked again batting their eyes at Chunji who wasn’t even looking up

“Yes.” He said and they turned to L.Joe

“How about you?” they asked bending over a little to show as much cleavage as they can.

“Nothing.” He bluntly refused and gave them a weird look and smiled back at you who was looking at him

“Babe,” L.Joe called you to get your attention since you weren’t use to this nickname he gave you

“What do you want to eat?” he asked loudly so that the other girls can back off of him and now they turned their attention to Chunji

“Hun, pick anything you want” he told you loudly too and held your hand to show that he’s so called taken

“Grosse, she’s sharing two guys” you heard one of the waiters say and gained a glare from L.Joe

“What’s so pretty about her?” another asked looking at you up and down. Right now you weren’t wearing a dress anymore because it got wet from your bikini, instead you were wearing shorts with a T-shirt but Chunji didn’t want you seen like that and made you wear his baggy hoodie and you looked less attractive. From that statement, Chunji suddenly ped the hoodie on you

“What are you doing?” you asked holding his hand from taking off the hoodie

“It’s hot in here” he smiled and continued to remove it for you, he was much stronger so he had his way

“And who said she’s not attractive?” L.Joe glared at the girl who made the comment before and with that, she just ran away

“Chunji, that was unnecessary you know.” You told him and took a sip of water since it was actually pretty hot but you didn’t want to take off the hoodie because your shirt was a bit revealing.

“I had to prove them wrong” he smiled and waved a male waiter over and ordered for the three of you. You were comfortable and just staring out the window and not noticing the male waiters checking you out but L.Joe and Chunji sure did. They sat next to you on both sides as it was a U shaped table. Upon seeing the waiters eye you, the two of them put their arms behind your seat, kind of like a protection, and sent off an aura saying “this is my girl, eye her more and you’re dead”.

After the not so calming dinner from the constant flirting you three finally finished eating and headed home. The two went straight to their room and showered as they were exhausted to the max after a long day. You not wanting to sleep yet decided to walk in the garden.

“It’s so nic-“before you finished your thought, you tripped out of nowhere on your own feet.

“Ouch” you said rubbing your knee that was bleeding.

“Clumsy much?” you heard a voice and saw a hand in front of you

“Yeah and thanks” you were about to take the hand but noticed it wasn’t L.Joe or Chunji but instead, L.

“I don’t need your help actually” you told him and tried to get up yourself but slipped again, lucky you, this time L was there to help break your fall

“And you are welcome” he said holding you up

“Thanks” you said looking away and pushing him away at the same time. As you tried to walk away from this annoy brat you met earlier you legs gave in and you landed on the floor in a sitting position.

“Need help?” he laughed at you and approached you

“I thought you hated me?” you asked him who was now bending down to your level

“Well, I thought you were after our money. And I did some research on you today Park ~~~~~ age 18 enrolled in Seoul University, parents died, only one step-sister, heir to the Park enterprise.” He said and looked at your cut

“You.” you didn’t even know how to reply to that. This jerk just researched your background because he doesn’t believe in you

“I don’t need help” you told him and pouted and faced the other way

“If you keep doing that you will never make it in the house” he laughed and picked you up bridal style

“You look heavier than you really are” he laughed and began to walk. The stubborn you began to kick and scream

“No! Let me down! No! NO! NO!” you yelled at him and made him laugh more

“I don’t like little girls, don’t worry” he said and smiled. After you guys made it in your room he sat you on your bed and went to your table since he saw the first aid kit there.

“You get hurt so much you have a first aid kit in the middle of the room?” he laughed and brought the box to you

“Well, I’m clumsy okay” you admit. You hated being clumsy because it made you seem vulnerable

“Yeah, I know I did some research. You’re not like those girls that fake it to be all over me” he smiled. He has a nice smile actually. And now that you look at it, he’s pretty cut. No Park ~~~~~ what are you thinking! You hate him! He was such a jerk before. Hmph you thought in your head as he knelt down to help you fix you cut. When he was done he just smiled and left before you could even thank him.

“I must thank him tomorrow morning!” you said as you lay in your bed. As much as you hate him, you hate owning favors because it’s just not use. It seemed liked a burden to owe people favors. 

Sorry but I couldn't resist myself and put Jinyoung in the story. I mean who has not heard Baby I'm Sorry yet? IT'S AMAZING AND HE DID A GREAT JOB PRODUCING AND MAKING THE SONG. I LOVE IT IT'S BEEN STUCK IN MY HEAD THIS PAST WEEK XD

He's like my superman so I wanted to put him in the story no matter what, even if it means that he "turn out to be a cheater" and all haha.

SORRY for those who don't like it!!!>< 

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Chapter 40: This is sweet and fluffs story all the prince charming become the husband charming heheh

Nice authornim ^^
Chapter 40: Oh my this is so sweet <3
freudian_slip #3
omgggggg all my biases!!!!
Chapter 40: Aww.. I love this story and it has all my favourite bands in it.. Teen Top, Infinite and EXO!! I love how the story went and the way it ended.. It was marvelous... Author-nim daebak!!! Please do more amazing fanfics!! This stowie should be featured!! ^-^
Chapter 40: lol 3 husbands?? ~~~ SO LUCKY ~~~ =)
Chapter 26: Chunji is so cute when he's jealous...That's what makes me fall for him more than the other 2.
i loved this book it was the best so far i loved it and i wished i was her hahahha jks :) it was good
I just get done with chapter 10 reading this in class. I can't wait to get home and read the rest!!!!! :)
This fic is so sweet and cute..KYAA!! ^_^
Haha, imagining baby Eli XD