
What is Love?
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Baekhyun threw a disgusted glance at her salad, making her frown.

“Goat…” He muttered at her and chewed his fries furiously as though her food made him angry.

“With all the fries you eat, I am not surprised at how greasy you are.” Kina retorts chewing her own broccoli furiously. Her other friends snicker at their banter while Baekhyun simply rolls his eyes.

“At least my food taste like food. You eat goat food.”

“So what? Goats are cute.”

“No doubt in that,” Baekhyun mutters quietly making Kina raise her eyebrows. That was it? No more jabbing replies?

“Here,” She offered him a slice of tomato, “Eat this and be healthy.”

His nose obviously crinkles with disgust but Kina did not back down. “Seriously. You only eat fries. It is bad for your health.”

He showed another disgusted expression but comes forward and ate it from her fork.

“There. Not so bad right?” Kina offered an encouraging smile while Baekhyun chewed his tomato with pain.

Some moments of chewing later, he snatches her free hand and spits out the chewed tomato in it.

“You’re right,” He says smirking, “It’s not bad. It’s terrible.”

Plain to say, Kina died from being disgusted to the bones.




Kina groaned when her entire body ached. If only she could down some pain-killers that’d be great but her mother-in-law simply wouldn’t allow it. was dry and scratchy plus she was coughing.

An entire day spent with Mrs. Oh actually sounded like a nightmare when she came to some hours back but now all she felt for the woman was gratefulness. It was true that the woman had a nasty tongue and attitude of belittling people but that was just how she was.

At first, it sounds rude and plain obnoxious but she does that to everybody especially her sons when they were away. It was rather humorous now that she got used to it, not that she would ever enjoy people belittling others but the fact that this was her way of showing her affection.

Maybe it was kind of twisted but people were not the same. Some people are just… like that.

“Stupid doctor! Do you spend all those years learning how to scratch like these? What are these even?” She was cursing looking at the prescription that the doctor had left making Kina choke on her water while the older woman rushes to her to rub her back. Sehun and his mother in many ways alike.

“Can’t even drink water properly…” She was saying but her actions were different as she rubbed her back soothingly. She was a mother all the way… even in ways that her own mother couldn’t be and she felt terribly spoilt in her presence. How on earth did Sekwon and Sehun become such fine gentlemen when they had such a spoiling mother?

“Your phone has been ringing for a while now…” She says bringing her the device. “Probably your friends. Tell them about your condition. They must be worried.”

Unlike her mother who looked strict but was actually lenient, Sehun’s mom was someone who looked soft but was stern all the way… especially what that mouth of hers.

Kina shook her head though and complained about her headache. She really did not want to face a screen. She would call them up and tell them later on.

“KINA?” Her heart jolted hearing a worried voice that boomed out outside her room.

“Oh! Sehunnie? Why are you back so soon?” It was his mother who answered her but he ignored her and came to her with such a worried face it made her stomach lurch with love. She really should not throw up.

But just as he was about to throw himself at her to hug her, her mother pulled him by his ears. Kina couldn’t help but giggle.

“You little tweep!” She began scolding, “Go and remove your shoes at once! Is that how I raised you? You-”

Kina giggled watching the mother-son duo go out with one wincing and whining while the other scolding. Now she knows why they grew up as such. That woman was a mother… A real tough one at that.

He comes bounding back without his mom and literally threw himself down on top of her making her lose her breath.

“Kinnnaaaaa~” He whined softly hugging her so tightly she thought she couldn’t breathe. “I am so sorrryyy…”

“What happened?” Kina asks a little worriedly as to why he was apologizing for all of a sudden, “Did something happen?”

“You are sick! You were never sick before…” He says losing his hold and rolling to the other side of the bed. She crinkled her nose knowing his coat will be wrinkled. “It’s all because of me.”

“Take off your coat and change into more comfortable clothes first. You should not sleep in them.”

“Oh come on! You sound like mom even when you are sick,” he pouts and refuses to move clinging on to her as his life depended on it. “I am trying to apologize here and you are more worried about my coat.”

“She has a reason to!” Her mother shouts coming in with a tray of food. Kina winces looking at that. “Young lady… You are not making that face again. You will eat.”

She swats Sehun away shouting at him to get changed which he grudgingly heeds and gets out of bed as she arranged the portable table on her bed. Kina controlled the whine that nearly escaped her. She, being naturally a light eater really had zero want to eat.

“I will force this food down your throat if I must. Do you think you being all whiny like this will make you better? Look at you all skinny and sick! It’s because you don’t eat,” She nagged the entire time while laying out the table making Kina feel both annoyed as well as babied. "Being skinny is ugly. Remember how ugly my son was before being married to you? I was going to disown him but thankfully he got fed."

“Mom,” Sehun walked out of her closet wearing sweatpants and a loose tee, “I can take care of her now. You can leave if you have some other work.”

“Will you even be able to make anything for her?” Her mother stops her actions of literally feeding Kina to look at Sehun. She lets out a sigh of relief. Goodness! She was not joking when she said she’ll force down the food.

“Yeah. I know how to cook now. Kina taught me.” Sehun was already by her side feeling her forehead and neck for her temperature. “You are still burning.”

“Okay…” His mother gets up and takes out the medication to let Sehun know what was what as he listened attentively asking questions and clearing his doubts.

Kina wished she was not sick though as she looked at the food in front of her. She hated being fussed about knowing that it hindered people. It annoyed her…

Can’t she just calmly go to sleep and wake up all better?

“Eat your food and stop being such a spoilt child,” His mother comes and smoothen her hair and kisses her on the cheek before officially leaving them alone.

“Let me walk her,” Sehun kisses her other cheek and follows the older woman making Kina take a deep breath. She really needed this alone time although it might just last for some seconds.

It was too sweet for her, all this new development. When she was younger she was used to this but in between, her grandparents became old, her parents became cold and no one showed physical affection anymore. Hugs were the highest form of affection.

Sehun’s family was very affectionate and theirs’ was just the opposite. It was tooth-achingly sweet but she was not used to it. She was barely getting used to Sehun’s kisses and hugs and clinginess so when she is showered with kisses and hugs from his mother, it was just too weird. Too new for her.

“Alright!” Sehun came in rubbing his hands as though

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Tiny glimpses of the SeNa household gives me life T_T


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978 streak #1
Chapter 46: You always ask what is the reader's favorite scene. In this chapter, it was when Sofia opened her arms. Then, Sehun hugged Kina and Chanyeol took Sofia's hug. That was so hilarious! Thanks.
978 streak #2
Chapter 19: I love this chapter so much with the little girl having a new hero and the little boy promising his little wonder woman to be her home.
978 streak #3
Chapter 16: I'm glad they were into the kiss!
That is good.
978 streak #4
Chapter 14: Sehun and Kina are growing on each other which is good. Jongin just has to set is sight on someone else. I wonder when the Park bully will make his appearance.
978 streak #5
Chapter 2: Just discovered this interesting arranged marriage story.
Chapter 17: aaaahhh they kissed they are so adorable so cute
Chapter 31: I got to know a lot about the characters. Nice q&a
Chapter 29: I want to have a Baekhyun in my life. Haha
Chapter 28: Sehun is hella cute. Huhu
Chapter 27: Chanyeol seems to be a possessive uncle.