Still W 6

Still W


*Changmin POV*

The soft chirping of birds woke me up. My eyes stirred open and I found Jaejoong and Yunho hyung sleep on the couch with their head tilt together. A smile carved on my lips and I stared at those lovey-dovey couple for a few minutes.


My umma and appa company me.


I chuckled and giggling at the same time almost burst into laughing upon watching them. I searched for my brand new Samsung Galaxy Note and click on the camera icon.


This will be so interesting.


I click the icon a few times and the image already saved in my phone. I cover my mouth from sudden laugh and smile. I bet people can see my mismatch eyes and my evil eyes as well.


Another picture added for my Yunjae collections.


I put my phone on the side table and soon my stomach started to growling, rebel and demand for food. I just realized that I didn’t eat Junsu hyung food that he bought last night. Screw my disease for making me shut down before having a nice meal and horrifying my hyungs. Damn! They almost know my secret.


I pull out the IV needle from my back hand and grab my jacket. Wait dear tummy, I will feed you till you full to the MAX!


But, I want to see Chunnie hyung first. Hang on dear tummy.

*End of Changmin POV*


The sound of the ringtone “WHY Keep Your Head Down” startled and jolted Jaejoong and Yunho . It was Jaejoong phone indicating he received a call from someone. Jaejoong whine with his eyes still closed and stretch his body out. Yunho on the other hand open his eye in start and take the phone.


   “Yunnie, who is it? Answer the phone please.” Jaejoong plead with hoarse voice.


Yunho hit the green signal and put the phone on his ear only to greet a morning shouting and screaming from their manager. He just glared at Jaejoong and nodded. Conform that what Jaejoong guess is right.




The manager scream and cursing makes Yunho angered and form his fist. Because he still hooked on his leader image and answer the cursing with humble. He looked at the clock. It 10 a.m. Tell him why their manager did not angry while they always be on the studio by 8 a.m.


   “We’re in the hospital. Yoochun had his asthma attack last night and Changmin collapsed. We’re sorry for not informing to you about this.”


   “Well, you guys should tell me first! I bet the treatment is finish and he and Changmin are better by now. SHOW YOUR FACE IN THIS COMPANY BEFORE 2 PM!”


Before Yunho could respond and open his mouth, the line was cut by their manager. He looked at Jaejoong face and sigh.


   “We have to go to the company before 2 pm. By hook or by crook, we have to be there.”


 It’s Jaejoong turn now to let out the heavy sigh. Then he tilting his face up and his eyes widen. Changmin is not on his bed! He wake up quickly and Yunho do the same too.


   “Where is Changmin?!”


As he began to panicked and searching for Changmin through the window suddenly,




The two turn their head towards the door and found Changmin with two plastic bags in his hands. Confounded, Changmin walk to them and put the plastic bags on his bed.


   “What’s wrong hyung?”


Anger grew on Jaejoong’s, he immediately yelling at Changmin.




   “Hyung! I’m sorry for not telling you. I’m so hungry. I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry!”


Changmin suddenly drop his knee and clutching Jaejoong’s leg. Murmuring apologizing words again and again. He was surprised that Jaejoong yelled at him. His hands are trembling as he feels the great shock.


   “I’m sorry for yelling at you. I’m so worried.” Jaejoong bending his body and take Changmin into his embrace. The younger one keeps shaking and shocked from the sudden yelling, mainly because his body not fully recovered. 


   “It’s okay Changmin-ah. I’m sure you are hungry. Eat first. We have to go to the company before 2 p.m. Well, the doctor wanted you to rest more but, we have no other option by now. Take the breakfast and prepared. I want to tell Junsu and Yoochun.” Yunho said in the firm yet delicate voice.



  “Chunnie, next time please aware of your health. I see you like an old man gasping for the air.” Junsu mimicking the old man who tried to gasping the air and this make the older one laugh and giggle.


   “Sorry Suie, I didn’t mean to leave the inhaler. I forgot! Seriously, I was kind of hurry when the manager hyung calls us.” Yoochun plays the younger one head while explained the real things.


   “You know what? Changmin and I really mad at you that night.”


   “Oh, yeah? Did he awake now? I’m worried about him too. Lately he’s looked like pale and tired easily.”


   “I don’t know. Maybe he….”


The door’s open before Junsu can finish his words. The leader walked in with a frown on his face.


   “Yoochun, glad you are fine.”


   “Thanks hyung. How’s Changmin? Why with that face?”


Yoochun and Junsu give their confused look as they give the leader a chair. Yunho then sit down and let out the heavy sigh.


   “Changmin’s okay. He even sneaked out from the room to buy food. Jaejoong hyung was really furious at him for leaving the room.”


Junsu chuckled but then suddenly stop upon feeling the gloomy aura. There was a long silent before Yunho continue his speech.


   “Manager hyung want us to be at the company before 2 pm.”


Junsu turn his head to Yochun .


   “I’m okay. I’m fine now. I hope Changmin are fine too!”


   “If you say so, take some breakfast and prepared. We’re leaving the hospital shortly.”


Yunho said with a firm tone and walk out from the room



*Bow* Hello dear readers and subscriber friends~ Sorry for late update. My schedule was hars and I have no time to rest ;~; I hope you still stick with me XD I guess this chapter a bit boring *smack my head* The plot is still growing and I hope you keep reading hehe. Please comments as the love via the comments that you send makes me happy and inspired me to keep writing. Ah yes! An author-nim from this site got an inspiration from my quote in my profile and she want to make a fiction about that, So can you give her support too? ^^- The story is awesome!


Here's the link :








Cassiopeia's Birthday!


Thank you Shim Changmin the genius and smart maknae of TVXQ for giving us such a wonderful name and date! 


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[promote]hey there, it's me :D I just update my new fic :) take a look if you have time :")


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soro_matse #1
Chapter 3: this makes me cry a little since it reminds me of both my nephew and my dad my nephew of 4 has acute lymph leukemia and my dad acute bone marrow leukemia
Chapter 31: Its a happy ending...
Thank you so much.
I first read this on LJ but then found this on aff.
I enjoyed this so much and by your littke notes on each chapter, i guess we are about the same age.
So fellow Cassies thank you for sharing your writing here.
Chapter 25: Mom and dad dating while their children playing at the beach and one almost climb the coconut tree
meemow123 #4
Chapter 31: Oh... my ...god ... My DBSK feels ... Omg ...
But WHY is it always Jae and Minnie who suffer the most?? Whyyyy ... And OMG my YunJae feels are rocketing, haha. And DBSK bromance YES
Minnie is okay, right?
Lol, his hyung deul are "old" ^_^
kekeke. Good job is not enough so YOU ARE ABOELY AMAAAAAAAZING AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!
I kinda feel sorry for the manager but hmph. He dares to hurt my Minnie. No-one hurts my Changmin and gets away with it.
:'(poor DBSK ... But my ot5 feels are going mad, hehe.
Well done authornim!!!!!!
Chapter 31:
I aboely love this. It is the best DBSK fic ever!!!!!!! I sorta feel sorry for the manager but he is still evil. Poor Changminnie ... But yay he made it through! When i read the part where his heart stopped I was like, ohmygod authornim do NOT do this to me ... Then yay!!!!!!! He loves his hyung sooooo much ... It worked...
JINJA HUGE CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 18: YOU ... EVIL ... MANAGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate you ... Why you do this to poor DBSK who didn't do anything wrong, especially poor Minnie. Dont hurt Minnie ...
Please ...
Will get back to reading now ...
Chapter 9: Hey
i haven't actually finished this story but ...
ehm ...? Just please let minnie be alright ... He's too innocent to die ... Poor dbsk oppas will be very sad.
TT_TT and omg the fangirl found out!
Chapter 31: such a nice story + beautiful ending too .. tq very much for the writing ^^