// heart throbbing jaehyun

My Best Friend's Friends

"Joo Eun!" Jaehyun ran up to Joo Eun.

He lifts her up princess style and runs to the nurse's office. He panics as he quickly lays her on a bed and grabs the first aid kit. The nurse was currently on lunch break and he did not have the patience to wait for her to come back. He quickly applies ointment and bandages to her bruises and cuts.

"Jaehyun-ah..." Joo Eun whispers.

"Joo Eun! Are you awake?" Jaehyun quickly runs to her side and holds her hand.

"What are you doing here?" Joo Eun asks.

"You fainted on the floor," Jaehyun replies worriedly. "I didn't tell the teacher yet. I'll go tell him now."

Before Jaehyun could leave, Joo Eun grabs onto his sleeve.

"Don't leave me alone," Joo Eun says almost on the verge of tears.

"I won't, I won't leave you alone," Jaehyun replies as he sits on her bed holding her hand. "Who did this to you?"

Joo Eun quickly looks away. She didn't want him to know that she had been beaten up because of him and his friends.

"I don't know," Joo Eun whispers.

"Was it the girls?" Jaehyun frowns. "Because of us..."

"No, no, it's not your fault," Joo Eun looks at him. 

"I'm really sorry Joo Eun," Jaehyun sighs. "If it weren't for us... you wouldn't have gotten hurt."

"Why are you apologizing?" Joo Eun stares at him. "It's not your fault."

"I'll get revenge for you," Jaehyun clenches his fists together.

"Don't," Joo Eun grabs his hand.

"Then what can I do?" Jaehyun bites his lip.

"Just pretend you don't know me, don't talk to me, don't eat with me, don't even look at me," Joo Eun replies.

"What?! That's ridiculous," Jaehyun shakes his head disagreeing.

"That's the best way," Joo Eun could feel her heart beating.

"Alright, fine... If that's what you want," Jaehyun sighs. "Then at least hang out with me on the weekends."

Jaehyun sticks out his pinky finger asking for a promise. Joo Eun smiles as she entangles her pinky with his. Eventually, the nurse came back and Jaehyun returned to class.


"Joo Eun!" Youngdoo yells as he knocks on Joo Eun's door. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yes, thanks for the concern," Joo Eun replies as she opens the door to see five figures standing in front of her. "Uh..."

"They were worried when I told them what happened, so they tagged along." Youngdoo chuckles as he scratches the back of his head.

"Are you feeling better?" Haejoon asks as he reaches out to touch Joo Eun before Jinseob intercepts.

"Don't touch her," Jinseob glares at Haejoon.

"Yes sir," Haejoon retreats his hand immediately.

"You're okay now right?" Jaehyun asks as he touches her bruises.

"Yeah, it doesn't hurt that much now," Joo Eun shyly replies as she blushes. "Uh... let's head to the living room."

Joo Eun could feel her heart pound as she escorted them out to the living room. As they all sit down, she realizes one person was missing.

"Where's Doha?" Joo Eun asks.

"I was going to ask him to come with us, but he left school already," Junseo shrugged. "I don't know where he went. You're not disappointed right, noona?"

"No! Of course not," Joo Eun laughs it off. "Why would I be?"

"My instincts tell me differently," Haejoon whispers.

Jinseob glares at Haejoon once more making Haejoon shut up immediately. 

"Jaehyun already told us everything," Jinseob says. "The girls are doing this because of us right?"

"No, no!" Joo Eun didn't want the boys to blame themselves.

"We know already," Junseo replies. "We'll be sure to get revenge for you!"

"Maknae!" Jaehyun glares. "That'll only cause more trouble for Joo Eun. We should just pretend not to know her for now until things die down."

"Then how will I be able to hang with noona?" Junseo pouts.

"You guys can come over whenever you want!" Joo Eun offers.

"Excuse me?" Youngdoo asks. "This is MY house."

"Thanks for the offer!" Haejoon grins. "I'll be sure to come here often!"

"Yes, do please, it's so boring with just Youngdoo," Joo Eun snickers.

"Excuse me?!" Youngdoo frowns. "Did I give any of you guys permission?!"

"Anyway, come whenever you want, I'll gladly open the door for you," Joo Eun grins.

"That's awesome!" Jinseob laughs. "We'll be on our way then. We just wanted to check if you were okay."

"Thanks a lot!" Joo Eun sincerely smiles as she walks them out.

"Wait a minute!" Youngdoo yells as he gets left behind.

"Bye!" Joo Eun waves as the boys leave.

"I'll see you next time Joo Eun," Jaehyun shoots her a tiny smile before catching up to the other boys.

"Y-yeah," Joo Eun blushes before she turns around to face an angry Youngdoo.

"YAH! Kwak Joo Eun!" Youngdoo bursts.

"Yes, best friend?" Joo Eun smirks.

"Now I'm you're best friend?" Youngdoo glares.

"You're always my best friend," Joo Eun laughs as she sticks a rice cake in Youngdoo's mouth. "Here, Haejoon gave this to me, but you can have some."

Youngdoo shakes his head at Joo Eun. There was no controlling this girl. She just does whatever she wants. Joo Eun plops down on her bed after a long day. Even though her day did not exactly start off great, the boys visiting her gave her a lot of strength. She was glad to have found friends like them. She blushed at the thought of Jaehyun helping her out. Joo Eun rolled around and squealed in bed like a girl in love. Suddenly, Doha popped up in her mind.

"Why am I thinking about that ?" Joo Eun mutters. "He didn't even bother to pay me a visit... not that I care."

Joo Eun shakes the thought off her brain before taking a warm shower and heading to bed. She could only hope her next couple days would get better.

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65 streak #1
Chapter 19: That girl is a real psychopath, it's scary
65 streak #2
Chapter 18: Damn they are really out to get the poor girl
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Chapter 17: Oh wow drama begins
65 streak #4
Chapter 16: Awwww that ending tho, that's so cute
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Chapter 15: Jealous is not a good colour on Hee Ra
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Chapter 14: Oh gosh I hope she will survive this trip with that roommate
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Chapter 13: Doha's confession sounds like James Bond confessing
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Chapter 12: Inho don't be such a jerk
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Chapter 11: For a split second I thought he needed proof haha
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Chapter 10: Hee Ra is pure evil... she's a psychopath