The request

Naughty Kiss


When I woke up the next day, I hurried to get ready and headed downstairs where I found Kai having breakfast by himself. Mrs. Kim hadn’t prepared the usual breakfast. She was probably too tired and needed to rest. I grabbed a bowl and poured in cereals with milk. I sat down in front of Kai and stole glances at him from time to time.

“Is there something on my face?” He asked without looking at me.

“No”, I answered and kept eating. It got silent again and I carefully looked up at him this time. For someone who was drunk the earlier night, he didn’t look horrible.

“Seriously”, Kai let go of his spoon and looked at me. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I was thinking of yesterday”, I blushed. Kai didn’t react to what I said and kept eating. “I mean it was my first time and I think everybody else’s first time seeing you Kim Jong In do something crazy.”

For just a quick second, I saw Kai’s eyes twitch, but his face quickly relaxed.

“I did something?” He frowned. “What did I do?”

“You don’t remember?”  I suspiciously asked. “You weren’t that drunk.”

“I was drunk?” Kai gasped. “No wonder I have a headache!” He looked at me with so much fire in his eyes; I didn’t know what to do. “How could you let me drink?”

“Y-you were the one who kept drinking and asking for more”, I explained. “How could I ha…”

“I’m disappointed in you”, he stood up. “Since you have a one sided love with me I was expecting you to take better care of me.”

My lips parted but the words weren’t coming out of mouth. Instead I just watched as he left..






Kai’s POV

I walked out of the house and finally exhaled when I reached the main door.

“That was so close!” I puffed my cheeks and the air from my mouth blew my hair away from my forehead. 

I still couldn’t believe, no matter how many times I replayed it in my head, the happenings of yesterday. How in the world did I end up Gangnam Styling in the middle of the street? People might have recognized me! Not to mention I puked and... I remembered what happened after. Ji Eun didn’t seem aware anything had happened.

I face-palmed myself and ended up sneezing. I frowned and touched my forehead. It was  worryingly warm. Great! I had probably caught a cold.




Ji Eun’s POV


“Good morning !” I greeted my classmates thinking everyone would be cheering and welcoming me back after being gone for two weeks, but no one even turned around to look at me. They were lazily resting, with their faces down on their desks. “It’s summer! What’s with the faces?”

“Leetuk is going to announce what we will be doing together before school ends”, Lu Han sounded depressed. I couldn’t blame him, even my mood was slowing going down. Why?

It’s because ever since the first year of high school, our class and the other D classes were the only ones who didn’t get to do something fun during the school year while the others had lots of activities. The reason the D classes didn’t get that chance, was because our grades had been even worse than they were before high school. This year, I was certain we were going to have bad news too.

Leetuk entered the room with a beautiful smile glued on his face.

“Good morning children”, he greeted. “Ji Eun! It’s nice to have you back!” I forced a smile back and sat down next to the sleeping Tao. “I have to announce the end of year activities before school ends.” No one showed any sign of interest. “In two weeks class 3D will be traveling together with class 3a.”

My eyes widened and just a second later everyone cheered. The atmosphere in the room took a 360 degree turn, but it only lasted for about 10 seconds when Leetuk’s sentence actually reached and sunk in our heads.

“Traveling with Kai?” Lu Han complained. I was happy, but everyone else did not reciprocate those feelings. They weren’t happy because everyone in this school and probably in Seoul knew Class 3a and 3d couldn’t be in the same room without having some kind of fight. I did understand where my classmates where coming from, but I was way more thrilled that I was going to travel with Kai.


“Why can’t you be as happy as Ji Eun?” Lee Tuk laughed. “It’s going to be alright kids. Boa will have a talk with them so there’s no need to worry. You won’t be fighting.”

“But why are we suddenly traveling?” Alice asked. “We never go anywhere.”

“Thanks to our one and only Go Ji Eun”, the teacher said. I looked at him, dumbfounded. “The principal decided to give us a gift for improving so much since Ji Eun made it to the top 20 scores of the test. And all of you got better grades than last year.” Everyone cheered again.

“Where are we going?” I asked. “Busan? Daegu?”

“Osaka”, Lee Tuk smirked.

”What?” I asked. A second later, hell broke loose in our classroom as everyone was too excited. We were actually traveling to Japan. Who knew studying could be so beneficial. 

“Enough”, Lee Tuk said after a while. “Everybody take a seat. I need to give you important information so listen.” We all sat down as Lee Tuk handed in a paper to each of us.

“As you know the principal saves up money for each class”, he explained. “So you will not have to pay for the traveling, food or hotel expenses, but you will have to pay for your own things, meaning souvenirs or if you want to go to a place with just some friends. You will be receiving the tickets this Friday so please! I repeat please! Do not lose them.” 

He looked at Lime, Alice and then at me. The three of us were lowkey kind of known as the lost girls. 

“You see the papers you’re holding? Your parents need to sign it to show their approval. The vacation will take about 4 days, so pack enough clothes for these days only.” I folded the paper and nicely put it in my bag. “Finally I want you to give an applause to our class president Ji Eun!” Everyone applauded and I shyly looked around. “We wouldn’t have had this chance without her.” Wait! Did he just say class president?*

“Class president?” I looked at Lee Tuk.

“Yeah”, he smiled. “We’ve never had one and I thought you fit the role. Anyone else think she would make a great class president?”

“Of course!” Se Hun strongly shouted. I bit my lip and looked around me feeling embarrassed. Alice laughed at me.








During break time, I stayed in our classroom with the crew. We were discussing the Osaka trip and what were going to do when random students suddenly started entering it without even knocking. It was mostly girls that were entering but even a few guys had joined them. The group of unknown, since they where unknown I could only guess they were my juniors, all formed a circle around me, Tao, Se Hun, Alice, Lime and Lu Han.

“Go Ji Eun Sunbae”, a girl who looked exactly like a stereotypical freshman said. “Are you and Kai Sunbae dating?” I chuckled not taking the girl seriously. I wish, Kai and I where dating. He on other hand, I didn’t think so. Also why would she even think that was a possibility? 

“You’re serious?” I asked when she silently waited for my answer. “Of course not! Do you think Kai would even consider dating me?” They all laughed.

“Right?” One of the guys said. “That’s not possible. Let’s go.” 

“But...” the girl persisted. “He said you were his girlfriend?”

“What?” I asked. “Who said that?”

“Kai sunbae”, she answered. I felt my friends look at me meanwhile my head was going  blank from confusion. Why would Kai say that? Was this some king of sick joke when he knew how I felt about him.

“No”, I said. “I’m not.”  The girl smiled and she and her friends left.

“Explanation please?” Lime asked. I shrugged.

“I have no idea”, I answered. “I’m just as confused as you are.“

“Since we’re talking about Kai”, Se Hun leaned in closer to me. “Do you think he could help us study?”

“No!” I said loudly and firmly so they’d all know I was headstrong about my answer. “No! No! No! No! Absolutely not! Never! No.”

“Please?” Se Hun pouted. “We really need his help with this final physics homework.”

“Well he needs rest”, I said. “He did way too much for me these past few weeks and yesterday he went compl-” I closed my mouth before I would say something I’d regret. “He’ll never say yes.” Tao laughed at my rambling.


“Great answer”, Lu Han said. “There’s no way I’m setting my foot in that guy’s house.”

“Aren’t you curious to know how Ji Eun is living?” Alice sneakily asked.

“This is a chance we will never get”, Lime looked at me. “It’s the last major homework before school ends and we really need help to understand it so we can have better final grades. Please Ji Eun ah!” She bat her lashes cutely. “Pretty please?”

I sighed. I really didn’t want such a thing to happen but I knew it was going to. I also knew that Kai would kill me if I brought them home, but my friends would be really sad if I said no and honestly, I was dying to show the girls the house so this was my chance.  Not to forget Mrs. Kim was home taking care of Min Ho which meant there was a 50% chance that I wouldn’t die by Kai’s hands.

 “Fine”, I gave in. They cheered. “But!” Their cheers stopped. “You have to promise not to make a lot of noise nor be a bother because Min Ho just came back from the hospital and he needs peace and quiet.”

“We promise!” They all said in unison, well not all of them. Lu Han and Tao had just watched. Lu Han looked unhappy whereas Tao looked… Well he looked like he always did when Kai was brought up. 



Kai’s Pov

I entered the deserted teacher’s office during lunch for my appointment with teacher Boa. She was seated at her cubicle  to and writing something down.

“How’s it going?” She asked when saw me.

“Well”, I walked to her. I wasn’t feeling good at all. It was a little too cold and my body felt drained. “I think I’ll go home earlier today. I have a cold.”

“Then you should do it”, Boa pulled out a chair for me and I sat down. “But before that we need to talk.” I cleared my throat. I knew she wanted to talk about and I didn’t want to. My stress levels just went up for thinking about it, but she continued.  “I hope you are not feeling like I’m pressuring you, Kai. This is a very important opportunity for your future and you only get one chance. If you feel pressured and fail you won’t have a second chance until next year.”

“I know”, I closed my eyes. “I won’t miss it.”

“I’m proud that my best student is going to college one year earlier”, Boa clapped my back.

“I haven’t passed the exams yet, teacher.” Seoul university had offered me a late entry exam so I could start there after summer.

“But you will”, Boa stood up ready to leave but she stopped. “By the way, the test is on the day class we’re traveling to Osaka.” I frowned.

“What?” I asked. “I thought it was the day before that.”

“They changed the date”, Boa smiled. “Why? Is there a problem?”

I pursed my lips. Yes, there was a problem. I had never gone to any of the trips before because I thought it was a waste of time but just this year I was thinking of going to the trip. I needed to go at least once before College.

“No”, I shook my head. “There isn’t.”

“Great”, Boa left. 

I sighed and threw the book I was holding across the room. "Go on a school trip?” I laughed at myself. What was I even thinking? “I seriously need to get a grip.”


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Chapter 57: In 2019. I’m still waiting for epilogue or sequel
Chapter 57: their farewell was so beautiful! They had a lot of too lol xD welllll... he's Kim Jongin after all. Who can resist him? the promise ring was soooo romantic *sigh*

I hope you will write the sequel pleaseeee!
lumyung #3
Chapter 57: awwww thank you for writing this! i enjoyed reading your updates. ?
Chapter 57: Thank you for completing this story. I’m so happy.
And Kai is so romantic here, from booking the room and for what he did at airport
I wish I could see the continuation of this story.
Thank you :)
Chapter 56: OMG!
So Jieun is going to be an idol
And kai is leaving, they love each other too much.
Kai is, but Jieun always has that insecurity... :(
Chapter 57: Omggg after a long ride of Jieun and Kai finally they got to spend their life tgt huhuhu so happy
Chapter 57: Aaahhh can't wait for the sequel, thank you for writing this ;)
kxmjxnxnx #8
Chapter 57: thank youuu very much ❤️
kxmjxnxnx #9
Chapter 55: I really love this story ❤️ waiting for ur update :)