Bad Decisions


Johnny was confused as they entered the living room of  his grandparents’ home, his parents were out of town and he had no way of reaching them.

Did something bad happen?” Ella asked worriedly as she took off her jacket.

I don’t know.” He sighed, they looked up as the doors opened.

“Ji Hansol!” Ella grinned as the male entered, then she halted. Hansol was still dressed in his white lab gown.

“Wait…..I just saw you  few days ago, you were Director Ji of Samsung…how..” Ella blinked, Hansol grinned at her.

“I volunteer on weekends. Just the pediatrician ward or the ER.” Hansol said as he shook his lab gown off. Youngho smiled and greeted his older cousin.

“Whoa, I’m jealous.” Ella plopped beside him. Johnny walked to the windows and crossed his arms.

“They allow you to “doctor”, my father wont even hear it.”

“It’s just volunteer work….but, actually under Samsung, I have a project.” Hansol started, Ella nodded.

“We need doctors, we visit rural places and conduct free checkups, sometimes vaccinations. You can join us.”

Ella’s smile grew wider.

“That is if you’re free. You’re about to get really busy, Elle.” Hansol mussed her hair, Johnny could see their reflection on the glass.

His brows met before leaving the room.





Sohee put the photo back, then she looked up. Mark was standing by the entryway, his deep gaze on her.

You…” Sohee trailed off, she saw Mark exhale before he walked up to her and wrapped her in his arms. Sohee paused, confused.


Mark just tightened his arms around her and pressed his nose against her hair.

I’m sorry.” He whispered, Sohee’s brows met briefly.

There are things…I don’t know if I can tell you…But, one thing’s for sure, Hee.

Mark pulled away and faced her, Sohee was aware of how his hands were on her waist.

Mark, I don’t know what’s happening with you. Why can~

I didn’t say those words just because I don’t like Choi Minho.” He cut her off, Sohee nodded.

“Truthfully Hee, you…you…were always different. I always did know you were going to be different to me.”

Sohee blinked, Mark dropped his hands to his side,

I like you, Jung Sohee. And, I’m not saying just to stop you from marrying somebody else. Because, I want you to choose me, that’s why I’m telling you this.”

Sohee’s eyes widened, she took a step back.

I wasn’t joking when I told you I’d marry you if you needed to save Lotte that bad, you can use me if you want.


“Just please, consider this, okay? I can’t lose you, not to him.” Mark said before kissing the side of her lips.


Then before she could react, he left.




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Chapter 54: I’m just a er for stories with babies hahaha
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Chapter 54: Not me rereading again for nth time
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Chapter 54: Authornim, just want to ask if you thought of getting these stories published?
You are such a great writer.
lolipop #9
Chapter 54: I wish there will be another Johnny Suh fanfic written by you ????❤️❤️❤️✨???
Chapter 54: I love this! Although johnny is the second couple, i still love it