The Wedding

I Saw You From Across The Room

"I'm so glad i'm marrying a woman, none of that crazy tradition like your grandparents, I don't even know where to get a wooden duck let alone a wild goose, isn't tradition odd Kang-Dae?", Taeyeon was technically talking to herself but her son babbled away as if he understood exactly what his mother was saying and she smiled back, hypnotised by his cuteness. "It's a real pain that mommy can't see us until later isn't it?, I'll bet she misses us just as much as we miss her. Shall we get dressed and wash our faces?, ok then, let's go!", Kang-Dae giggled as Taeyeon picked him up and whooshed him through the air as though he were an airplane flying directly to the bathroom and his awaiting change table.

Jeongyeon stepped out of the bathroom and stood with her arms stretched out by her sides to show Nayeon how she looked, she liked the fit of the suit but had to admit defeat with the tie, it dangled lank in her right hand. Nayeon stood up immediately and bustled around her girlfriend like a tailor, minus the tape measure, Jeongyeon grinned and surpressed a giggle as Nayeon fussed about her. Frowning in disapproval, Nayeon grabbed the tie and started putting it where it should be, she had gained the 2 inches in height that Jeongyeon always had on her, with a sensible pair of heels.

Her heart beat in her chest so fiercely that it must surely break free of her altogether and ruin her wedding dress completely, no, that wouldn't happen, she just had to breathe and calm down. "Oh my goodness! Sweetheart you look amazing, so beautiful. Shall I let your friends in?", Tiffany's mother smiled and warm tears threatened to roll down her cheeks, causing a disasterous trench in her foundation, but she managed to compose herself and after hugging her daughter swiftly, she left the room. Once alone, the reality of what was happening seemed to hit Tiffany all at once and it was her turn not to cry, she found the nearest seat and sat down less than gracefully due to the sheer size of her dress. There was a small knock at the door and before she had time to answer, 7 heads poked round the door and they came rushing in with their bodies beneath them, all in stunning dresses which were admittedly almost as beautiful as the bride's own crisp cream coloured gown. Before she knew what was happening, there was a champagne flute in her hand and the girls were talking animatedly about the ensuing nuptials, their excitement buzzed around the room like static electricity.

As Jeongyeon got into the waiting car with Nayeon, she felt the crumpled paper in her jacket pocket and remembered what she had to do, trying not to point out how nervous she was to Nayeon, she closed her eyes quickly and took a single deep breath. Nayeon wasn't paying attention anyway, she was looking out of the car window as they were driven to the wedding venue. Jeongyeon smiled at her and reached out to hold her hand, Nayeon turned to face her at the sudden contact and smiled back, her voice took on a dreamy tone as she spoke. "One day, I want to get married in a place like this honey, can we? one day..". How could Jeongyeon resist those puppy dog eyes?, she couldn't, so she nodded and let Nayeon rest her head on her shoulder until they arrived at the castle venue.

Kang-Dae came back with his grandmother, a considerably sweeter smelling little boy, he had chosen the moment just as they had arrived, to do the smelliest poop that he could. Taeyeon was in a slight panic over everything already and so she counted her blessings that her mother had been there to whisk him away and decontaminate him quickly. Taeyeon had just gotten him back in her arms as her best woman had arrived and she smiled in welcome, they walked into a room just to the side of the corridor they were in a few seconds ago and asked politely if the other women would excuse them for a moment, Taeyeon handing Kang-Dae back to her mother and following the three of them to the door, closing and locking it behind them in what she hoped wasn't a rude gesture. Sighing out of exasperation, she turned back to the room and crossed it in a couple of strides, Jeongyeon stood waiting with an almost equally anxious expression but she reassured Taeyeon that everything would be ok and they both seemed to calm a little. "I've got the rings, don't worry, we can do this". Something in her voice was reassuring, but Taeyeon noted a tremble within it and looked at her for the reason, one eyebrow raised inquisitively. "I'm a little on edge, Nayeon almost found it when she was helping me dress earlier. It's ok though, i've managed to keep it a secret, i'm so nervous.".

Nayeon accompanied Taeyeon's mother to the bride's room and they walked in to a giggling gaggle of girls, clearly being part of a group with so many members was both a blessing and a curse. Kang-Dae never stayed with the same person for more than a few minutes, he was passed around like a platter of food between the girls, who all cooed at him to make him giggle, of course he obliged and there were smiles everywhere afterwards. Safely back in his grandmother's arms, he started to fall asleep and the room went quiet so as not to disturb the little guy. Nayeon made her way to Tiffany and smiled, congratulating her on her big day and asking how she could help. It turned out that being the 8th bridesmaid meant that your duties were very light and so Nayeon contented herself with fussing about with her own dress as they waited for the time to leave and start the ceremony.

The hall hadn't seemed quite so big before, how could a room this full of people seem so empty?, Taeyeon felt clammy and pulled a handkerchief from her trouser pocket to wipe the sweat from her palms. Jeongyeon did the same at her side and both managed to deposit them snuggly back in place just in time for the wedding march to start and Tiffany to walk towards them, Both waiting women suddenly felt hot under the collar, their nerves bubbling ferociously like potatoes in a pan. As the bridesmaids all lined up beside Tiffany, Jeongyeon caught sight of Nayeon, her eyes glistening with happy tears. The reverend went through the vows fairly quickly, throwing in a few jokes here and there, Jeongyeon had zoned out before she heard Taeyeon clear and she snapped back to reality. Subtly, she reached in her pocket, produce the rings and handed them to Taeyeon, smiling as she did so. A second later she was walking over to the line of bridesmaids and her hand plunged into her other pocket, the paper packet jingling a little as she pulled it out and opened it, two rings fell into her open palm and as she found herself level with Nayeon, she stopped. Knowing all eyes were on her back, she smiled nervously at Nayeon and held her hand, walking her back to the centre, she saw the confusion on Nayeon's face but was reassured when both Taeyeon and Tiffany grinned their encouragement. It was like both pairs of women had managed to become synchronised because when the reverend asked each in turn if they wished to marry their partners, two at once said 'yes' and then the other two did the same, Nayeon said yes through increasing waves of happy tears. Taeyeon and Jeongyeon stepped forward after they were pronounced married and kissed their new wives with such passion that they heard giggling from the crowd and only then broke their respective embraces. The rest of the celebrations seemed to be a blur of alcohol, dancing, monetary gifts and well wishing, Jeongyeon for one was glad to feel the leather of the car seat on her back as she and Nayeon were taken to the airport and the start of their honeymoon.



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Chapter 27: Ghad i missed snsg so much and taengoo , love it

Tags; taeny / 2yeon / twice / snsd / romance / fluff