King of the South: Chapter 4

The Brotherhood of the Heirs
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**Hi Guys! Thank you for still reading this story even though this is the story that had the most waiting time for updates. I am so sorry about this. It was so hard to write using my phone so I waited until I could purchase a new laptop before starting to write again. This time of pandemic, I took a rest. How are you Guys? I am sure some of us are having a hard time. I hope you could continue to stay strong and find joy in the little things. :)

At first, I planned for King of the South to be a short story just to wrap up the entire Series of The Brotherhood of the Heirs. I thought I can finish it in 6 to 8 chapters.  However, I realized it is not going to be easy to close the story that has become complicated as the characters grew from the three previous parts. I hope it does not get longer than Dragon King though. Hahaha! 

Now that I have a laptop again, I will try to write more frequently. But since I still have work both in business and in church, please forgive me if I fail to update quickly. 

I also want to finish this story soon. I can't believe this story has been ongoing for a year now! My Gosh, that's a really long time! Thank you for those who still held on until now. :D


Finally, I hope you don't get too confused with King of the South. I, myself, is getting confused sometimes. hahah!  :p






King of the South

Chapter 4



From afar, Seulgi could see torches getting closer to the palace. From the sky, dragons are flying in the air.


With heart racing, Seulgi ran towards the gate hoping that everybody is all right.


“Open the gates! They’re back!”


Victory! The Dragons dancing in the air signifies victory! Finally, her brother is now the King of the North!


Jisoo made it. She was able to warn her brother. Her brother kept the dragons safe. They overcame the enemy. Finally, they won the war!


Seulgi rushed to the gate as the dragons entered. There were many wounded warriors but the dragon healers were ready for them.


Why is her brother taking such a long time?


And then Seulgi saw familiar faces. Is that the Lion King carrying… is that the Wolf King on his back? And then she saw her brother. He was walking last, he was also carrying someone behind him. It was someone who was not familiar. Seulgi rushed to her brother. She hugged him tight.


“I am so glad you are alive, Brother!” said Seulgi


V patted Seulgi’s back.


“Is everything all right here?” asked V


Seulgi nodded.


Everything is all right.” said Seulgi.


“Call a healer quickly. Taeyong has to be treated.” said V


Seulgi pulled back.




And then Seulgi looked at the face of the man on V’s back. The man with dark hair… is Taeyong?


Seulgi felt dread.


“What… what happened to him?” asked Seulgi


“He… used his life force to bring Jisoo back.” said V.


Seulgi turned and saw the pain and agony on V’s face.


“Jisoo… where is Jisoo… You said… bring Jisoo back… Taeyong used his life force…” Seulgi’s voice started breaking. “Did… Jisoo die?”


V took a deep breath as Dragon healers approached them. They took Taeyong from behind V.


When they were left alone, Seulgi’s tears burst out.


No this can’t be happening… Jisoo died? She died bringing the warning to her brother. Jisoo died because Seulgi could not protect her. Oh no… Jisoo… her dear friend Jisoo…


“Did she… die?” she whispered.


V nodded, Seulgi could see tears on her brother’s own eyes. Her brother who is the strongest man she knows… is crying…


“No… No…” Seulgi sank on the ground. “It’s my fault… it’s all my fault… No…”


Jisoo… her only friend…


“You said Taeyong gave her his life force… did it work? Is she alive? Where is she?” asked Seulgi


V’s voice was breaking as he spoke.


“When I went back for Jisoo and Taeyong… I only saw Taeyong’s unconscious body. I tried to look for Jisoo everywhere. There could still be enemies who are escaping and they may stumble upon her. I need to find her and bring her back. I searched and searched… But I could not find her. I tried everywhere I know…”


Seulgi stood up and put her arms around her brother. V buried his face on Seulgi’s shoulder as her brother shook in agony and pain.


“The dragons are tired. Many are injured. Taeyong and Jinyoung have to be treated as soon as possible. I decided to bring everyone home first. But I need to leave again…. “ said V. “I have to find her. I have to bring her back…”


Seulgi nodded as she patted her brother’s back, her own tears flowing endlessly.


“She’s alive… I know she is… she’s out there somewhere and I need to find her. I was not able to protect her… I failed to protect the woman I love… I have… I have not even showed her yet how much she means to me… I have not loved her enough… Do you hear me? I have not loved her enough. So I have to find her. I have to love her the way she deserves…”  V was speaking and crying and catching his breath and Seulgi’s heart is breaking.


“You will find her, Brother. You will have that chance to show her your love.” said Seulgi.


“And I have not treasured her enough… My Jisoo… I have not loved her enough…And I can’t lose her… I can’t…” whispered V


Seulgi nodded.


“Of course…” she breathed. “Of course, Brother.”




Seulgi spent so many nights crying herself to sleep. Each time her brother returns without Jisoo, she is breaking.


It’s been so many months.


Jisoo… died… and it’s all her fault. Seulgi could still remember how Jisoo pleaded that she be allowed to go out and bring the warning about the betrayal to her brother V. If only Seulgi did not allow Jisoo to go, Jisoo would still be alive. But if she did not allow Jisoo to leave… What would have happened to the dragons… to her brother?


Seulgi was able to protect the dragons but… she lost her dearest friend… and the woman who holds her brother’s heart.


It’s all because of that traitor. It’s all because of the one who turned his back on them…


She must find out the truth. She must punish who that traitor is. She must make sure he pays. It will not bring Jisoo back. But she will make sure he is not going to cause any more harm to her kind or those who are important to them.


Seulgi stood up from her seat and took her cloak. It’s already deep into the night. She must confront the man who could be the traitor. But luck is not on her side. From the time the battle has ended, Taeyong had been unconscious. The healers tried to give him all the herbs they thought could help, but the man won’t wake up. That is why transferring life force is dangerous. It may kill you if you are weak or it can cause you great damage. In Taeyong’s case, he is alive, his heart is beating and he is breathing. But with how he is now… he is as good as dead. He looked so pale. He does not look any different from a corpse.


How can she interrogate someone in his state? How will she know the truth? Why would he do that to them? Why would he turn his back on the man who calls him brother…. who trust him like a true brother… who protected and fought with him as if the blood flowing on their veins are of the same kind?


Seulgi could not understand it. It makes no sense at all.


Taeyong… will never do that…


Seulgi entered the room and stood next to Taeyong’s body.


She could not remember when he first came to the palace. Ever since she was a child, he had been a constant part of her life. And Taeyong always had that placid face. Nothing shakes his calm aura. He was also the kindest. He never stops from trying to help everyone he sees to be in need.  Back when she was younger… she thought that was charming. She instantly had a childhood affection for her brother’s friend. She could remember so many times how Taeyong helped her, protected her and even talked to her on those times that she just needed to vent out some frustration. She was thankful for those times.


Eventually she fell in love with him… she blamed it to her childhood idealism of falling in love with a kindhearted but strong warrior. But she knows there was something else… his words… Taeyong words had always made her feel special and sometimes… even beautiful. For someone who everyone admired for her beauty, Seulgi only felt truly beautiful when Taeyong said she was.


Soon though she had to wake up to reality and learned in a painful way that love is not always reciprocated. The way Taeyong felt for her is only like his own sister. And she never doubted that. He took care of her. But he also does that to everyone else. And he would always put distance between them when she tries to be closer to him. She noticed it when they got back from the mission with the white snake clan. Maybe she was very sensitive to his actions because of her affection. Taeyong may not be consciously doing it. He may not even know that as the years progressed, the distance between them was growing,


Seulgi learned to accept that some things are just never meant to be.


Her childhood love was replaced by trust and respect for Taeyong, just like an older brother. She learned to let go of any romantic hopes. And right now… she could even laugh at herself for her immaturity back then. Taeyong is V’s most trusted man. And Seulgi knew she could also trust him with her life. She now knows her dream of finding true love is with someone else. A man she may not have met yet. Besides… Taeyong is celibate and she’s a dragon. Her needing will come soon. What good can come out of that union?


Seulgi sighed as she stared at Taeyong’s face… the face of the man she had trusted all her life.


But why are all the evidences pointing to him? And yet… she can not bring herself to accept that he could have turned his back on them? Seulgi’s confusion is making her chest ache.


If he is indeed the traitor… why did he have to give his life force to bring Jisoo back? Did he have a change of mind? Did he feel guilt with his betrayal that’s why he gave his life force to Jisoo? What if he died? What if his beast comes out? What is going on on this man’s mind?


Seulgi’s hand slowly reached Taeyong’s arm. It felt cold.


“You have to wake up and tell me the truth.” said Seulgi. “Did you betray my brother? Why? I need to know if I have a reason to kill you.”


Seulgi took a dagger from her side. And then she raised it on Taeyong.


“Once I confirm it… if you really did it… I will not hesitate. I will seek justice. And I will kill you with my hand.” said Seulgi, her hand was trembling, her voice breaking as it betrayed her words. “No… that’s not true… I will definitely hesitate… because it is you Taeyong… but justice will be served…so… wake up and tell me what really happened.”


Seulgi placed the tip of the dagger on Taeyong’s neck.


“It would be so much easier to kill you now. But then it would be so much harder for Vishox if your beast gets free. Will it get free once you die, Taeyong? Or will it die with you?” asked Seulgi.


And then green light came out of Taeyong.


Seulgi took several steps back.


Green light.


“So what kind of creature is your beast, Taeyong?”


“A Thunderbird. An evil creature you do not want to see. I have to keep it inside me. I am its cage, Princess. I am still yet to know what happens when I die. Will it die with me? Or will my death set it free? I have no child yet so… it will not have a new cage to go to.”


“Wow… you are a very important cage.”


Taeyong laughed.


“Well you can put it that way. Yes, Princess I am a very important cage.”


“I have a dragon inside me, Taeyong. And it talks to me everyday. I am not a cage though. It can come out anytime it wants with my permission.”


“Does it have a name?”


“Hilla, my dragon is Hilla. She says your beast is ugly.”


Taeyong laughed harder.


“It is. It is very ugly. I am assuming your dragon is a beautiful dragon.”


“Well it has many scales. Lots of it. If you call that beautiful then…”


Taeyong smiled.


“Fine. Hilla told me I need to agree that she’s beautiful. You know I heard dragons sleep for a long time. I want my Hilla to sleep soon. She can be so noisy.”


Taeyong laughed again.


“Does your beast sleep, Taeyong?”


Teayong shook his head.


“It does not. Just like your dragon… it keeps talking. I try my best to ignore it.”


“How will you know if it’s going to come out?”


Taeyong took a while answering as he stared at the Princess.


“Green light. You will see green light coming out from me.”


Taeyong held the Princess’ hand.


“Princess, you must promise me that once you see green light coming from me… I want you to promise me that you would run… You would run away as far away from me as possible, as fast as possible.”


“Why? Is that so that I won’t see the ugly beast?”


Taeyong took a deep breath.


“Yes… I don’t want you to see the ugly beast and I… I don’t want it to hurt you.”


Seulgi took a deep breath and ran out of the room. She ran as fast as she could and saw her brother V just coming in from his search of Jisoo.


“What are you doing walking around this late?” asked V, obviously angry and worried.


“Brother… You’re back… umm… I… Did you… when was the last time you visited Taeyong?” asked Seulgi


V’s brows closed in.


“Why do you ask? I go check on him everyday. What happened? Did you go there?” asked V, sounding alarmed.


“No! Of course not!” Seulgi lied. “I… just walked by and saw… green light…”


V’s eyes widened.


“Do not follow me. Stay here.” V ordered.


But Seulgi’s feet had life of their own as they followed V.


V opened Taeyong’s room and entered it. Seulgi behind him.


“I told you not to follow me!” said V


“But… I… I want to know why there was green light.” said Seulgi.


V took a deep breath as he showed Seulgi the room. There was no green light as Taeyong slept peacefully.


“I swear there was green light earlier…” whispered Seulgi


“I don’t want you going to this part of the palace, Seulgi, especially not this late at night.” said V. “Are we clear?”


“I was just… hungry.” said Seulgi.


“The kitchen and your room are both far away from this area. Stop lying and obey me. I will tell the cook to bring additional food to your room after dinner. Make sure this is the last time I’ll catch you, Seulgi.” said V


“But the green light…”


V grabbed Seulgi’s arm.


“You should never come near Taeyong when there is green light. You should quickly go to me.” said V


“That’s what I exactly did.” said Seulgi. “I ran away.”


“You should get me and continue running away. You did not run away, Seulgi. You followed me back towards Taeyong! Do you understand what running away means at all?” shouted V


“You should… not shout… What if Taeyong wakes up?” asked Seulgi, sounding guilty and suddenly like a child.


“Then let him! We’ve been waiting for him to wake up anyway!” V continued to shout.


Seulgi sighed.


“I’m sorry. I will not do that again.” said Seulgi, bowing her head.


“Make sure you do what you said.” said V


V massaged his head.


“You look exhausted.” said Seulgi “Should I get a healer?”


V shook his head.


“I am exhausted…. I searched every corner. Jinyoung and Sehun helped me this time. But still… we could not find her.” said V.


“You should rest. Do you have a headache?” asked Seulgi


“I will be fine. I can’t imagine what is going on with Jisoo… where does she sleep?” said V. “My body is spent… but my heart is still yearning. My body needs rest, but my heart never stops.”


Seulgi could see the love and pain in her brother’s eyes. Where in Vishox will she find a man who will love her like that?  


“Come, let us retire for the night. I need to see you to your room for my peace of mind. I am already exhausted. I will not tolerate any trouble making, especially from my own sister.” said V.






Seulgi woke up with a start. She had a very weird dream. In her dream, she saw Taeyong standing in front of her, his eyes were glowing green. Her heart beat so fast in fear. She was taught to flee from the sight of green light, but she could not move away. It was as if her feet were glued to the ground.


“I see…” said Taeyong, his voice so much deeper than usual. “So it is you who disturbed me… Such a beautiful young woman. Who may you be?”


“Wh…” Seulgi gulped. “What are you talking about, Taeyong? You sound… unusual…odd…”


Something wasn’t right… Why is Taeyong speaking as if he does not know her? What is going on with him? His eyes…. his voice…


“Ah… I must say it is my luck…You are not only beautiful but also intelligent.” said Taeyong.


“You know my brain works since I was little.” said Seulgi. “You were the one who taught me that women should have a sound and intelligent mind to be of value.”


“Oh… Did he tell you that? Well… Being an intelligent woman can be of value depending on how you use your mind. If you use it to support a good cause then it would be of value.” said Taeyong.


“And what good cause can there be?” asked Seulgi.


Taeyong smiled, but it was sinister and cold. Seulgi felt goosebumps all over her.


“To govern the entire Vishox. To be the King of all the creatures.” said Taeyong.


“Isn’t that what you’ve been fighting for all these years? That you and your brothers would reign kings for Vishox?” asked Seulgi.


“Kings? Of Vishox?” Taeyong laughed. “Do you honestly think that four kings will reign in peace? Four Kings?”


Seulgi’s eyes narrowed.


“There is definitely going to be a time when greed will arise and the more powerful will seek to overthrow the weaker until there is only one ultimate King of all.” said Taeyong. “It will not stop until only the strongest is left. You may be an intelligent woman, but you lack vision.”


Taeyong laughed louder.


Even his laughter is different, it made Seulgi want to hide and block her ears. Taeyong has never made her feel this way before. And that is because this man… the one in front of her now is not Taeyong… Taeyong will never laugh at the mission of the Brotherhood. He will never ever doubt that the four kings can work at peace with each other. Because Taeyong knows how strong his bond is with his three brothers. He knows that they will take care of each other and protect each other to their deaths.


Seulgi took a shaky breath.


“You are not Taeyong.” said Seulgi. “Who are you?”


Taeyong smirked.


“Took you a while to get it?” asked Taeyong.


“I had to make sure.” said Seulgi. “Who are you?”


“I am the beast inside Taeyong. I am Kong.” said Kong


Seulgi could feel her lungs tightening. It was becoming hard to breathe. In front of her is the beast that everyone has been afraid of, the beast who Taeyong has been keeping inside him, en caging and is never to come out.


“This is impossible. You are supposed to be sealed inside Taeyong.” said Seulgi.


“I gave his life force to the wolf woman and in return, Taeyong had to loosen the seal.” said Kong. “During the times that Taeyong is weak… I can use him. It is only going to be a matter of time before I can be completely be free.”


No… it can not be… why will Taeyong do that? Why will Taeyong allow this beast to be free? Did he do it to save Jisoo? Oh no… did he choose to save Jisoo over Vishox? Did Taeyong have feelings for Jisoo like her brother, that he would choose her life over all the creatures of Vishox?


So many questions… all unanswered…


Only Taeyong can enlighten her.


“Taeyong… Can you hear me?” shouted Seulgi. “This is not right! Why did you do this?”


“You think you can do something to stop me? Oh young lady… who do you think you are?” asked

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Chapter 38: ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 28: I'm so glad I found this story. so happy. And I'm equally sad now that it ended! Four beautiful amajin stories! 😭😭😭
09mion #3
Chapter 40: no!!!! why does this have to end!?!! you did great with this one 👍🏻 a very well put together story. a great read ❤️ i am glad i came across this and have the chance to read a great story. thank you~

the epilogue with the kids was a nice addition... maybe a sequel with the kids???~~ 😇 pretty please~ 🤗 ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 40: How I wish this had a sequel with their kids growing up finding mates and reigning the throne.

Wishful thinking.
Completed my second reading of this one today and I still can't seem accept that this is the end.

Anyways Hope you have a great day author!!
Chapter 40: Why does this have to end?
I wanted it to never end!!!!

Anyways, I'll always support you in your other and future works author. Thank god I came across this in the advertisement corner.
Stay safe!!!!
Chapter 40: I finally finished this after being hooked up with this for 3 continues days.
I'm so glad I came across this. Thank you author for your work.
Keep up the good work and take care author!
I will support you till the end!
09mion #7
Chapter 39: nooo!!! why this have to end??!! very heartwarming chapter
09mion #8
Chapter 38: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1415135/38'>King of the South: Chapte...</a></span>
omg!!! that was very exciting 👍🏻 and seulgi! a brave princess indeed 😍
Chapter 40: Wow this is so good. Like the story is amazing, I can imagined this story so well. Good job authornim. Well written.
09mion #10
Chapter 37: noooo!!! i am close to the end ㅠㅠ i wish this could be longer.