Transfer Student

Annoying Mochi
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This is English.

This is Korean.

I Knew It - B2ST


"Kibum." You sighed. Ever since they learned you could speak Korean they wouldn't leave you alone! Eunhyuk and Kagin were the most annoying, always asking you questions.

Kibum smiled and looked at you. You were silently begging with your eyes and he chuckled. "Alright guys. Leave her alone and let her eat."

You smiled and nodded, eating your ramyun. Henry joined then and shoved Heechul away from you.

"How are you?" he asked.

You looked at him and shrugged, mouth full of noodles.

The bell started ringing and you scarfed down the last few bites and got up and threw your bowl away before any of Super Junior could say anything. Henry just watched you leave with a sad look in his eyes. Kibum noticed and sighed. *This is isn't good.*

When you reached class you went to the back of the room and wished with all your might that no one would talk to you. *Just a moment of quiet. Please*

As the classroom filled everyone avoided you and left the seat next to you empty. With a smile you looked out the window.

You ignored the teacher when he walked in and when he announced something about a new student, even ignoring the squeals and whispers. Before you knew it the seat next to you was occupied. With a deep frown you looked and froze, feeling pale and sick.

"D-daehyun." You whispered.

He smirked at you. "Hyung misses you! Why'd you leave?" He leaned close to you and draped a arm around your shoulder.

"What is up with that girl?"

"She always hangs around the hot ones."

"Such a player. Already forgot about Super Junior Oppas."

Daehyun smiled at the comments and just snuggled closer to you. You grimaced and tried to pull away but he just pulled you closer. You glanced at the teacher but he was writing on the board.

"I miss you too. You were always fun to have around." Daehyun rubbed his nose against your neck and you cringed, disgusted.

"I'm not your play thing." You hissed.

He smiled and met eyes with you. "You could be."

"Get away from me." You growled.

"You know everyones here? Just for you!" He beamed. "Yongguk is determined to get you back."

You shivered at the name. He was the man that caused the bruise in your ribs.

"I don't want to go back."

"Oh. Because of this Super Junior? Psh. They're not so tough." He leaned back lazily and pulled you so you leaned next to him.

The teacher started talking and completely ignored you and Daehyun. *Aish that teacher. Seriously.*

When the bell rang you tried to pull away but Daehyun waited until all the students left before turning to you with a sick smile. You tried to back up but he kept leaning towards you. Suddenly you fell off the chair and wacked your head on the wall. For a second everything was blurry and you blinked and lightly shook your head a few times.

Someone yanked you up and you slammed into his chest. "It's time to go." He hissed.

Still a bit groggy you just stumbled with him, weakly trying to pull away.

"~~~~~!" You turned around and saw Sungmin waving with a glaring Donghae. Daehyun just pulled you away.

"Stop calling her Sungmin." Donghae sighed. He couldn't understand why everyone enjoyed having her around, she barely even talked and frowned at everything.

"Something's not right." Sungmin glanced back and saw Siwon and Kagin talking. He called them over and explained what he saw. The two of them left and soon after Sungmin dragged Donghae out to follow. The rest of Super Junior saw them and followed, curious.

"Let go of me Daehyun." You tried to pull away but he pulled you on the motorcycle. You were trying to get off but he held you tight in front of him and started the engine.<

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I am so sorry! *bows* I've been gone this weekend and had so much to do. But now that I'm back I'll get in here and get to updating! Thanks for your patience!!


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Chapter 36: Best SuJu fic ever!! Sad yet funny!! It's written very well and yeah compliments Author-nim *pats you on the sh oulder* you did a great job and I hope for a sequel!! is it possible *pouts cutely* «°~^»
SeoulSweetheart #2
Chapter 20: Ok this story is already amazing so far *starts singing Amazing by U-KISS :3* What makes it even better are all the U-KISS songs at the startof a few of the chapters ^^ seriously U-KISS are my bias group ^^ anyways awesome so far
jackiekitt #3
Chapter 36: So cute!!!! I really loved it!!!!!
livihwang #4
Chapter 20: I thought the story really end hahaha
Kyaaaa~ Now this is going to be my favorite Henry fanfic! So many twist and turns but there's still a happy ending. (I guess you can now tell that I love happy endings. XD)
Chapter 3: So, this is completely random, but that girl in the poster looks EXACTLY like Sungmin with a wig on. I would just like to point that out. :D
RokuKazami #7
Chapter 10: Daebak! I love Zelo's reaction in this chapter!
RokuKazami #8
Chapter 4: oh my goodness! the picture at the end it soooo funny!
NikkiMikki28 #9
Chapter 2: Kibum is just too cute! I just want to steal that picture from you -_-