The camping trip Part 2

Naughty Kiss

“Do you love me”, Alice sang out loud. “Like the way I love you babe.” Her hands was intertwined in Kris’s and both their free hands where holding a cup of something strong blended with coke. They had been dancing and singing like crazy ever since they both got wasted. The clock was about midnight and half of the gang was already tipsy while the other half was smashed. The fire that Su Ho and Chan Yeol had lit up was still crackling with purpose lighting up the dark woods.

I was one of the drunken who could blackout if I had a drink or two more and I was jumping up and down to the beat of the song with Chen and Chan Yeol. Lay, Xiu Min, Lu Han, Lime and D.O were dancing close to the fire while Su Ho, Kai, Baek Hyun, Tao and Se Hun sat on a bench next to the lit fire. They had been sitting there after eating and were now drinking their nights away while talking to each other. Mrs. Kim had called earlier to tell us they were going to camp someplace else and that we should enjoy ourselves.

“I love this song!” Chen screamed above the loud music.

“Me too!” I yelled back as I moved my hips but the music suddenly stopped.

“Okay!” said Kris who was standing next to the boom box. He got everyone’s attention. “Who wants to see the girls have a dance battle?”

“I’m up to anything y”, Tao winked at me.

“First up?” Xiu Min asked.

“My baby of course”, Se Hun volunteered Lime. “She’s going to kill the two of you.” He looked at Alice and me. 

“I hear Alice is one heck of a dancer”, Kris put his arm around Alice who smiled and put her hands on his hands. “I wouldn’t be cocky if I were you Se Hun.”

“You should beware Ji Eun too”, Chen said. “She might not take dance classes but she’s got moves.” I smiled. My thoughts were very blurry but I was able to maintain my balance quite well actually.

“Put Expected by Girl’s Day on”, Lime walked to the center and the rest of us sat down where we could. I looked around and sat down in Su Ho’s lap since he was right next to me. I didn’t really stop to think if he was okay with it. I wasn’t in my right mind.  


The song started and Lime started dancing. Her moves were so confident and strong and she was y as heck but the kind that was classy y. Her classiness reached its peak especially when she reached the chorus.

“Whoo!” Se Hun yelled. “That’s my babe!”

“Shut up!” Lu Han hit the back of Se Hun’s head. He was filming Lime.

Lime continued to dance and I looked around to see how everyone was. They seemed to enjoy themselves so I turned my attention back to Lime. The song ended and everyone clapped.

“Alice’s turn!” Kris pulled Alice up from his lap and changed the song.

“You know my jam”, Alice said to Xiu Min who was now taking care of the songs. Soon Rania’s Dr. Feel good started and I knew this was going to get everyone’s attention.

Alice was a very very compelling dancer that oozed iness. I didn’t know how to say this but with her curves and personality and beauty and everything else she was deemed a certified beauty in the eyes of boys and girls.  Alice started moving in her shorts and tube top that she was wearing and I heard Kris exhale next to me. 

During the chorus, everyone had their eyes fixed on Alice and her behind as she moved. Even I couldn’t look away, but I managed and turned to look at Kai. He was also staring at Alice and just like the others he was gaping. I felt a sting in my heart. I was jealous that Kai was looking at another girl that way. I wanted him to look at me that way.

“What’s with the sulky face?” Su Ho asked. “Are you jealous?”

“Yes”, I admitted because… well I was drunk. And I was an honest drunk.”Alice is freakin gorg!”

“What did I say Se Hun?” Kris said once Alice was done. “Don’t be cocky. Lime has nothing on Alice.”

“I admit defeat”, Lime declared. “Good job Alice.” Su Ho helped me up.

“I’m going to blow you all away with Ice cre-”, I started.

“Nah”, Kris cut me mid-speech. He pulled me behind him to the center where everyone could see us. I was too drunk to react. “You’re going to dance with me.”

“Huh?” I was confused. “Kri-”

“Come on”, he pouted. “It’s going to be fun.” I looked at him and thinking what the hell, I just followed.

“You better not try anything on her”, Su Ho warned him. Kris smirked and I suspected he was up to something. Drunk Kris always had something in his mind.

“Hit it”, Kris said. Xiu Min pressed play and the song that came up was definitely way ier than the one I wanted to dance too. It was troublemaker. Now the song might not have been what I expected but it was definitely one of those songs that fit with my “I want to make Kai jealous” mood.

I stood behind Kris as he danced making eye contact with D.O and then with Lu Han. Laughter already erupted in the public. Then he walked behind me, and I did a slow body wave making sure my behind was touching him and then he walked away and I reenacted Hyuna’s y movements while Kris did Hyun Seung’s and the first verse started. Kris turned towards me pointing at me with his finger asking me to come comically and everyone including me laughed.  It was then Hyuna’s turn to sing and I did what he did but my hands traced down my stomach. Kris then walked to me.


He put his arm around my lower back obliging me against him with my left leg in-between his legs as our heads were against each other’s. I heard a few shocking scream and laughs and smiled. We made eye contact while my finger travelled provokingly from his chest to his neck and shoulder. I felt his heat and smelled his fainting perfume that was blended with the smell of alcohol. We turned around at the same time, our backs meeting each other’s holding hands.  Then we set apart when the chorus was about to start. When he stood behind me, I moved my hips as I lay my hand on his thigh next to his crotch and one of his hands was on my waist.


 The next move was him putting both his hands first on my hips and then on my inner thigh. When he did that, I heard gasps, laughs, applauses and whistling. Then came the move where he was supposed to follow my arm to give me a kiss and that I dodged, but Kris decided to improvise and pursue me with his lips although I was not facing him. I laughed along with the others and Kris just shook his shoulders. We moved some more and then my hands touched his behind as I travelled down his legs ily and worked my way up again.


I showed my back to the public and moved my from side to side and Kris put his hand on my as I moved it and I heard laughter. I knew he was up to no good and simply laughed it off although I had no idea what it was he did. I faced him and we closed in the space between us and danced together. I made eye contact with Chen, Baek Hyun, Lay and Tao who were all wearing big smiles.


The second verse came and I seductively walked forward. My movements made me a tiny bit dizzy but when Kris came he put his hand on my arm, steadying me, as I shook my body against his. I stood behind him and traced my hand down his chest almost nearing his lower abdomen and then back up. I sensually made my way down and heard laughter probably because Kris had done something, again. 


I stepped aside and let Kris do his thing, but then he does the most hilarious moves that have everyone holding their stomach. When he did a comic body wave, everyone applauded while I watched in amazement. The chorus came again and we only repeated what we did with the last chorus only this time Kris was making funny faces and moves. 


We danced slightly apart and when I did my wave Kris decided to put both his hands on my hips/ while doing the same thing. I erupt in enjoyment with Kris and the other and my hair accidentally hits his face. Kris backs away remorsefully while still holding me and I give him a kiss on the cheek to apologise. 


The refrain came and I stoond closely behind him as he opened his arms wide. I put my arms under his and he puts his hands on mine and slowly travelled down his body. I’m about to pull away at his lower abdomen but Kris forces my hands down all the way to his thigh instigating the gang to scream in glee while they laughed. 


I walked away stunned and laughing and let him dance during the dance break. When I look over at the public, Lime has both her thumbs up. It’s time for the chorus but as I danced, Kris just stood there to watch me, but then he grabbed me once again with a kind of roughness he used before on the bus. 


Our bodies are practically one (that’s how close we were). With his hand on my lower back, he nears his head to mine and we make eye contact. Then he does something unexpected. Kris attempts to kiss me making hell break loose in the public, but I back away quickly and he smirked. The guys laughed and whistled. I then turned my gaze to Kai’s and let my hand travel down Kris’s body. I smirked when I saw Kai staring with ice cold eyes and a clenched jaw. My hands travelled on Kris’s hips and his did the same on mine. I do a body wave on him all the while watching Kai who looked like he was about to explode. I hear Lime and Chen laugh. 


I decided to dance away from Kris and he does a solo dance making everyone laugh once more. The ending tune comes and I move my hips with my back turned. Kris walked back to me and put his hands on my hips and did the unimaginable. He leaned once again for a kiss, but I pushed him away by slapping him gently across the face. He gasped and everyone laughed while applauding.

“You deserved that”, I whispered in his ears.

“I was just kidding”, he smiled.

“I know”, I said. “I know I let you touch me like that so I’m to blame but I did this for fun. You can’t flirt with my best friend and then dance like that with me. You know I’m dating Kai and you shouldn't be ruining Alice’s night by doing unnecessary things. She really likes you.” Kris looked at me.

“Likes me?” Kris asked.  “Na… Alice and I are just caught up in flirting. I told her I don’t do serious relationships so she won’t mind me dancing with you. Right Alice?” Alice who was sitting between Lu Han and Su Ho looked at us.

“Right what?” She asked.

“You don’t care if I danced with Ji Eun right?” He asked. Alice shrugged and grabbed a bottle of whiskey that she gulped down quickly. I was worried she was upset, because Alice and I have always had an issue when it came to guys and I always happened to mess things up for her when it came to the guys she liked. But I was grateful she didn’t seem angry. Kris looked at me. “Told you.”

The Music started again and everyone except Kai and I went up to dance. I sat next to him and grabbed the cup he was holding. I drank everything that was inside of it and got the opposite effect of what I was hoping for. I wanted to be happy drunk again but I was sad and felt guilty.

“Nice performance”, Kai commented. “I didn’t know you could dance.” The sarcasm in his voice made it clear he was not too happy about it.

“I’m sure it was not expected on your part”, I said.

“I didn’t expect some other guy to put his hands and scent all over you tonight”, he said. “That’s a given.”

“Jealous?” I smirked.

“You have no idea”, he looked at me. “But…”

“Oh, there’s a but?” I curiously asked.

“It was y”, he smirked. “It was very y, to the point of it being tempting me to keep you all to myself.”

“I thought you alrea-” I was stopped mid-sentence by Alice.

“Don’t touch me”, she yelled. She was yelling at Kris who looked very flustered and confused.

“I don’t get it!” He said. “You said you were fine with me not looking for anything serious.”

“That’s before I saw you and Ji Eun dancing”, Alice explained. I had a bad feeling about their fight.

“You said you didn’t care about that either”, Kris said. “I asked you after Ji Eun scolded me.”

“Well I lied!” Alice said. Everyone was looking at them. Alice turned her face towards Kai and I and I frowned. Her eyes reminded me of the day we had dinner before summer vacation. She was upset then when Lu Han sang to me. “I do care. I care that you touched her and that you tried to kiss her. The two of you looked like you were having with clothes on.” I felt my heart break at her words. I knew there was something wrong when she shrugged earlier but ignored it instead of talking to her. This is all my fault.

“Alice”, I said. I clumsily walked to her and almost fell but D.O managed to prevent me from hurting myself. All that dancing seemed to be taking effect on me now. “You know it’s not like that. We were jus-” Alice rolled her eyes and looked at me.

“I don’t want to listen to you and your excuses”, she snapped. “It’s always been like this. Every freaking guy I like miraculously seems to have a thing for you. I knew Lu Han first. I met him first, but it turned out he liked you. And then there was Chen!” I frowned. Chen? “You met him first, but still. You already had a thing for Kai so what gave you the right to tell me to back off because you liked him.” My face flushed red. “Who else is there? Oh right, Tao! I’ve never had a crush on him, but he makes it in the list because he has or had a thing for you. He was even your first kiss. Didn’t you think it was strange that he kissed you again at the mall when you had decided to just stay friends?” 

I opened my mouth. My feelings were swelling up inside of me. I was shaken that Alice was blurting out everything I confided in her to everyone when I had never once told her secrets to anyone. Even when we got into fights before. “Now Kris here has been your friend for a few months and from what I know it seems the two of you share a very affectionate relationship. You hug each other casually, even kissing each other and openly flirt. But ever since he started paying attention to me, you’ve been acting like a little ! You keep saying that I’m off limit to him and that he’s a bad guy and that I should be careful with him because bla bla bla. I say all of it is bull!” Alice took a step towards me. 

“Why don’t you stop your little “I’m such a good girl act” and tell the truth. That you can’t stand it when a guy isn’t all over you. Just admit it! Are you jealous that a guy is finally paying attention to me and not you?”

“Alice!” Kai stepped in. “Do not talk to her like that. I know she’s your best friend but I won’t allow you or anyone to badmouth her.”

“You out!” Alice yelled at Kai. “Shut the heck up and go back to studying or whatever it is you do. You’re just like them. You were so certain you didn’t like dumb girls and I was certain you were not going to fall for her, but look at you now. You’re in love with her.” Alice took a bottle of whiskey and drank from it before pointing her fingers at me. “Look at all of you.You're so quick to jump to her side and protect her. What’s so great about Go Ji Eun? Why is everything about her? What does she have that I don’t have?” Alice started crying and I hurt for her.

“Alice”, Lu Han tried to calm her down but she pushed him away.

“Come on”, she said. Her teary eyes were fixated on me. “Stop staring and just tell us the truth. You’re not content that you have Kai at your side or that Lu Han and Chen are struggling to get over you and that Tao tries so hard not to fall for you are you? You want Kris to like you too don’t you?” I felt tears well up my eyes but fought them back. Alice had crossed a limit there and I was afraid there was never going to be a coming back.

“Sure”, I neutrally answered. “Kai, Chen, Tao and Lu Han are not enough for me. I want Kris too. I’m jealous that Kris like you and not me.” Alice crouched down and cried out some more.

 “Alice”, Lime hurried to Alice’s side and hugged her. I looked at them wanting to hug them too. I didn’t want our friendship to end because we were drunk but I felt like Alice would hate me if I came anywhere near her.

“Ji Eun?” Kris who was standing next to me called. His voice was gentle, too gentle for it to be Kris. He tried to touch me, but I pushed his hand away.

“Don’t“, I angrily replied. “Just leave me alone.” I felt overwhelmed with all of them looking at me but turned to Alice.

“Are you happy?” I asked her. “Did all of this make you feel better about yourself? Cause if it did then congratulations. You’ve just lost one of your best friends.”

After saying what I had to say, I ran away. I heard my name being called, but ignored them and continued in the dark woods.



Everything was rushing and spinning in my head. The fact that it was dark was not helping either as I couldn’t see anything. Once the yelling of my name deceased, I started to walk instead. I followed the route ahead of me and heard a crackling sound by the trees. Alerted, I narrowed my eyes but didn’t see anything. The second sound came behind me and I quickly turned around. There was definitely something there.

Scared, I ran off once again and the sound of the trees crunching followed me. It only got louder by the second just like my heartbeat. I stopped next to a small tree to catch my breath when something hit my forehead. I screamed as I stumbled backwards and my back hit the firm ground. I opened my eyes wanting to get up only to find myself rolling around on leaves. I couldn’t stop the fall, but I finally hit rock bottom and pain shot through my leg. 

A scream escaped my lips for the second time. I slowly looked around me, but it was pitch black. All of a sudden the bundle of emotion I had tried so hard to suppress took over me. I felt angry, sad, guilty, vulnerable, scared, hurt and so many others feelings in me that I wanted to explode. Tears welled up my eyes and I started crying. And once I started, I couldn’t stop.


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Chapter 57: In 2019. I’m still waiting for epilogue or sequel
Chapter 57: their farewell was so beautiful! They had a lot of too lol xD welllll... he's Kim Jongin after all. Who can resist him? the promise ring was soooo romantic *sigh*

I hope you will write the sequel pleaseeee!
lumyung #3
Chapter 57: awwww thank you for writing this! i enjoyed reading your updates. ?
Chapter 57: Thank you for completing this story. I’m so happy.
And Kai is so romantic here, from booking the room and for what he did at airport
I wish I could see the continuation of this story.
Thank you :)
Chapter 56: OMG!
So Jieun is going to be an idol
And kai is leaving, they love each other too much.
Kai is, but Jieun always has that insecurity... :(
Chapter 57: Omggg after a long ride of Jieun and Kai finally they got to spend their life tgt huhuhu so happy
Chapter 57: Aaahhh can't wait for the sequel, thank you for writing this ;)
kxmjxnxnx #8
Chapter 57: thank youuu very much ❤️
kxmjxnxnx #9
Chapter 55: I really love this story ❤️ waiting for ur update :)