How did I met them?

7 Fathers

Chapter 1: How did I meet them?

You looked around the park. There were not many people today. Maybe because today is Monday. People only come to this park on weekend. That is why you really fond of this park. It takes 15 minutes walk from your house to the this place. This place kind of reminding you of your hometown. The scenery and the smell of wet leaves and soil after rain. 

Your head turned to the back when you heard bickering between two kids.

You just smile when you looks at the kids. You let out a sigh when the boy keeps on pulling his sister's braid. Teasing that her red sweater with green lace and button makes her looks like watermelon.

"Haneul! I'm warning you! If you do that one more time, you are grounded."

The boy named Haneul letting go his sister's hair and grinning widely to you. His sister running towards you and hugs you immediately.

"Oppa is bad! I hate him!" She cried while hugging you.

You just let out a chuckle. "Aeri, he was just playing with you. Don't hate him," you patted Aeri's hair. 

You looked at Haneul with a soft glanced and Haneul come quietly beside his sister.

"Aeri-ah, I'm sorry for bothering you,"  Haneul tugged Aeri's sweater softly. 

You wiped her tears and took both of Haneul and Aeri hands, lead them toward the park bench. You put the picnic basket on the table. "Come, lets eat first."

Aeri took a spot beside you and Haneul sit across his sister. While you were taking out the sandwiches out from the container, you heard Aeri laughing at her brother jokes. You smiled at the sight of these kids. She just said she hate him a while ago.

"Alright kids. What do you want to drink?" You asked while handing them their sandwiches. 

"I want juice," Haneul takes his first bite.

"Me too," Aeri followed her brother choice. 

You smiled again and took out two bottles of juice. You look at the watch. It is almost 6.30 p.m. After they eat, you guys should head back to home or their father will start nagging to you. 

'You shouldn't walk alone with kids. It is dangerous'

'Why do you have to walk to the park. Just take the cab'

You breathed out a long breath. 

It wasn't hard to take care Aeri and Haneul. They are sweet kids. Their naughty behavior did come out occasionally but they are good children. 

Their father on the other hand, are unpredictable and hard to handle. You always becomes flustered when dealing with their father. Everything is dangerous. Even the air outside of their house is considered bad by their father.

You remember there was one time where you took them to the convenient store. Its just a 5 minutes walk. Since both of them were in their best behaviors today, you decided to reward them with ice cream. It was the first time you went out walk with them without their father, but what can go wrong with that? You surely can handled two kids. Besides, they were in best behaviour today. So nothing bad will happened. Right? 

Unfortunately, Aeri struck on a rock and fall down, hurting her knee. So you kind of panic because you just took off your eyes from her for a second just to give her brother an ice cream. She didn't cry but her face was showing that she was hurting. You quickly ran toward her and carried her to the nearest bench at the store. 

"Haneul, take care of Aeri. I need to go buy handiplus." Haneul nodded his head.

You go inside the store and buy a set of Rilakkuma handiplus and a sanitized wet tissue. You carefully wipe the sanitized tissue on her knee and put the handiplus. 

"Do you feel hurt right now Aeri?"

Aeri shook her head. You smile and kiss her forehead. Good girl! You said and patted her head. You take a breath of relief and asked her whether she wan walk by herself. She said yes and three of you walk back to the house. 

But as soon three of you reached home, your face turned to white. Their father waiting in front of the gate. Smiling and waving towards the kids.

"Appa!" Haneul ran towards him. Aeri want to follow Haneul, and there was when their father saw Aeri running with injured knee.

"Aeri-ah what happened to you?" He kneeled down with one foot and asked. Aeri run into her father hug and grinned. "I fall"

Their father looked at you with 'I told you not to take them out alone' glare. 

You looked down and start fidgeting your fingers. He did told you not to go out all alone with the kids because it is your first time in this city and you guys may run to something bad.

You saw he smiled to the kids and asked them to go inside the house. When you hastily went to follow the kids, he grabbed your hand, "Not you Missy."

"I told you simple thing. Do.Not.Go.Out.Alone. Was it hard to understand?"

You just looked down. Acknowledging your fault. 

"I asked you Missy. Did you understand."

"I just want to reward them with something and the ice cream in the frigde just run out. That's why we go to the store." 

"You could wait for me or at least take the cab." He folded his arm across his chest.

"But the store only five minutes walk." You protest.

He glared at your answer. "You sure have nerves after what happened to Aeri. What if somethings bad happened! Can you protect them! You didn't even bother to tell me that you are going out with the kids. If something happened, how would I find you!"

You bit your lips when hearing his remark. It was small mistake but has huge impact on him. You know that the father's actions was to protect them.

Your flashback stop when Aeri tugged your shirt. "Let's go home kids."

When you guys nearly reached the house, you noticed the car that parked in the lot. Aeri run to gate and screamed, "APPAAA!" 

Haneul followed and hugged his fathers too.

You saw their fathers hugged them. 


Yeah! Right! Fathers!

Kim Haneul and Kim Aeri have seven fathers. SEVEN!


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Hi guys! Thanks for reading this. I'm sorry if this chapter was not continuous from the last chapter. The story will be continued in another upcoming chapters. Hope it worth your while. ❤



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liyanaTik #1
Chapter 24: When are u update it???
Chapter 24: Hey guys, I'm happy to be back! Love you guys!
Chapter 22: Tell me what you thought of this story. Love to hear from you guys. (/◕ヮ◕)/
YoungForever06 #4
Chapter 20: I might have cried.
Haneul_hope #5
Hmmm... am I in this
(my name is Haneul :P)
Chapter 16: This story is so cute. It's really different to all the angsty things I've been reading. Amazing job, and good luck for future chapters!
Bookie1698 #7
Chapter 14: Ooooh! Great chapter.
Chapter 1: the first chapter is interesting~ ?
liningstar #9
so is this like btsxyou or?
Bookie1698 #10
Chapter 12: Cuuuuuttteee! I love that they flirt with her. Hehe!