Bad Decisions


Ella let out a sigh of relief as she stepped out of the meeting room, her secretary smiled in amusement.

“Do they really think that by talking to me endlessly will help me memorize their names? I don’t think so.” She mumbled, then two figures walked up to her.

“Ah!” She blinked, the two males bowed to her.

“Good afternoon, samonim.”

“You two….Why are you here?” She almost whined.

“It was director Seo’s instructions. Are you off to lunch?” He asked politey, Ella’s secretary quietly stepped back.


“Then, we’ll get the car~”

“No need. I’m eating downstairs.” She said as she walked towards the elevator. Her secretary paused.

“Yes? Downstairs?” She said as she caught up with her boss.

“Yes. The cafeteria.”

The two bodyguards just followed them.

“Well…okay, ma’am.”



Sohee had successfully evaded her parents; she walked in her office and shut the door behind her.

“Mark Tuan.” She muttered darkly as she put her purse down and walked to her desk. She sat down on her chair and opened her laptop.


She looked up as her secretary entered her office, she automatically winced.

“Your lunch with mister Choi has been cancelled.”

She paused.

“Minho cancelled?”

“Yes, he says he has an urgent meeting. And he adds that you shouldn’t worry, it isn’t about director Tuan’s announcement.”

She just nodded.

“And, your parents has requested your presence tonight, at their home. They also ask if you could bring director Tuan.”

“Okay, I’ll be there.”

“Shall I contact~”

“No, I’ll call Mark myself.”




The employees of TGC were surprised when their new CEO stepped, more like, pranced in the company cafeteria with a smile on her face. Then they balked when she also cued to get her lunch with a tray in hand.

“Good..afternoon, director.” The lady said as she handed her the dishes.

“This looks good, ahjumma.” She nodded politely as she paid for her meal, she spun around.

“Samonim, we’ll carry~”

She shook her head at her guards.

“Why don’t you guys get something to eat as well? I’ll grab us a table.” She offered, the two guards were stunned.

“But, samonim~”

“Go.” She said before sidestepping them in search for a table, she smiled at the employees who were staring at her in wonder.

The two guards left, confused but had no choice but to line for food. Ella found an empty table and sat down, she picked up her chopsticks and started eating.

“What is this? The new CEO eating here.”

She looked up, Minho was walking towards her.

“Oppa.” She smiled, Minho sat down across her.

“I was about to ask you out for lunch, then I saw you coming here.”

“How did it go between you and oppa? Does he still hate you?”

Minho shrugged and leaned over to examine her tray of food.

“I didn’t know he..he had feelings for Sohee, Elle. I feel…worried about that.” He started.

“Well, if only he confessed earlier, it wouldn’t be this messy, right?” She nodded, Minho smiled.

“But, I started to grow feelings for her too, Ella. I like Jung Sohee, and I don’t think it’s just a crush.”

Sohee halted, her eyes were wide as she stared at him.

“So, I’m sorry if I’m going against your oppa, just remember that I’m still your friend, okay?” Minho leaned over to cup her cheek.

Before she could react, a familiar masculine voice made her stop.

“What kind of circus are you running?”

Ella looked up, Johnny was standing a few meters away from them, and he looked angry.

“Didn’t I give strict instructions to guard her?” He spoke again just as her two bodyguards rushed back to the table. Minho looked at Johnny.

“We’re sorry, director.” The two bowed.

“Ya, I’m just having lunch. They don’t need to~”

She saw how his jaw twitched, Johnny walked towards the table, and his eyes went to Minho.

“Will you put your hand away? I don’t think it will be a good idea. People may start talking, she is my wife and I don’t want trouble.” Johnny said casually, but there was something in his stance that made the two bodyguards panic slightly.

“Then, I guess I have to go. See you around, Elle.” Minho stood up; he gave Johnny a quick nod before leaving.

Johnny exhaled and sat across her, Ella put her spoon down.

That was totally unnecessary.” She pointed out, Johnny just met her gaze briefly before pulling her tray towards him, and he started to eat.

“Samonim, we’ll get you~”

“No need to, you guys should eat too.” She said before facing Johnny again, she grabbed the spoon from him.

“You don’t need to be mean to him, actually~”

I wasn’t being mean.” Johnny pushed the tray back to her, Ella’s brows met, but by the look on his face, she knew it was best not to ask.

“Just, be careful. It’s going to be a little difficult for us. Too many prying eyes.” He stated, he looked around; most of the people in the cafeteria were looking at them. Ella snorted.

“Anyway, dinner later with mom and dad. I’ll come pick you up.” He stated.

Yes, yes, yes.” She rolled her eyes, Johnny chuckled, and he leaned over to kiss the side of her head before standing up. Johnny made his way to the exit, he paused and glanced back at Ella, she was happily chatting with her two bodyguards as she ate.

His brows met briefly, then she looked up and saw him, she gave him a small wave.

Johnny just winked at her before exiting the cafeteria.



Mark was chuckling as Sohee ranted over the phone.

Its just dinner.

“You’re trying to get us both killed.” She said darkly as she leaned back on her seat, but somehow it all felt better. It felt like things were back to normal, Mark was laughing again. But she knew there were things he refused to tell her, but right now, she just needed him back.

Not really. Although they might be disappointed with what I’ve done.” He said lightly, Sohee shook her head.

I still don’t understand what’s going on in that head of yours.

I’ll come by at your place later then.


I’ll see you later.” He said before ending the call, Sohee put her phone down and sighed.


Aren’t we risking too much?



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You are such a great writer.
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