[Not an Update] Late Night Talk

7 Fathers

Hi guys! It's 1.37 a.m. In my time zone. I just finished writing chapter 13 but I cannot post it now as I haven't proofread it yet. I promised tomorrow morning, I'll post it to you guys. I love you guys. Thanks for reading this fanfic. Please continue to love the boys! ❤ 

P/s: I love reading your comments. Thanks for your support! ❤


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Hi guys! Thanks for reading this. I'm sorry if this chapter was not continuous from the last chapter. The story will be continued in another upcoming chapters. Hope it worth your while. ❤



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liyanaTik #1
Chapter 24: When are u update it???
Chapter 24: Hey guys, I'm happy to be back! Love you guys!
Chapter 22: Tell me what you thought of this story. Love to hear from you guys. (/◕ヮ◕)/
YoungForever06 #4
Chapter 20: I might have cried.
Haneul_hope #5
Hmmm... am I in this
(my name is Haneul :P)
Chapter 16: This story is so cute. It's really different to all the angsty things I've been reading. Amazing job, and good luck for future chapters!
Bookie1698 #7
Chapter 14: Ooooh! Great chapter.
Chapter 1: the first chapter is interesting~ ?
liningstar #9
so is this like btsxyou or?
Bookie1698 #10
Chapter 12: Cuuuuuttteee! I love that they flirt with her. Hehe!