My Three Prince Charming


"Noona, when are you going to leave the hospital?" Sehun asked while still munching on the cake you and him shared
"Not anytime soon?" you said hesitantly and looked at L.Joe and L.
"Not anytime soon." L confirmed with a nod
"At least not until we perfectly can be sure that you're okay." L.Joe said placing his arms around your shoulders
"Wouldn't want my baby to get hurt again now would I?" he smiled and kissed your temple
"Yah! Not in front of Sehun!" you protested and tried to push L.Joe away feeling embarrassed. You just met the boy and don't want to appear to him like your an easy person.
"It's not like I'm some stranger you know" he said with his head hanging low upset about what you just did to him. Feeling guilty you did something that was sure to cheer him up for a long time
"Sehunnie," you said with your soft voice
"Hmmm?" he asked looking up still content with his cake
"I haven't properly introduced them to you have I?"
"Nope" he said shaking his head while still eating
"The one who got us the cake is L-oppa," you said pointing at L who sat across you drinking a cup of coffee. While hearing you introduce him lifted up his hand in a high gesture
"L-shi, nice to meet you" Sehun said holding his hand out for a handshake which L obliged to
"and this pabo here," you said smiling at the sad L.Joe who was more upset when you called him a pabo
"is L.Joe. That's what he likes to be called by" you finished your sentence
"nice to meet you L.Joe-shi" Sehun greeted him the same way as L and when he say back down, he continued right away with his cake
"and the two of them are my fiancée" you told him while cutting more cake for yourself
"fiancé?" he said choking on his cake
"Here's some water" you said handing him a cup
"Yup. Happily engaged" L.Joe brightened up and hugged you again
"But where's the ring Noona?" Sehun asked confused
"And Noona, your only 20!(Korean age)" he said and tilted his head
"Age doesn't matter. I'm a year older and we're engaged" L said grabbing your hand
"well our parents decided it really" you said looking away still patting Sehun’s back
"wow...." that was the only thing that came out of Jim's mouth
I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE INTRODUCE ME AS HER FIANCÉE! YES! SHE KNOWS HOW TO MAKE MY HEART SKIP A BEAT! L.Joe smiled still excited over the fact that you introduced him to your friend as your fiancée.
L on the other hand took it lightly as he knew you only meant to say it to make L.Joe happy. And what better way to explain to a stranger of your relationship with two guys always hugging and kissing you by telling them that they're your fiancée.
"How can Noona be engaged to 2 guys at once?" Sehun questioned
"Well it’s not really 2 guys" you corrected him
"It's 3" L finished for you
"WHAT?" he asked shocked as his eyes widen in horror
"3!!!" he said grabbing your shoulders to confirm. You only nodded you head in agreement and shyly look down
"The only Korean that has an engagement with 3 people I know of is Park ~~~~~. I didn't know they commoners can have 3 fiancées too!" he said nodding his head and putting his hand under his chin in amusement
"You’re so slow" L.Joe blurted
"What?" Sehun said looking at the amused L.Joe
"She is Park ~~~~~" he answered a shook his head at Sehun’s innocence
"THE PARK ~~~~~?" he asked
"the one engaged to Chunji-hyung?"
"You know Chunji?" you asked in surprise forgetting to confirm your identity
"yeah. Chunji Hyung is friends with my hyung in their university." Sehun said looking at you with admiration
"I hear my name!!!" you suddenly hear as the door opened forcefully with a lively Chunji entering the room
"My baby, how are you feeling today? Oh Sehun! How do you now my baby?" he asked throwing his body on you and wrapping you in his arms while giving Sehun the she's-my-girl-so-you-can't-have-her look.
"HYUNG!" Sehun protested as he raised both his arms up in a surrender position
"Noona and I are just friends. Right Noona?" he asked and you nodded as Chunji sighed. (here I thought another guy was interested in her. Thank goodness. I wouldn't know what to do if he did, even I can't stand his cuteness) Chunji thought in his head as he pulled a chair close besides you and sat down.
"Noona, if you'd like, I'm having a surprise party for my hyung later in his room. Want to join?" Sehun asked
"Are you sure? Isn't he sick if he's in a hospital?" you asked while playing with Chunji's hands as he intertwined his hand with yours
"No, he's only here because he sprained his ankle. No big deal" he smiled
"Luhan hyung did?" Chunji voiced up ad stopped playing with your fingers
"Yeah he slipped since Kai was being dumb while walking to school the other day" Sehun said shaking his head
"How?" you asked
"Well Kai saw this cute girl across the street and like literally pulled his body towards her but Luhan hyung noticed that Kai was eventually going to run into a hole so by stopping Kai, hyung took his fall. Suho hyung and Chanyeol hyung had to like literally pull him off the ground and now Luhan hyung has a bad right leg.” He said shaking his head at the thought of what happened earlier that day.

“That Kai, as always a girl manic” Chunji laughed

“So are you” you said pointing at Chunji

“Baby! I changed! You’re the only one I look at now!” he said snuggling on your shoulder as you laughed and pets his head as he acted like a 5 year old

“Well let’s go! It starts at 6!” Sehun said pulling you. As you got up from the chair you forgot about your leg and began to tip over but yet, once again your prince charming was there to grab you.

Chunji realizing your unsteady movements grabbed your waist before you could actually tip over and held you in his arms

“Princess you need to watch out!” he warned and knocked your head with his

“I told you that if you keep being so clumsy I really will die!” L said grabbing your hand and swinging you to him. As soon as you were close to him and facing his face, he bent down a little and picked you up again

“Oppa! What are you doing?” you asked and blushing still not use to his movements.

“We’re going to a party aren’t we?” L said looking at Sehun then back at you

“Eh.. yeah..” Sehun answered and opened the door waiting for L to carry you out

“But Oppa,” you complained you wanted to tell him that it’ll be okay for you to use the crutches but he refused to let you speak

“No buts.” He said and held you tighter in his arms like a princess

“We’re here!” Sehun said and opened the door

“Hyung! I brought some friends to celebrate your birthday!” Sehun greeted the people in the room as he ran to the boy sitting on the bed

“Hello!” the four of you greeted as L first grabbed a chair with his leg then sitting in it and setting you on his lap as a seat

“Chunji! L.Joe!” the boy on the bed greeted them

“Luhan Hyung!” they greeted him and began to approach him along with 3 other guys by his side

“Yo hyung!” The tanned and tall boy greeted Chunji

“Kai! You brat! Hyung is in the hospital on his birthday because of you!” Chunji said hitting his head

“L.Joe you know them? But you didn’t know Sehun” you asked as L.Joe heard and looked over to you

“Yeah. I know Luhan hyung, Suho hyung and Chanyeol hyung too to be exact. We went to the same middle school, they were my sunbae.” He said and high fived the really tall boy with big eyes

“This here is Chanyeol” he said as the two gave each other a man hug after the high five

“Why hello there pretty lady, I’m Kai and I haven’t heard your beautiful name yet” the tanned and tall boy said approaching you

“I’m ~~~~~” you greeted him and smile

“Lovely name ~~~~” he said and held you hand and kissed it. After that sudden action you giggle and blushed but three boys in the room begged to differ

“YAH KIM JONGIN! Hands off her!” Chunji said and grabbed Kai’s shirt and pushed him away

“Don’t go flirting with EVERY girl you see idiot” L.Joe said and lightly tapped Kai’s head

“Hyung! What the heck! You guys never said anything before!” Kai protested

“That’s cause ~~~~~ Noona is their girl” Sehun spoke up from playing with Luhan on the bed

“Noona? Hyung’s girl?” Kai asked in confusion

“You’re older than our Sehun?” Chanyeol asked while hitting Kai for his stupid behaviors

“Yeah. My ~~~~~ is older than Sehun. And she is mine so don’t touch her like that again Kai” L.Joe warned and gave him a death stare

“But, isn’t she Chunji hyungs? How can Noona be yours too L.Joe Hyung?” Kai asked really confused now

“Isn’t Chunji and L.Joe engaged though? To Park ~~~~~. Ohhhhh your THAT Park ~~~~~ aren’t you?” the boy on the bed asked trying to get off with the support of Sehun

“Nice to meet you ehh..”

“Luhan. My name is Luhan” the boy from the bed greeted you

“Oh! It’s your birthday! Happy birthday Luhan-shi!” You smiled and greeted him with the best smile you had

She’s so cute Luhan thought

“Just call me Oppa. I’m not use to all the formalities and all” he said and sat in the chair next to where you were sitting

“And this here would be L right?” Luhan said holding out his hand. At that moment L released his hands around your waist and shook his hand

“Nice to meet you Luhan-shi” L greeted

“Just call me hyung like everyone else does” he smiled

“You’re a hyung?” L asked

“Yeah. Luhan hyung looks young right? But actually he’s 23 today!” Chunji said

“You’re a 90-er?” you asked in shock. How can someone so cute, pretty like a doll and voice of an angel be older than you!

“Yup.” He smiled

“Okay enough of you two! I haven’t introduce myself to our new friend” the pretty looking boy said as he was quite white

“Hi, I’m Suho. I’m a year younger than Luhan Hyung” he smiled and shook your hand

“Hello! I’m ~~~~~ same age as L.Joe and Chunji!” you smiled

“I know, I know” he smiled and patted your head and was interrupted with L’s hand

“I’m L. Nice to meet you hyung” he said and shook Suho’s hand

“I’m Chanyeol. I’m younger than Suho hyung too but I’m your Oppa” Chanyeol said approaching you and handing you a cup of water.

“Thank you.” You smiled and took the cup from his hand and took a sip of water

“Oh, we’re the same age then” L smirked and shook his hand

“But Oppa, Chanyeol Oppa is a lot taller” you

“CAN WE NOT TALK ABOUT HEIGHT HERE PLEASE HUN?” You heard L.Joe scream from the other side of room as he was setting the table up with Kai and Sehun for the party

“Thanks I guess?” Chanyeol said rubbing the back of his neck.

“Luhan Oppa! Let’s go and get some cake!” you said grabbing his hand at the sight of his birthday cake

“Noona! Not so fast, don’t pull hyung so fast!” Sehun said giving you a warning glare

“Yes mom!” you and Luhan said in unison which cause a chuckle out of the two of you

“Wow they clicked fast” Chunji said crossing his arms and throwing his body next to L’s who moved to sit on the couch

“Oh gosh. She adores him. Look at her holding his hand as they support each other. Dang that girl just can’t stand cute things and people can she?” L said frustrated as he watch you and Luhan giggle and whisper to each other taking you time to walk to the table.

“But Luhan hyung is cute. I thought he was a girl at first but man, he’s gentle like one too. If I were a girl I’d defiantly want to make Luhan hyung mine.” Chunji laughed and patted L’s back

“Don’t take it to the heart. ~~~~~ choose us after all didn’t she?” he smiled and received a smile back from L

“Yeah she did.” He said and got up pulling Chunji

“Wouldn’t want her to eat all the cake again now would we?” he smiled and ran to your side to help you ask Chunji came seconds later and grabbed your other arm helping you to the cake. 

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Chapter 40: This is sweet and fluffs story all the prince charming become the husband charming heheh

Nice authornim ^^
Chapter 40: Oh my this is so sweet <3
freudian_slip #3
omgggggg all my biases!!!!
Chapter 40: Aww.. I love this story and it has all my favourite bands in it.. Teen Top, Infinite and EXO!! I love how the story went and the way it ended.. It was marvelous... Author-nim daebak!!! Please do more amazing fanfics!! This stowie should be featured!! ^-^
Chapter 40: lol 3 husbands?? ~~~ SO LUCKY ~~~ =)
Chapter 26: Chunji is so cute when he's jealous...That's what makes me fall for him more than the other 2.
i loved this book it was the best so far i loved it and i wished i was her hahahha jks :) it was good
I just get done with chapter 10 reading this in class. I can't wait to get home and read the rest!!!!! :)
This fic is so sweet and cute..KYAA!! ^_^
Haha, imagining baby Eli XD