Still W - 24

Still W


   “What is noisy here?” President Lee Soo Man entered the room after he accidently listen to all the arguments inside DBSK practice’s room.


   “Sss….seong..seongsangnim.” The manager stuttered in his words. Eyes wide open.


Yunho back to s, to shield them from further harm as he watch the president walk in with a bit anger shown in his eyes.


   “Mind to explain?” The president eyed on Kyung In first and then divert to the boys.


Jaejoong step behind Yunho and want to explain everything, he took a glance to the manager who by now eyed to him sharply, minding that, he opened his mouth.


   “Just awhile, I went to Changmin who had an urge to throw up, I follow him but him I heard a secret conversation, when I peek I found out that voice come from manager Kyung In hyung.” Once again he glanced to the manager and the president allowed him to continue.


   “He talks about money. Reward money which is the company promise to give if the managers did the excellent jobs.” Jaejoong stopped his speech.


   “That’s all I know. And with this I can conclude that, he want the reward money too much until he broke the promise that to not burdened us with too many jobs and packed schedule. He made us like his slave, and he did not care about Changmin’s health as well which he supposed to have rest after having chemotherapy.”


Jaejoong can see the president almost reached his limit; he can see the red on his face. Jaejoong and the others keep their head low as well as the manager.


   “So, it is all about the reward money? But Kyung In, this is not the right way. I told them to rest. No wonder I feel weird when I know they started the practice. So this is all you plan?”


   “But seongsangmin, is it true that you ordered him to started our schedules? Because we are told to do so. It is you order, he said.” Yunho cut the president words upon hearing the ‘give rest’ part.


The president eyes widen again.


   “No I am not. I told him to start the schedule as soon as Changmin started to heal.” He shift his head to the manager who since then, never spoken a single words.


  “This is a crime Kyung In.  I can’t forgive for what you have done to my precious group.” He stated in his calm too despite being angry, bring out the phone and call certain number.


   “Yobeseyo, guard officer? Can you come here in DBSK practice room? Take a man out from this building, he has been fired, now.”


The manager eyes almost out from its socket. He them bend his body and cling onto Lee Soo Man leg.


   “Seongsangnim, I am sorry, I am sorry, everything as long as not to fired me. I am sorry, I have a wife and a daughter to take care of.” He crying, pleading for mercy,


   “Then a police will Kyung In ah?” Lee Soo Man raised his eye brows.


Kyung In suddenly lost in words.


   “You are fired now; the guard officer will take you out with all of your belonging. You are now, not a staff in this building. I will not report you to the police since it will make the company image down more.” He stated to manager who by now crying, pleading for his mercy.


As in a cue, two guard officers come into the room and drag the crying and wailing manager. Lee Soo Man and the boys watch in silence.


 The dizziness that invade Changmin since then makes his leg become jelly and he stumble forward, luckily Jaejoong caught his body before the head hit the floor.


   “Changmin!” They shouted his name in unison.


Changmin’s eyes closed slowly and his breath become loaded. His hand clutched his chest tightly as he spurted out fresh blood as his eyebrows started to met each other.


“Changmin, wake up! Hang in there” Jaejoong hold the younger one fragile body that filled in unbearable pain. The other hyungs panicked including the president.


“Hyung.. urghh.. please. Ahhhh….” He moaned in pain. The pain keeps attack. The blood come out from his nose and his breath become loaded as he ready to devour himself to the unconsciousness.


“Don’t close your eyes!” Jaejoong shake the fragile body. The other one was half conscious, tears slip from corner of his eyes due to delirious pain the he had. He hugged the maknae tightly and the trembling body stops shaking.


Don’t underestimate the power of hug, Changmin stop clenching his chest and his hand fall effortlessly beside his body. Jaejoong then released the hug and found out that boy’s pain gone. He laid Changmin on the floor while his two hands between Changmin head. He stared the pale and exhausted face clearly.


His eyes slowly to closed again and the breaths slowly follow the right rhythm.  He let out the small sigh. He wiped the blood with his hand.


   “I need to call ambulance first.” Yunho suggest.


   “Wait for a moment. Maybe he was too tired.” Yoochun confessed and they agreed.


They observed Changmin for a while and he was relaxed, the pain is gone.


   “Is he okay?” Junsu asked.


   “Good, he’s okay.” Jaejoong let out the small sigh then become slight worry as the every breath Changmin had slowly decreasing. He frowned and put his hand on Changmin’s chest, checking the heart beat.






It decreases in every beat.  He became furious once again. 


   “Yunho, I guess better you prepared the car. FAST!” Jaejoong half shouted in agony. He knew, calling for ambulance may cause many problems with the Medias and Lee Soo Man agreed with him.



Changmin was rushed to the ER and the doctor checking his vitals and other complications that might occur in him. The 4 boys and the president wait patient but full of worries clearly can be seen on their face. It nearly 2 hours they wait and finally the red emergency light fade and the doctor come out from the room.


   “How is he?” The president leads them.


   “He is fine. I assume he got overwork and a bit stressed, that explain all. And, his current condition did not good. I hope you can give him some rest and peace. That will helps him a lot. I assume he just done his treatment around 1 or 2 days ago, right?”


 The 4 latter nodded their heads and the president follow the rhythm slowly.


   “Can we see him?” Lee Soo Man requested. The doctor smiled and advised them to not be noisy.


Lee Soo Man leads the boys to the room, the lay their maknae with an IV needle attached on his hands. He feels guilty on what Kyung In had done to them. He sighed and faces his precious group.


   “Because of the reward, people turn to greed, glad that I had repented.” He let out sly smirk before continue.


   “How about a month of holidays in Jeju Island?” Lee Soo Man make a appeal.


   “Neh?” The boys hug their head up and confused.


   “Thinking about your past, even makes me feel guilty, don’t worry, the accommodations and other things, I personally will settle it.” The president let out his honest smile.


   “Seongsangnim, really? Jeju Island?” Yoochun asked in disbelief and the old man nodded.


Yunho can feel the honesty in his voice and movement. How can this person being the cruel one? The one that his Cassiopeia hates so much? There must be something wrong somewhere.


   “Err.. songsaengnim.” Yunho called the old latter.




   “Could it be, the contract and those lawsuit, actually, is wasn’t you who set it up?”


Lee Soo Man’s eyes widen in shocked. Yunho quickly hung his head lower.


   “How could you think like that?” He was half surprised.


   “No seongsam…”


   “Nevermind, once Changmin get discharged, call me, I will set up the place. You can start to rest today. Don’t think too much. About the manager, don’t worries; I will keep an eye on him.” The president stepped out from the room after he gives short brief.


There was a short silence after that.


   “Jeju Island…” Junsu began to daydream and smiling all by himself. Thinking what another beautiful memory will be creating to be memorizing forever. 




*bow* kyaa~~ it's me again bringing you a new chapter for this series :') Today I'll return to college once again. :'( somehow I feel like boring when studying there XD I miss you guys my awesome readers already :D How's your day? Ahha I think this chapter is long. NOW THE MANAGER IS FIRED AHAHA~~ sorry for babbling. HA! You found my story my dongsaeng 8) AidenDBSK

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soro_matse #1
Chapter 3: this makes me cry a little since it reminds me of both my nephew and my dad my nephew of 4 has acute lymph leukemia and my dad acute bone marrow leukemia
Chapter 31: Its a happy ending...
Thank you so much.
I first read this on LJ but then found this on aff.
I enjoyed this so much and by your littke notes on each chapter, i guess we are about the same age.
So fellow Cassies thank you for sharing your writing here.
Chapter 25: Mom and dad dating while their children playing at the beach and one almost climb the coconut tree
meemow123 #4
Chapter 31: Oh... my ...god ... My DBSK feels ... Omg ...
But WHY is it always Jae and Minnie who suffer the most?? Whyyyy ... And OMG my YunJae feels are rocketing, haha. And DBSK bromance YES
Minnie is okay, right?
Lol, his hyung deul are "old" ^_^
kekeke. Good job is not enough so YOU ARE ABOELY AMAAAAAAAZING AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!
I kinda feel sorry for the manager but hmph. He dares to hurt my Minnie. No-one hurts my Changmin and gets away with it.
:'(poor DBSK ... But my ot5 feels are going mad, hehe.
Well done authornim!!!!!!
Chapter 31:
I aboely love this. It is the best DBSK fic ever!!!!!!! I sorta feel sorry for the manager but he is still evil. Poor Changminnie ... But yay he made it through! When i read the part where his heart stopped I was like, ohmygod authornim do NOT do this to me ... Then yay!!!!!!! He loves his hyung sooooo much ... It worked...
JINJA HUGE CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 18: YOU ... EVIL ... MANAGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate you ... Why you do this to poor DBSK who didn't do anything wrong, especially poor Minnie. Dont hurt Minnie ...
Please ...
Will get back to reading now ...
Chapter 9: Hey
i haven't actually finished this story but ...
ehm ...? Just please let minnie be alright ... He's too innocent to die ... Poor dbsk oppas will be very sad.
TT_TT and omg the fangirl found out!
Chapter 31: such a nice story + beautiful ending too .. tq very much for the writing ^^