

Moon Byulyi is dumbfounded.

“Byul-ah, come here, come hold on to my arm.”

“Stop. Stop! This is weird. It’s just weird!”

“Are you feeling okay? Don’t let go of my hand.”

“Why would I do this with you, it’s weird! Something about this is weird.”

She feels like she’s being stretched in two directions, between the embarrased Yongsun two years ago and the affectionate Yongsun now. Byulyi hadn’t heard her appallingly declare “it’s weird!” in months, yet for whatever reason, it’s started all over again.

She can only pinpoint it to a couple of weeks after she hurt her back.

Of course, it was just a muscle ache, but Yongsun had since then treated her like she was made of glass. She had been loving, gentle, patient, all the things that made her a saint and a doting girlfriend.

Until Byulyi offered her a hand off stage one day, like she usually does. In the moment, Yongsun had taken it without a thought, but she gained her self-awareness back after a bit, stiffened up, whipped her head around for cameras, and slipped her hand away.

Well, nothing new, but it did make Byulyi wonder what was making her so wary again.

Since then it’d been a constant back and forth between Yongsun wanting to hold on to her and Yongsun telling her she’s weird. Byulyi thought it was kind of amusing how fussy she was, but some days, long days, when she could feel a pain creeping in her back, she was just tired.

“Yong…Yong,” She chants patiently, waiting for the other woman to calm down. “Don’t worry,” she gestures between them, “This isn’t weird. I’m weird. You’re weird too. I just want to lay on something please.”

That flips the switch. Yongsun scampers onto the couch and holds out her arms, as if she hadn’t just been vehemently protesting to them cuddling in the waiting room. “Of course, of course, come here. Are you feeling okay? I can ask for some water for you too?” Yongsun offers, pulling Byulyi in close, allowing the other woman to snuggle into her side and rubbing light circles on her back.

“No, this is just fine.” Byulyi relaxes, eyes closing to breathe in the atmosphere of the other woman.

Yongsun may have been acting weird, but she’s been through it before.

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well lads, i did it


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Sofflemania #1
Chapter 4: 'God, that ' cracked me up big time hahah
Chapter 30: Dun! Lol
Looking forward to any updates :p whenever you have time and feeli like it ;)
Thanks for these!
Chapter 9: Aawwww i am loving these shorts.
art3mis_ #4
Chapter 29: I really love these short snippets. Kinda wish some are longer, but I'll take what I get. Your writing is really good! :D
fantame #5
Chapter 7: This is too cute!!
Chapter 30: I'm not very good at writing compliments but if I could, you'd be receiving the highest form of it.
Chapter 30: Now this is my type of
passerbyz #8
Chapter 30: yo that was great, you should write more . it was tastefully written.
adina6606 #9
Chapter 30: You should write more fics dude...
baesato #10
Chapter 30: duuuude amazing update as always