// my best friend's fanclub

My Best Friend's Friends


A ball smacked Joo Eun right in the middle of her face making her fall out of her seat. The room filled with laughter as Joo Eun picked herself up.

"Who threw this?" Joo Eun asked looking around.

"Me," a girl a couple seats away from her smirked. "You got a problem?"

"You hit me in the face, are you not going to apologize?" Joo Eun frowned.

"Then you should apologize to me first," the girl shrugged.

"For what? I haven't done anything to you," Joo Eun replied.

The girl looked at her group of friends and laughed. "Haven't done anything? Are you kidding me?"

The girl took out her phone and shoved it in front of Joo Eun's face. Joo Eun squinted her eyes and looked at the pictures displayed. They were pictures of her and Youngdoo from when he picked her up yesterday and today when they walked to school. She was surprised a random girl had pictures of them.

"Where did you get these?" Joo Eun frowned.

"How come you get to hang out with our most beloved Youngdoo? He is a member of White, the most popular group in school. Which means he is untouchable," the girl said.

"W-white? What?" Joo Eun asked confused.

"I, Choi Hee Ra, the president of White's fanclub will not let this go. As the representative to all the girls in this school, I will have to take care of you," Hee Ra pounded her fists together.

"Joo Eun!" Youngdoo said as he walked back into class with Doha and Jaehyun. "I got you a drink."

Hee Ra ran to Youngdoo and clung onto his arm.

"Oppa, I'm really thirsty right now, can't I drink it?" Hee Ra batted her eyelashes.

"Uh... there's water outside. I bought this for Joo Eun, sorry," Youngdoo quickly got out of her grasp.

"Thanks," Joo Eun said quietly as she sat back in her seat.

Youngdoo eyed her as he knew something was wrong, but didn't say anything. 


ding ding ding

The last bell rang which meant it was time for lunch. Youngdoo yawned as he stretched out his arms.

"How is it so far? Bearable?" Youngdoo asked.

"A bit tired, but bearable," Joo Eun yawned. "I'm hungry, let's go eat."

"Doha, Jaehyun, let's go eat," Youngdoo called as the four of them walked towards the cafeteria.

The four sat down as they got their lunch. Youngdoo looked at Joo Eun's plate and took the bean sprouts out for her. Doha and Jaehyun looked at him in surprise.

"She doesn't like bean sprouts," Youngdoo explained.

"Thanks," Joo Eun grinned.

Doha and Jaehyun looked at each other and smirked.

"Hyung!" a person yelled.

"Oh! You guys came," Youngdoo fist bumped the three boys as they sat down at the table.

"This is Joo Eun, my childhood friend," Youngdoo introduced.

"Hey, I'm Jinseob," Jinseob said in a deep voice.

"I'm Haejoon, nice to meet you," Haejoon grinned.

"I'm the maknae Junseo," Junseo smiled.

"Hello, I'm Joo Eun," Joo Eun smiled back.

"You're really pretty," Haejoon exclaimed as all the boys looked at him telling him to shut up.

Joo Eun blushed before Jaehyun intercepted.

"Hey, this is Youngdoo's best friend," Jaehyun frowned. "You can hit on any girl, but not this one."

"Alright, alright, I get it," Haejoon pouted.

"Ignore them, they're just teenage boys filled with hormones," Youngdoo shook his head.

"I think it's cute," Joo Eun chuckled.

"See, she said it's cute," Haejoon stuck out his tongue.

"Alright, hurry up and eat before the food gets cold," Jinseob smacked Haejoon on the back of the head.


"Ahhh, class if finally over," Joo Eun stretched. "Today was a long day."

"Let's go home now," Youngdoo said as he packed his things.

"Hold on, I need to use the restroom real quick," Joo Eun said as she got out of her seat.

"Ok, hurry up," Youngdoo replied.

Joo Eun left the room and looked in both directions. She just realized she had no idea where the bathroom was. In the corner of the hall, she found a girl staring out the window.

"Um, excuse me, do you know where the girls' bathroom is?" Joo Eun asked shyly. "I'm new here..."

"Oh, yeah, follow me, I was about to head there anyway," the girl replied.

"Thanks a lot!" Joo Eun grinned.

"Remember to just walk straight and turn right," the girl said as she led the way. "It won't be hard to remember."

"Phew, that was easy," Joo Eun bowed.

"By the way, I'm Seulgi," Seulgi introduced herself. "You're Joo Eun right?"

'You know who I am?" Joo Eun asked. 

"Everybody in this school knows," Seulgi laughed. "You're best friends with Yoo Youngdoo, the school's idol how could anybody not know?"

"The school's idol?" Joo Eun frowned in confusion.

"You don't know?" Seulgi raised her eyebrow. "Yoo Youngdoo, is part of the group White, the most popular guys in this school. It consists of their leader, Park Doha, Choi Jaehyun, Yoo Youngdoo, Kim Jinseob, Lee Haejun, and Park Junseo. They even have their own fanclub. They are basically the untouchables in this school. Think of them as royalty. All the girls want to be their girlfriend."

"White... is Youngdoo really that popular? He's just... my friend. I never thought of him that way before," Joo Eun replied.

"Of course! That's why you're number one on all the girls hate list right now," Seulgi shook her head. "You're best friends with Yoo Youngdoo and you got to eat with White. That's every girl's dream and you just achieved it on your first day. Be careful when you walk around school."

That last sentence sent shivers down Joo Eun's spine. Youngdoo was always just her best friend. She had never seen Youngdoo as anything more than that. She knew something was up when she heard all the whispers and that ball being thrown at her. She knew his friends were good looking, but she just assumed everyone in the school was. She didn't really think much of it. This was a whole new different story though. Joo Eun hated, HATED being the center of attention.

"Thanks Seulgi, it's nice to have met a friend like you," Joo Eun smiled. "I'll see you next time."

"Good luck!" Seulgi shouted.

Joo Eun quickly grabbed her things from the classroom and left without saying a word before Youngdoo could even say anything.

"Hey!" Youngdoo shouted.

"What's up with her?" Doha asked.

Youngdoo shrugged. "I have to catch up to her, see you guys tomorrow."

Doha watched as Youngdoo ran after Joo Eun.

"She's a cute one," Doha chuckled to himself.

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65 streak #1
Chapter 19: That girl is a real psychopath, it's scary
65 streak #2
Chapter 18: Damn they are really out to get the poor girl
65 streak #3
Chapter 17: Oh wow drama begins
65 streak #4
Chapter 16: Awwww that ending tho, that's so cute
65 streak #5
Chapter 15: Jealous is not a good colour on Hee Ra
65 streak #6
Chapter 14: Oh gosh I hope she will survive this trip with that roommate
65 streak #7
Chapter 13: Doha's confession sounds like James Bond confessing
65 streak #8
Chapter 12: Inho don't be such a jerk
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Chapter 11: For a split second I thought he needed proof haha
65 streak #10
Chapter 10: Hee Ra is pure evil... she's a psychopath