Still W 26

Still W


   “Yah kids! Hurry up! The beach calling already!” Jaejoong half shouted to the younger ones whom he call as ‘kids’. The oh-so-called kids running downstairs with some things they bring.


Yunho laughed hysterically at Junsu, who by now holding a life-saver float. Looks such like a kid.


   “Yah Junsu, you think you will drown if you did not bring that thing?” The leader jokingly ask him.


Junsu grinned.


   “Safety first hyung.”


And now Yunho could not agree more.


Five of them make their way to the beach, Jaejoong and Yoochun brought a mat so that they can sit on the sand along with the food.


   “Ah Hyung!” Yoochun surprised his band members with his shouting.


   “What’s wrong?” Yunho ask him curiously.


Yoochun rub his non itchy head and make a silly smile.


    “Actually, I forgot to bring the BBQ set too. Hehhe.” With that, he runs immediately to the villa before he receive more nagging from s.


Yunho look the way Yoochun runs and he chuckled. He almost tripped his feet but luckily he balance himself before entering the villa. After make sure Yoochun is in the house, he shift the view to the other members.


Changmin and Junsu started to sink in their feet on the sea water, they look like a child when they do so. Yunho smile involuntary when both of them run after the wave reaching them, so childish he thinks. Then, he shift his view towards Jaejoong who by now unpacking the things.


Yunho walk slowly to Jaejoong and sit beside him.  He only watch Jaejoong doing all the jobs and this makes the older one pout and began to get angry.


   “Yunnie! Why you don’t help me?” Jaejoong whined.


‘Omo! Did I do wrong?’ Yunho thought.


   “You make me do all by myself and you just look!” Jaejoong stand up and began to stomp his feet.


‘This is bad.’ Yunho stand up too and get close to Jaejoong.


   “Don’t be like this. People will see.” Yunho began to persuade but failed as Jaejoong sit again and rummage the basket.


   “Aiishh~~ I’m sorry. Ok ok I help you.” Yunho mimicked what Jaejoong do and rummage the basket too but Jaejoong harshly push his hands.


   “Joongie-ah~ let me help you.” Yunho started to feel helpless


   “No thanks. Why don’t you just look after the kids? They might get drown especially Changmin.” Jaejoong spurted out.


Yunho turn his view to Junsu and Changmin, to make sure they are safe.


   “Why you said like that? They are grown up boy and good in swimming plus Junsu had a rubber float with him.” Yunho reply the older one but he gained no response.


He frowned and stare at Jaejoong deeply.


   “Jaejoong?” He call the latter again but Jaejoong keep doing his works.


   “Jaejoong listen to me.” He try to control his anger by holding onto Jaejoong’s hand. The older one look at him and almost teary.


   “I’m sorry.” The leader hug the older one.


   “I don’t get it why these days you keep on mood swings, easily to get mad at me, hate me, over worry. What’s wrong Jaejoong? You make me sad. Did I do something that make you mad? I’m sorry Jaejoong.” Yunho confessed and his words make Jaejoong sobbed.


    “I’m sorry Yunnie, I didn’t mean too. I love you and the others too but… in the same time I feel angry to myself. I didn’t manage to find peace in my own self. I often get really worry over Changmin and and and..” He choked in his own tears.


Yunho can feel what Jaejoong trying to say but he continue to hug the latter tightly and trying to calm him down.


   “Shhh.. It’s okay, I understand it. Promise me to not behave like this. If you think you have problem just say to me. It doesn’t matter what the problem is as long as you say it and I always be here. Okay?” Yunho caressed Jaejoong’s head and wipe away the tears.


   “I’m sorry, I promise Yunnie.” Jaejoong sobbed cool down and he smile widely.


Yoochun reached the place and he saw his Yunho and Jaejoong hyung hugging each other. He grinned widely and thinks what is the lovey dovey couple doing on the public. He continue to walk and put the BBQ set near the mat.


   “Hyung, why don’t you do that in the room?” Yoochun jokingly tease them.


The couple then release their hug and stared at each other before digest what Yoochun had say.


   “Yah!” Yunho shouted before continue.


   “This is not what you thinking for! We are not like that!” The leader began to chase Yoochun.


Yoochun scoffed and running towards the sea, he manage to get Jaejoong hands and drag him to the sea.


   “Yah where you taking Jaejoong to?”  Yunho screaming.


   “Yunnie~~~ Chunnie what are you doing?” Jaejoong seeking for help.


The three of them then merge with the sea water, joining the maknaes. Splash of water can be heard and laughter began to fill the air. The moment which Changmin smile and laugh with all his heart. The happiness feel seep into him as if he is a happiness absorber.


Later on, they began to light up the fire and preparing for barbecue. They failed to put on fire for the first attempt until Junsu, with charismatic that he had, try to make up the fire and it did succeed; after his face got all black with the charcoal powder and cough out small carbon.


   “Laugh all you want.” Junsu with his annoyed voice mention to Changmin who by now laughing with all his might.


   “You should see your own face hyung.” Changmin said before he continued to laughing.


They all laughing together and Junsu too burst into his own laugh. The infamous ‘eu kyang kyang’ could be heard and it was the loudest among them all.



The fire dance happily in front of them while they enjoy the grilled chicken and fish in amused. Chuckles and chortle echoing and dissolve with the sound of wave.


   “It’s been awhile we’re like this.” Yoochun trying to open up the conversation.


Jaejoong and Junsu who teasing each other turn to him along with Yunho and Changmin.


   “Yeah.” Yunho said.


There was a short silence before Yoochun continues.


   “Let’s do a pillow talk.” Yoochun suggest.


   “Eerr.. hyung, we’re under the stars and we don’t have any pillow with us.” Changmin bluntly respond to Yoochun.


The rest of them chuckles and patted Changmin’s back who by now confusing, why they laughing at him?


   “Changdol ah~ the name is pillow talk, the pillow is not compulsory thou. All you need to do is frankly speaking.” The Leader explain to him and Changmin nodded in shyness.


   “Okay, shall I start now?” Yoochun started before he continue.


   “Tell us what you have been hiding……” Then he rolled the bottle. Their eyes unconditionally follow the direction of the bottle and it turn to the maknae.


   “Changmin?” Yoochun eyed him and rest too.


Changmin look at them in shock while rubbing his cold hands; still with his blank look.


   “Um.. I don’t know what I had been hiding since I can’t remember well.. so.. um.. yeah..” He stuttered while rubbing his back head.


Yoochun give him ‘say-what?’look while Jaejoong and Junsu face palmed.


Yunho is gaping.


A wide one gape in disbelief of what Changmin had saying.


    “Yah yah. Changmin-ah. Can’t you be more blunt?” Junsu confessed.


With that they all laugh again and this time, Changmin join too since he knows nothing as why they laugh on him.






Hello \O/ *bow* I'm sorry for not updating for ages. T__T Exam is killing me. ToT I'm sorry for giving you this boring chapter ;A; I'm sorry for any grammatical error OTL How have you been all this time readers? ^^~ Did you miss my update? *hides under pillow* Hope you like it and a comment won't hurt ^^ Have a nice day~~

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soro_matse #1
Chapter 3: this makes me cry a little since it reminds me of both my nephew and my dad my nephew of 4 has acute lymph leukemia and my dad acute bone marrow leukemia
Chapter 31: Its a happy ending...
Thank you so much.
I first read this on LJ but then found this on aff.
I enjoyed this so much and by your littke notes on each chapter, i guess we are about the same age.
So fellow Cassies thank you for sharing your writing here.
Chapter 25: Mom and dad dating while their children playing at the beach and one almost climb the coconut tree
meemow123 #4
Chapter 31: Oh... my ...god ... My DBSK feels ... Omg ...
But WHY is it always Jae and Minnie who suffer the most?? Whyyyy ... And OMG my YunJae feels are rocketing, haha. And DBSK bromance YES
Minnie is okay, right?
Lol, his hyung deul are "old" ^_^
kekeke. Good job is not enough so YOU ARE ABOELY AMAAAAAAAZING AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!
I kinda feel sorry for the manager but hmph. He dares to hurt my Minnie. No-one hurts my Changmin and gets away with it.
:'(poor DBSK ... But my ot5 feels are going mad, hehe.
Well done authornim!!!!!!
Chapter 31:
I aboely love this. It is the best DBSK fic ever!!!!!!! I sorta feel sorry for the manager but he is still evil. Poor Changminnie ... But yay he made it through! When i read the part where his heart stopped I was like, ohmygod authornim do NOT do this to me ... Then yay!!!!!!! He loves his hyung sooooo much ... It worked...
JINJA HUGE CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 18: YOU ... EVIL ... MANAGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate you ... Why you do this to poor DBSK who didn't do anything wrong, especially poor Minnie. Dont hurt Minnie ...
Please ...
Will get back to reading now ...
Chapter 9: Hey
i haven't actually finished this story but ...
ehm ...? Just please let minnie be alright ... He's too innocent to die ... Poor dbsk oppas will be very sad.
TT_TT and omg the fangirl found out!
Chapter 31: such a nice story + beautiful ending too .. tq very much for the writing ^^