Bad Decisions

You look worried.” Johnny said as they stepped out of their room, Ella sighed.

“I start work today. I’m a doctor, how am I supposed to do my brother’s work?” She spoke as she trudged to the kitchen.

Mark hyung’s still there, relax.” He said as he joined her, Ella started taking out ingredients.

Should we have pasta? I feel like eating pasta.” She faced him.

I’ll cook, just stay away from the stove.” Johnny chuckled and gently pulled her away from the counter.

What if I get stuck here? What will happen to me?” She spoke, Johnny paused, he faced her again.

I’m a doctor, I’m not…made for this job.

“You wont get stuck, Elle. I’m sure Mark hyung and Sohee~”

Their phones beeped, Ella took hers out.

Johnny winced as he read the email.

Yeah, you’ll probably be stuck in TGC for quite a while.” Johnny muttered, Ella stared at the article on the screen.



“I hate you.” Sohee said through gritted teeth, Jackson grinned as he picked up his toast, the three of them were having breakfast at her place.

Mark was smiling as he took his seat across her.

“I can’t believe I let you do this.” She groaned.

Just a few minutes before Jackson joined them, Mark had released a statement via their family’s company.

“I think it’s quite entertaining.” Jackson chortled as he chewed. Mark smiled and finished his coffee.

His statement contained an apology for “disturbing” Choi Group’s director and the Lotte heiress’ engagement and he also stated that he did it because Jung Sohee was his in the first place.

He clarified it twice too; that Jung Sohee was his and nothing would change that.

Mark Tuan can be petty and childish if needed.

Mark, you gave me two options.” Sohee pointed out.

But I want option two to win.” He said with a mischievous grin, Sohee sighed.


Mark stood up and walked around the table.

I have to head to work, it’s Elle’s first day. Call me if something happens.” He said before kissing her cheek, Sohee tensed.

Bye, Tuanniepie!” Jackson hollered after him as he left. Sohee closed her eyes briefly, Jackson smiled at her.

He’s being a headache.

He’s your headache, Sohee.

“I don’t even know why I’m okay with this.” She sighed as she picked up her fork.

But…I’m happy that he finally let it out. He’ been keeping it since junior year.

Sohee paused, she looked at Jackson.

“It was in college, our third year, Mark hyung came to me, he looked so worried and distressed.”

“Then, he told me. He realized that you weren’t just Jung Sohee his best friend to him anymore. And he didn’t want to lose what you two had, you…were always special to him, even before he realized that he loves you.”

Sohee bit her lip.

“So, please think about it, Hee. What he’s doing now may seem reckless, but that just how he is. He’s afraid of losing you.”

He still wont mention anything about Minho.

“That’s another story.”





Ella’s smile was gone as soon as the elevator doors closed, she turned her to sibling.

“You.” She spoke in Mandarin, their secretaries discreetly moved further away from them.

“I had to do it, there was no other way.”

“But ma and pa suggested you lay low for a while.” She reasoned, Mark shrugged and turned to her, he had a big charming smiled on his face.

“Is that supposed to be aegyo?” She asked dryly.

You said you wanted me to fix things.” Mark gave her a small shrug.

Yes, fix, as in, not cause more rumors about you.

It’s not a rumor. It’s real.

The doors opened, Ella just sighed as she followed her older brother.

“Ya, what you’re doing…Aren’t you risking too much?” Ella asked, Mark paused, he faced his sibling.

It is, but it’s Sohee, Elle. ” He said meaningfully, Ella nodded.

Fine, just don’t take your time, okay? I can’t stand being~

“What are you planning?” A male voice made them halt, Ella glanced behind her. She panicked, her brother grew tense beside her.

“What?” Mark replied, his tone was cool and measured.

“Do you know what you just did? It may seem funny to you, but our company~”

Ella, go to your office. You have a meeting in twenty minutes.” Mark nudged her, Ella nodded and followed her secretary.

Mark smiled at his sibling before she entered the elevator again, then his eyes went to Minho.

“I don’t care if you lose millions just because of this.” He pointed out.

“Our marriage involves a merger, with what you did~”

“Lotte doesn’t need Choi Group. Choi Group needs Lotte.” Mark smirked, Minho’s eyes narrowed at him.

“I…I still have that video. Should I show it to Ella?” Minho met his gaze evenly, Mark’s fists curled but he gave him a shrug.

“Go ahead and try.”

Minho paused.

“You can even try uploading it on the Internet.” Mark stepped towards him, the employees passing by all looked away.

“But you are not getting your hands on Sohee.” He said lowly before walking away from him.




Johnny was in a meeting when his secretary discreetly tapped his shoulder.

“Director, it’s director Tuan.”

He blinked at her.

“Director Mark.” He stated, he excused himself and stepped out of the hall. He saw Mark waiting for him by the tall glass windows.

What brings you here, hyung?” He asked as he approached him, Mark shook his head. Johnny’s brows rose, his brother-in-law looked annoyed and uncomfortable.

Can I talk to you? Privately.

Yes, of course.” Johnny nodded and gestured for the older male to follow him. They arrived in his office, Mark sat down.

This is about Ella…I figured that I can’t do this alone.

Johnny leaned back on his seat.

It was a year before you two got married, Ella was here for a vacation. Back then, we both got into drag racing.

Johnny nodded, Mark let out a shaky breath.

Minho….Minho was close to us..Then…it was one night…I got too hyped up, I didn’t know..I didn’t know that would happen.

What happened, hyung?”

“I heard some people talking, Minho..Minho has a habit of getting girls drunk and drugging them. Then he takes them to hotels.”

Johnny tensed in his seat, his forehead furrowed.

I asked Jackson for help, we arrived at the hotel….Ella…Ella…” Mark looked away.

They were there, Ella was on the bed, groggy and unaware of what was happening, he was just starting to take her clothes off…

“Hyung,” Johnny was speechless.

I know that she gets nightmares about what happened.

Johnny started shaking his head, troubled.

I think she saw me, I was seeing red. That night…I almost killed Choi Minho. If Jackson wasn’t there..I would have.” Mark met his gaze, Johnny exhaled.

I’m asking you to protect her, she..she must not know. I don’t want her to remember it.

“But, hyung~”

“I can see that she trusts you. So, please, watch over her. I don’t know what Minho’s planning, but he’ll definitely use Ella against me.” Mark stood up, Johnny bit his lip.

His brother-in-law left the room, Johnny picked up his phone.

“Where are you now?”

“We’re at the house, sir.”

“You didn’t accompany Ella?” He questioned.

“Yes, sir. She requested~”

“Head to her office now. Tell her it was my instruction, and she’s not allowed to drive.”

“Yes, director.”

Johnny put his phone down and leaned back on his seat.

I have to keep you safe.




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Chapter 54: Authornim, just want to ask if you thought of getting these stories published?
You are such a great writer.
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Chapter 54: I wish there will be another Johnny Suh fanfic written by you ????❤️❤️❤️✨???
Chapter 54: I love this! Although johnny is the second couple, i still love it