Bad Decisions




Hansol looked at his mother uncomfortably. He was standing behind the door to the living room, but he could hear her talking to Bomi.

“Do…Do you have proof?” She spoke.

“Yes, ma’am. We’ve been together for the past three years, but..he decided to end things.”

“All because of Ella Tuan, huh?” His mother cooed, Bomi nodded.

“Well, that girl does like to take things that aren’t hers, right?”

“..Yes, ma’am.”

Then the elder lady smiled and leaned back on her seat.

“Then, would you help me if I help you get Johnny back?”

Hansol tensed.

“..How will you do it, ma’am?”

“I am his aunt, of course I have the means to do it. I just need you to do something for me.”

“What is it, ma’am?”

“Come to the party tomorrow. I will send someone to pick you up.”



The plane’s door opened, Ella quickly went down the steps.

“Samonim, good afternoon.”

“Yeah, still no word from my brother?” She asked as she followed the guards to a waiting sedan. Mark’s secretary nodded solemnly.

“Samonim, the director~”

“He wants me to go to Samsung, right? We will head there first, after~”

“No, he gave us orders to ask you where you want to go. He says he can wait.” The driver smiled. Ella blinked and she nodded.

“To TGC then.” She leaned back on her seat, then Mark’s secretary produced a newspaper and handed it to her.


Ella stared at the article and the photo.

“S—Sohee noona? When..When was this announced?” She asked.

“The day director Tuan returned from Hawaii. But he never showed up at the company after that.”



Johnny took off his coat and walked to the windows.

“About the deal with Daewoo, how is it?” He asked distractedly.

“Yes, everything has been set. We will be exchanging contracts next week, sir.”

“About the Ilsan factory?” Johnny spoke.

“For now, we have settled the heat between the contractual workers, but there’s still some resistance.”

Johnny nodded.

“Well?” He spoke.

His secretary looked away.

“It has reached the media.”

“What are they saying?”

“That…samonim purposely befriended director Ji because of his claim to Samsung, but then she realized you…you…were the bigger fish.”

“And, it was part of her plan to make you two fight over her. People are saying that she did this all on purpose, becoming your wife, she seduced~”

“Stop.” Johnny’s tone was cold, the other male bowed.

“Where is she?”

“She’s at TGC.”

“Prepare the car.”

“Yes, sir.”

Johnny turned; he looked at the flash drive on his table.



Sohee watched as the elders left the room. Minho shifted his gaze to her.

“You’re smart.” Minho commented as he picked up his fork.

“We had a deal. Now, where’s the video?” Sohee asked coldly.

“I don’t have it. I sent my only copy.”

“Sent? To who? You said~”

“We never talked about who would have it. I sent it to her immediate family, yeobo.” Minho grinned as he sliced his steak.

“Mark is not~”

“Mark’s not her only family.”

Sohee dropped her phone.

“You sent it to Johnny.” She breathed. Minho shrugged.

“Like a coward that he is, Mark Tuan ran away, he couldn’t accept that you chose me.”

“You’re a snake.” Sohee stated.

“Be careful, we’re to be married soon. Make sure to invite him. Ella too.”



“He needs me to appear, huh?” Ella said as the car started to move. She glanced at TGC’s main building briefly.

“Right now, the BOD is watching them closely. They would be checking if your marriage is still strong, samonim. I’m relieved you decided to come home earlier.”

“But what are they saying now? That I did this all on purpose? Becoming close to Hansol oppa, then seducing Johnny because he’s..the rightful heir?”

“…Well, we’re trying to~”

“And now, my brother…Sohee..Why is she suddenly…” She leaned back on her seat.

“My life .” She muttered darkly.

“Right now, people will have to see that you and director Seo are still together. That way, the BOD will stop doubting him and…regarding your brother, samonim.”

Ella looked at the male.

“I think his disappearance~”

“I know. It’s because of Sohee unnie. This is driving me crazy. They all have such great timing.”



Johnny stepped out of the doors, before he could reach his waiting car, a black Land Rover halted before him.

“Director,” A familiar male bowed as he saw him. Two guards slid down from the car and opened the door.

Ella stepped down from the vehicle. Johnny’s brows rose, he felt relief wash over him when he saw her smile.

“I came as soon as I settled things.” She spoke as she walked to him.

“How are things?” She asked carefully as she reached him, he just shrugged, his shoulders tensed.

“I should be asking you that.” He replied lightly, she just sighed before leaning her forehead against his chest.

I can’t find my brother. I just took a position I was never trained for and oh, I’m supposed to have seduced both of the Seo cousins.” She mused, Johnny just smiled and kissed the top of her head.

Their guards politely looked away.

“We’ll find him soon, Elle.” He just wrapped his arms around her.

“I heard about your…aunt. She’s been…talking, right?” She spoke, Johnny nodded.

“But, what’s happening? How did she know Bomi was there?” She asked as she pulled away. Johnny bit his lip.

“…I don’t know. Someone must have seen~” Johnny paused.

“How dare you touch her? You..Your girlfriend’s right here.”

 “I never had plans to take Samsung. It’s all yours, but Ella…I can’t give her up. And she’s not really your wife~”

Just then a black Audi parked behind his car, Hansol slid down from the vehicle.

Johnny?” Ella blinked at him, then he suddenly pulled away from her and with three long strides, he reached his cousin and grabbed him by the collar, before anyone could react, Johnny’s fist connected to Hansol’s jaw, causing for him to stagger back.

“Seo Youngho!” Ella shouted, guards started to surround Johnny as Hansol stood up.

“Samonim, it’s best if you stay back. Please come with me.” Johnny’s secretary took her by the arm.



“I..I didn’t expect you’d go this low, hyung. I really wanted to believe you were different.” Johnny spat before turning away from him.



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Chapter 54: Authornim, just want to ask if you thought of getting these stories published?
You are such a great writer.
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Chapter 54: I wish there will be another Johnny Suh fanfic written by you ????❤️❤️❤️✨???
Chapter 54: I love this! Although johnny is the second couple, i still love it