
Memories Stored in the Heart



Yes or no. It’s simple to choose between the two. The complicated part comes when you are in the process of deciding.

“Hey man,” L.joe sat at the stool beside me beckoning the bartender for his own drink. “Shouldn’t your girlfriend be here?”

“Oh, shut up man. Don’t ruin my mood.” I said but he just chuckled.

Krystal Jung. I’ve been running away from this girl but she’s just too sticky and clingy.

“After all the things you did just to shoo her away it still ended up this way.” He said as the bartender came with his drink. “Thanks, Jake.”

“Happy birthday, L.” Jaekyung greeted leaning against the counter in between me and L.joe. “Where’s your y girlfriend?”

“You got your other costumers there.” I pointed out as I’m getting irritated with Krystal as the topic. I know they don’t care about Krystal’s whereabouts they just want to irritate me. “Go back to your work Jake, instead of irritating your boss.”

“Whatever, sir.” She rolled her eyes before approaching the ones I pointed.

“So can you explain why Krystal’s your girlfriend?” L.joe now inquired.

“I know she won’t stop until she gets what she wants. Besides, she just got the title as my girlfriend and that’s just it.”

“So you’re not taking her out or anything?”

“Come on man, of course I wouldn’t do that. Why, are you in any case jealous?” I asked him chuckling before taking my drink.

“Jealous?” He repeated chuckling then also took his drink. “I’m just reminded of something, that’s all.”

“Yeah, so as I.” Jaekyung suddenly in filling our glasses. “Didn’t Chung Ae had that title too at first? You also weren’t interested with my friend back then, you even hated her. But then you fall for—“

“Yah, get back to your work!” I shooed her away again and she just pouted before leaving.

“Just make sure you won’t take Krystal seriously.” He drank his glass of liquor again. “I won’t drink too much tonight manager-hyung might scold me. I still got something scheduled for tomorrow.”

“That’s not fair.” I drink again. “Too bad Karam’s not here at least he can join me drink all the drinks ‘till we’re passed out.”

“Then where are the other Infinite members? I don’t see them around.”

“I just escaped.” I shortly said. “I told the guards not to let the managers in if ever they come by.” [A/N: LOL, I remembered Sesame Player Season 2: Infinite. XD Lots of running and escaping from their managers.]

“And speaking of Karam, he has a girl.” L.joe informed.

“Who?” Jaekyung suddenly in again coming out of nowhere.

“Can you stop meddling with other people’s business?” I rolled my eyes to her asking her to please keep out.

“You are not other people.” She innocently defended. “And there are no more costumers in the counter, sir.”

“Can you stop calling me sir?” I annoyingly eyed her then turned back to L.joe. “When you say he has a girl…you mean he’s going steady?”

L.joe just chuckled as an answer. “The girl’s name is Gong Hanna.”

“I wonder if I’d get to see her.” I just laugh remembering how he wanted to see Chung Ae but he didn’t get the chance. “Hope he’s not as unlucky as me.”

“Hope he is not as unlucky as me.” L.joe corrected.

“Yeah right, bestfriends falling in love for the same girl?” Jake rolled her eyes. “Save your stories for a movie guys.”

“Well, to tell you Jake, I like her and she was my girlfriend so she’s rightfully mine.” I turned to her.

“I liked your friend Jake, and I knew she likes me.” L.joe said nodding his head. “Even you, L, you knew Chung Ae likes me.”

If you think about it, we don’t care about what other people would say if they hear us right now when the one we’re confessing for is gone but back then when she was alive, all we care about is our stupid pride.

“Yeah, whatever guys. I know you wouldn’t say that if my bestfriend’s just here.”




Hanna’s POV

“Chung Ae-ah, Chung Ae-ah” A voice was calling from afar but I don’t know where it came from or who it was.

Then suddenly there would be explosions, fire and water drowning me together. Then I would be pulled to an endless zilch.

My eyes suddenly open. 2:45 am: that’s what how my clock read. It has always been like this. Same old nightmare. Can’t I get another one? I’m getting sick of this nightmare flashing three to four times a week in my sleep. How can a fire burn in the water? Who was the one calling out? And most of all, who in the world is Chung Ae? There are lots of questions buried in my head but I guess it has to be ignored.

I turned to my side to get to think of other matters to get back to sleep. Family, business, school, Elle, South Korea, and Karam. Oh, yes! My adorable, handsome, talented, caring and everything boyfriend: Park Hyun Cheol. It’s been a week after our first date so it means it has already been three days after we became an official couple.

Just after the date, we went back to school only to see Elle chatting up with Karam’s friends. I thought she was fan-girling again but as we head closer to them, I could see they are getting along pretty well as friends. So it came out to be that when Elle went to the library to pick me up, she found the boys instead of me. When she asked them if they have seen me lurking around the library they said I was with Karam. So instead of waiting alone for us to come back, she honorably waited for us together with Karam’s groupmates.

“You look good together.” I remember Elle commented one day.

And I want to agree with her, I want to make myself believe that we indeed look good together. But maybe, just maybe I may look good with someone else. No doubt about it, I like Karam. But something is stopping me, stopping my heart to totally fall for him. And it makes me guilty how I’m cheating on him through my mind—no I’m cheating through the heart I guess. My mind tells me he’s the one: the one I deserve to keep forever like those fairytales we have read. My heart, however, tells me that this is not yet my happy ending—that my story is yet to start.



I just realized: My writing . pfffttt... Oh well forgive for typographic errors, grammatic errors. It's because EngRish is only my third language. :D And oh, I'm fangirling on EXO K&M these days.. so as Nu'est. The problem there is I don't know who will be my bias/es. 

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Chapter 27: That was a quick recovery. I guess she's that special LOL
kooxian #2
Chapter 26: What? She got back her memories? So fast? LOL, I thought Hanna and L will have to undergo something to gain back those past memories...LOL
But, I think it's even tougher for her now cuz she's stuck between two guys, hahaha :)
Update soon, author :D
Chapter 26: wait... did she get her memory back?
Chapter 26: So she remembers who he is? Dang if only Karam saw who L's girl was beforehand.
all4hisglory #5
Chapter 26: I so love it.
jackieann15 #6
bitin tlaga hiya....
jackieann15 #7
wahaha the story was great !!! i read it <3
Windstruck is also my favorite tear-jerker K-Movie!
mxsfits #9
windstruck! Hahahaa. I love it! My favorite. And karam's very sweet
mxsfits #10