Bad Decisions



Johnny stood up from his seat, the policemen and detective who took his statement bowed as he stepped out of the room.

His phone vibrated, he took out the device as he exited the office.

Samonim has been transferred to a private suite.

The surgery was successful.

His felt the knots on his shoulder loosen, he put his phone back in his pocket. A black Rolls Royce was waiting for him in front of the steps.

“Hospital.” He told to his driver as he got inside the vehicle.




Sohee felt relief wash over as she entered the room, Mrs. Tuan and Mrs. Seo were both seated by Ella’s bedside.

Mark,” Sohee walked up to him, Mark smiled and wrapped both of his arms around her.

Finally.” She nodded; Mark just tightened his grip around her.

“You were right. She’s okay.” He repeated as he kissed her cheek, Sohee just smiled and glanced at Ella.

“We will monitor her every fifteen minutes. Her vitals are good. It was very fortunate that the bullet did not hit any vital organ or injure her permanently,” Her attending physician spoke.

“All Mrs. Seo needs is rest. She will heal soon. So, you can put your worries away. She’s in good hands.”

“Sir,” Ella’s secretary stepped in the room.

“The president just arrived.” He said, Mrs. Seo looked up.

Johnny? President?” Mr. Tuan looked up.

Well, our son..did some crazy stuff.” Mr. Seo nodded and looked away.

Mark and Sohee just grinned at each other

Elders, I think it’s best if we leave the room now.




Johnny closed the door behind him, his eyes went to his wife’s unconscious figure on the bed.

His fists curled briefly.


He halted, Mark was standing by the window.

Don’t blame yourself for this. It’s not your fault.

She took that bullet for me. That was supposed to be for me, not her.” Johnny replied, Mark shook his head at him.

You have no control over that. She loves you, and she doesn’t want you to get hurt. That’s it. Plain and simple.


Johnny, don’t. It’s not your fault. And, you’ve done a lot of things for her too. I know.

Johnny paused, Mark pushed himself off the windowsill.

After getting married, you said you wanted to fly back to Chicago because of work. But, you weren’t even assigned there. Your father mentioned you were stationed to train at Seattle. You even began working there.

Johnny looked away.

That time Ella was still in med school, in Chicago. You decided to move there because of her. Because you knew how important her studies were to her.

“Hyung, it’s not~”

Stop blaming yourself.” Mark just patted his shoulder before leaving the room.

Johnny swallowed, he walked over to the bed and slowly sat beside her, he felt tears line his eyes as he saw the needles attached to her.

His eyes went to her face, Johnny’s brows met briefly. He gently caressed her cheek.

I followed your advice, princess.” He smiled before kissing her forehead. He pulled the sheets closer to her before standing up.

Love you.” He said softly.

Then he glanced up, his mother was standing by the door.

Johnny put his hands in his pocket before stepping out of the room.

“What you did earlier,” His mother started.

I’m not taking it back. We will reshuffle. Not even one trace of the Jis will be left. I don’t care what halmeoni will say about it.

Mrs. Seo smiled and took her hand in his.

I know. We know.

Johnny looked at his father.

We just wanted to congratulate you and tell you.., job well done.” His father hugged him, Johnny blinked.

So, fight for your wife. She needs you right now.” Mrs. Seo winked at him before pushing him back to the room.



They are so weird.” Johnny murmured as he entered the room again, but he was smiling.


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