Still W 20

Still W


The boys rushed to SM Building, to be more specific, their dance practice room. The bad which filled with Changmin new clothes, Junsu take them behind his back. They get ready to go to the building as early as they can. The clock showed its hand on 7 and yes, the building is now slowly filled with the artists and their staff. The long walk to the room now ended, they open the door slowly, with full of anxiety.


    “Changmin?” Jaejoong called the maknae.


   “Hyung, there he is.” Yoochun pointed him to the maknae who by now sleep on the cold tile floor without no blanket and mat. They rushed over to Changmin and found out the maknae was fast asleep but his body was cold, probably because of the floor. They notice their maknae trembling a bit. Yunho scoped Changmin onto his manly hand while Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu trying to wake him up.


   “Changmin-ah, wake up, its morning now, hyung are here. Wake up.” Jaejoong, with the mother figure that already gifted to him, trying to wake the maknae up.


   “Changmin? Wake up, the sun already waited for you.” Yoochun poked him.


 The maknae eyes stirred open, he let out soft whimper. Yunho hugged him and ruffled the maknae’s hair.


   “You sure worked too much.” He spoke.


   “Hyung, I’m cold..” Changmin stated with hoarse and almost audible tone.


   “What times you sleep huh?” Junsu asked him as Changmin slowly gain his consciousness and wake up.


   “I don’t remember hyung, but I can feel the very different feelings, I can remember our performance in Tokyo Dome even!” There is a joy in Changmin’s voice.


   “Really? That is great Changmin-ah! Then you will slowly remember everything! Don’t you have any headaches? The process to gain the memory is kind of painful that is what I heard.” Yoochun titled his head.


  “I did, but not as painful as the previous one. But I feel comfortable and being loved, that is why I manage to finish the dance movement.” The maknae answers every question with joy. The coldness that covered his body awhile ago vanished.


Junsu handed Changmin the bag. The maknae take the bag and quickly stand up. The others laughed upon his act.


   “You knew what you have to do smelly boy.” Yunho joked. Changmin blushed and rub his non-itchy head.


   “Umm.. hyung.. where is the bathroom? I forgot. Hehe~”



   “Very good Changmin! Keep your performance to the max and on going until the moment we film for the MV.” The manager praise Changmin for the first time ever. The maknae keep smiling as his effort succeed.


The other four of his hyungs let out their frowned in weird. Kyung In shifted his view to the boys and smile.


   “You too did a good job. But it won’t make you can rest. Keep the performance to top. We must finish your album early. Next is the recording. Hurry up and meet at the recording room in 30 minutes. Hurry!”


   “But hyung, we supposed to do it 3 days later right? Tomorrow Changmin will have his chemo treatment. And.. we still in progress to memorize the lyrics!” Yunho disapproves.


 The smiling manager turned into anger upon listening to his disagreement.


   “What I told you? You have to listen to me. Regarding the schedule, it’s all in my hands and I determine it. Your arguments are all invalid. No more talk and be ready!” The angry manager left the room and closed the door with loud bang.


Changmin smile quickly fades as the loud bang sound blasted into his ears; hands clutching his head, eyes tightly shut and he whimper. He can feel his head was about to explode. A strong wave of pain came across his head for several minutes.


Alert, the hyungs rushing to him and hug him. Yoochun held him a bottle of water. He refused to drink but Yunho force him with stern look, with his not-so-willing took the bottle and drink it.


   “Feel better?” Jaejoong asked him. Changmin just nodded weakly.


   “Please no more any loud sound.”


The boys look at each other except the maknae. If this continues, how can he deal with the loud sound, fans chanted during the concerts? This made their worry grower.


   ‘God, please make things easier and please let this nightmare end quickly.’ Yunho prayed.



The recording process is longer than they expected, many errors made by Changmin and they also because of the lyrics. Again, Changmin is detained and he needs to practice more. The hyungs didn’t have their guts to leave the maknae alone anymore. With the manager permission, they can company and help the maknae.


Lucky the recording is postponed to the other day. The recording room is now empty as the night comes and the boys still help Changmin practicing his line and the voice control. There is despair on his face, afraid if he can’t manage to do it well. But his hyungs keep cheering on him.


   “Come on Changmin, you can do it. Follow as hyung do.” Junsu cheer the devastated maknae.


Yunho, as the leader was very impressed on Changmin. Jaejoong and Yoochun could not help but keep giving the little one determination to do the best. Junsu on the other hands keep cheering him. This make Changmin feel lively to do better.


   “That’s it Changmin! Yes, control your voice and breathing so the tone will be like that.” Jaejoong instruct.


Changmin let out heavy sigh and breathe deeply. He cannot feel accomplished yet.


   “I guess we have to call it a day. It’s almost 2 am. Changmin has a treatment tomorrow morning, remember?” The leader announced.


   The members agreed so do as Changmin. Dead tired, he slumped in the chair, head resting on the table. It did not take any minutes for him to fall asleep. The member watched it in heart wrenching.

Each day, Changmin get more tired easily. Dark circled began appear below his eyes, the lost of weight and the few appetite he had, make them worry to death and very desperate in searching for his relative and the manager act didn’t help them any better.


Like always, Yunho piggy-back him to the car. Since the manager left them, they have to return home by their own. Glad that Yoochun droves his car today. If not, they have no idea how they will return to their dorm with no transport.


The road is clear which can fastest their way to home. They stopped at a market to buy some food before proceed to their home. They knew, this night Changmin will surely skip his meals. Jaejoong look at the peaceful sleep maknae. He did not wake up or even move an inch since he fell asleep. Looking at him, Jaejoong began to think nonsense.


What if he did not wake up?


Jaejoong shook his head furiously. Yunho whom took a glance at Jaejoong take his hand and grip it, mouthed ‘it’s all okay’ to him while watched their maknae.


   ‘If only Heaven on their sides, this will not happen.’ Jaejoong thought.



*bow* Hello~~ Short? >< Sorry. I will work harder. oh well... it's chapter 20 already O___O *hurray* it gonna finish soon. u_u thank you for your response. It did make such a big impact to me. forgive me if the flow of the story a bit slow(and short). >< that last line I take and modify a bit from Dr Jin *LOL* Have a nice day~ *send flying kisses* Don't forgot to comments \O/

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soro_matse #1
Chapter 3: this makes me cry a little since it reminds me of both my nephew and my dad my nephew of 4 has acute lymph leukemia and my dad acute bone marrow leukemia
Chapter 31: Its a happy ending...
Thank you so much.
I first read this on LJ but then found this on aff.
I enjoyed this so much and by your littke notes on each chapter, i guess we are about the same age.
So fellow Cassies thank you for sharing your writing here.
Chapter 25: Mom and dad dating while their children playing at the beach and one almost climb the coconut tree
meemow123 #4
Chapter 31: Oh... my ...god ... My DBSK feels ... Omg ...
But WHY is it always Jae and Minnie who suffer the most?? Whyyyy ... And OMG my YunJae feels are rocketing, haha. And DBSK bromance YES
Minnie is okay, right?
Lol, his hyung deul are "old" ^_^
kekeke. Good job is not enough so YOU ARE ABOELY AMAAAAAAAZING AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!
I kinda feel sorry for the manager but hmph. He dares to hurt my Minnie. No-one hurts my Changmin and gets away with it.
:'(poor DBSK ... But my ot5 feels are going mad, hehe.
Well done authornim!!!!!!
Chapter 31:
I aboely love this. It is the best DBSK fic ever!!!!!!! I sorta feel sorry for the manager but he is still evil. Poor Changminnie ... But yay he made it through! When i read the part where his heart stopped I was like, ohmygod authornim do NOT do this to me ... Then yay!!!!!!! He loves his hyung sooooo much ... It worked...
JINJA HUGE CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 18: YOU ... EVIL ... MANAGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate you ... Why you do this to poor DBSK who didn't do anything wrong, especially poor Minnie. Dont hurt Minnie ...
Please ...
Will get back to reading now ...
Chapter 9: Hey
i haven't actually finished this story but ...
ehm ...? Just please let minnie be alright ... He's too innocent to die ... Poor dbsk oppas will be very sad.
TT_TT and omg the fangirl found out!
Chapter 31: such a nice story + beautiful ending too .. tq very much for the writing ^^