Realisations and Relationships

How The Playboy Stole My Heart.


Yuri..why do you make my heart ache so much? I fell in love with you..but you threw it back to my face. I had no idea what to feel. I sighed as I walked back to the group. I could see a flash of Yuri running away from the group. I knew this was not going to be good. I approached the group with a poker face. Everyone heard my footsteps and turned to look at me. Key was the only one watching Yuri, until he realised that everyone looked behind him. He turned around to see me. His face had changed from confusion to anger. We stormed to each other.

"What the hell did you do to Yuri?!" 

"I didn't do anything! What are YOU doing to Yuri?" He looked taken aback.

"What the hell are you on about?"

"I know what you guys do." He gave me a confused look.

"I know I'm not the best boyfriend, but cheating on me with one of my bestfriends-"

"WHAT?!" Everyone excepted DongHyun screamed together.

"Yeah, that's right. I've seen the attraction between you two. The hugs, the whispers.."


"That's what she told me."

"Then what-"

"I don't need her to confirm the spark between you two. Seriously." Key just scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Look, Minho. You're clearly just jealous of how close I am to Yuri. For me to notice if anything's wrong. You don't notice ." I blew up. In the next second, my fist had collided with his face, causing him to stumble back. Sooni shrieked, while Taemin tried to stop me. But I wasn't going to hold back. I noticed Key wiping blood from his mouth and spitting some out. He just chuckled.

"You hit like a ing girl." I lashed at him. We both threw punches. I decided to grab at his hair, since I knew he'd be pissed. 

"Don't. Touch. My. Hair." He said with each move. I swiftly moved back as I hit him once more across the face. He fell back and hit the floor hard. His clothes were all dishevelled. He wiped the blood from his mouth. I was ready for more, until I felt strong arms around me. I turned to see two security guards holding me back.

"Sir, I think it's best if you leave the premises." I stopped moving and shrugged them off. Sooni and Taemin went to help Key, with Taemin giving me a look of disappointment. I looked away, until I saw DongHyun. I nodded in the direction of the car-park.

"Let's go, DongHyun." He smirked and followed me to my car. Psh, Key. Some friend you are.



I locked myself in my room. I didn't want to see anyone. I wanted to nothing. How could Minho believe Josh? How? Josh, the coniving bastard. I then got a call. I look to see the Caller ID.

Choi Minho <3

I didn't want to pick up, but he might be calling to apologise. To say Josh revealed who he was, Minho bashed him up and he left for Sydney. I sighed as I slowly picked up the phone. My voice was sore and groggy from all the crying.




"Can we talk?"

"Depends. What is it about?"

"You and K-"

"Minho, not this again."

"I just want to know the truth." I couldn't believe this. I know Minho's the jealous type, but this is ridiculous.

"I've already told you the truth, though."

"Please. I won't care if you are cheating on me. I'm just going crazy.."


"WHY WON'T YOU TELL ME THE TRUTH?" I groaned in frustration.

"He's just concerned, Yuri." I froze when I heard Josh.

"What's he doing there?"

"He told me everything."


"That he saw you and Key making out last week at a park." WHAT?

"You're kidding, right? Where's Key? He'll tell you himself."

"He's with the rest. I took care of him."

"What? You didn't.." He didn't hurt him, did he?

"Of course I did". Oh, no. 


"He got on with my girlfriend."

"Maybe I shouldn't be your girlfriend." I stopped dead in my tracks. So did he.

"I mean-"

"Of course. You know what, Yuri? , make your wish come true." I froze.

'It's over." The line went dead. I looked at my phone. I just left myself in a state of shock.


It's over.

Really over.

Minho broke up with me.

And he's friend's with Josh too?


I lied down in my bed, with no more tears to cry. Just a feeling of..emptiness.



OHNO, They didn't. It's official, guys.
Sigh. I hope you guys don't get put off from the story D:
There's more to come! Trust me!

Till later, lovelies! <3

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I'M BACK. I've been editing and revamping. Expect 'The Playboy who Stole my Heart' to commence! x


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Chapter 55: your one shot is amazing! i hope you make a lot of minyul one shots..

you are really awesome! :)
narsha-everlasting #2
Chapter 53: thx for the fanfic♥♥♥♥
Chapter 54: I spent the whole day reading this from the beginning till the end.. It really worth speding most of my time reading it.. Good job ^^
yurisaranghaeminho #4
Chapter 53: that was amazing i hope you can write more stories about minyul i'll sunscribe!!!. :)
Chapter 54: that was nice....
Chapter 54: Aww its an honour to be able to read a great story!
Im so thankful everything ended well and Minyul are finally able to be together!
Its really a great story! The story flowed really well and it did not felt like it was too sudden!
im so glad to have come across this fanfic!
Thank you for completing it!
I will definitely read any future minyul fics if there were more :D
sweetmelody915 #7
Chapter 54: I really just want to say THANK YOU FOR CREATING THIS EPIC STORY!! It was one of the minyul fanfics I have ever read!! And I'm really sad that it ended already... but again Thank you!! Sequel anybody??
Chapter 54: Aaaaw, it's already finish! T^T

I love the ending.....

It's sweet, i literally cried here when Yuri left to go to Sydney, and Minho didn't showed up to her when she's still in Korea.....I was like "Where the hell are you Minho?! Do something!! Stop Josh!" And then poof! When they're in the airport in sydney, and th edriver and the hand writing in English, I was like "Oh! It's Minho! Kyaaaaa!" I was imagining what the hand writing looks like, and i was laughing out loud.....

It's sad it's already finished, maybe a sequel??
bubbleteacraze #9