// inho's true intentions

My Best Friend's Friends

The weekend had passed by quickly and school was back in session. Joo Eun felt a little awkward and was very reluctant to go to school today. She didn't know how to face Doha or Inho. When Youngdoo woke her up that morning, she tried to fake her sickness, but of course, it never worked on Youngdoo. In the end, she stood in front of the school.

Joo Eun took a deep breath before walking to her classroom. Before entering, she waited outside the door mentally preparing herself. She closed her eyes and prayed to God that she wouldn't die by Hee Ra's hands and that everything was just a dream. A tap interrupted her thoughts. When she opened her eyes, she saw Jaehyun standing there.

"What are you doing out here?" Jaehyun asked.

"N-nothing, I was about to go in," Joo Eun stared at Jaehyun without moving a step.

Jaehyun looked at her confused waiting for her to go in. Joo Eun blinked and realized what he was waiting for. She SLOWLY, oh so slowly made her way into the classroom only to find Doha and Inho not there. She dropped her bags onto her seat and let out a relieved sigh only to be interrupted once again.

"What's with the huge sigh?" Inho asked as he took the seat next to her.

Joo Eun jumped in her seat shocked. "N-n-nothing," Joo Eun quickly averted her eyes.

Jaehyun turned around when he heard Inho's voice making sure to keep watch of him.

"Are you free today?" Inho asked.

Before Joo Eun could answer, somebody grabbed her hand and pushed Inho out of the seat. Joo Eun looked up to find a class full of shocked faces and an angry Doha. Joo Eun tried to squirm her hand out of his, but he held it tightly.

"What are you doing?" Joo Eun whispered to Doha.

"This is my seat and this is my girlfriend," Doha exclaimed as he glared right at Inho. "Please get out."

"Woah, my bad, I wasn't trying to steal your girl or anything," Inho smirked. "But I see you're no longer ashamed of your relationship."

Inho grinned as he looked around the classroom to see everyone staring at them. Joo Eun bit her lip as she took her hand away from Doha's. 

"W-w-why are you holding her hand?" Hee Ra asked Doha with a lost face. "WHY?!"

"Girlfriend... Doha said girlfriend." "They're dating?" "Since when?" "Wow, she's really shameless." "What does Doha see in a girl like her?" "I didn't like her from the start and now I really don't like her." "Doha's standards are too low."

The whispers in the class were getting louder and louder until they were no longer whispers. Joo Eun could feel tears well up in her eyes. What had she done so bad to deserve this? She didn't ask for all this attention and drama. All she wanted was a simple life. Right as the teacher walked in, Joo Eun got up and ran out of the classroom trying to hold her tears in.

"What's with her?" Teacher Park asked. "Why are you two standing up? Doha, Inho sit down."

"Joo Eun's feeling a little bit sick, let me go check up on her," Jaehyun said as he got out of his seat.

"No, I'll go," Doha held Jaehyun back, but Jaehyun gripped onto his arm.

"Stop it, you're only hurting her," Jaehyun glared at him before running after Joo Eun.

"Um... ok, well then, let's start," Teacher Park shrugged.

Joo Eun and Jaehyun came back after a couple of minutes when class was in session. Joo Eun quietly took her seat while feeling the death glares of fangirls on her back.

"Are you okay?" Doha asked worried, but receiving no response.

Inho kept staring at the two with a smirk on his face constantly making Doha irritated.

"What?" Doha mouthed to Inho.

Inho shook his head and chuckled to himself. Jaehyun stared at Inho knowing there was something lying underneath the lies. There was a reason Inho was doing this.

When school finally ended, it felt like years had gone by for Joo Eun. She let out a sigh of relief as she walked out of class towards the entrance to meet up with Youngdoo. Joo Eun was too busy on her phone that she was not paying attention to her surroundings.

"Hello, friend," a voice said.

Joo Eun could tell whose voice it was without looking up. It's still daylight and there were many people here, she wouldn't possibly do it, right? Joo Eun thought to herself. When she looked up, she was caught by surprise. Instead of just one person, there was a group of girls surrounding her from all sides.

"I guess you haven't learnt your lesson from last time," Hee Ra chuckled. "Maybe you need another one."

"W-Wait!" Joo Eun yelled as her legs shook like crazy. "W-why are you doing this? Let's talk it out."

"Why? Is that even a question?" Hee Ra laughed. "You are dating Park Doha, THE Park Doha. Do you still not get it?"

"I-I'm actually not really dating him," Joo Eun nervously chuckled.

"Really? As if we'd believe you," Hee Ra spat on the ground. "Doha said it himself. Who are you tryna kid?"

"He was just joking, it was a joke, you're supposed to laugh, see, hahahaha," Joo Eun quietly laughed by herself but stopped when nobody else followed.

"A joke?" Hee Ra glared. "Is dating our Doha a joke to you? Yah, get her!"

Before Joo Eun knew it, a bunch of things were flying her way hitting her in all directions. Eggs, shoes, water, balls, etc. She tried to block it with her arms, but they were hitting her in too many places. Suddenly, she felt someone grab onto her and slowly, the pain stopped. She looked up to see a guy smiling at her.

"Doha? What are you doing here?" Joo Eun asked. 

"Are you okay, Joo Eun?" Doha smiled as he patted the dirt off her clothes.

"D-doha," Hee Ra stuttered as the girls stopped throwing their things. "Why are you here?"

Doha's smile suddenly turned into a death glare. "Did you think I would stand still when my girlfriend is getting hit?"

"You know why we're doing this, Doha," Hee Ra cried. "It's to protect you."

"Protect me? All your doing right now is harming me," Doha frowned. "I'm telling you here and now. Kwak Joo Eun is MY girlfriend and anybody who lays hands on her is dead. Got it?"

All the girls quickly nodded before scramming.

"Are you okay?" Doha sighed as he held onto Joo Eun's shoulders.

"Why did you do that?" Joo Eun said angrily. "Why did you say you were my boyfriend?"

"I-" Doha began.

"This is all happening because of you," Joo Eun screamed.

"Calm down, I'll take you home now," Doha grabbed onto Joo Eun's wrist.

"No!" Joo Eun pulled away. "I don't want anything to do with you."

Joo Eun turned and ran away leaving a helpless Doha behind. Doha ruffled his hair in anger. This was not what he wanted. He didn't want to harm Joo Eun. Everything he said, he meant it. He was sincere.

Behind a tree only a couple feet away stood a smirking Inho. This was exactly the show he wanted. This was what he wanted to see. As Inho turned around to walk away, a body appeared stopping him.

"Oh, aren't you Choi Jaehyun, Joo Eun's knight in shining armor?" Inho smiled as he looked at Jaehyun.

"Who are you really?" Jaehyun glared at Inho emotionlessly.

"Me? I'm Hwang Inho, I thought you knew who I was already," Inho chuckled.

"What are your intentions? Why do you keep bothering Joo Eun and causing trouble for her?" Jaehyun bit his lip in anger.

"Because I like her," Inho shrugged as if it was the most obvious reason ever.

Jaehyun let out a soft chuckle. "You don't like her. Your eyes are not those of one in love," Jaehyun grabbed onto Inho's collars. "What are your real intentions?"

"You're right," Inho smirked as he took Jaehyun's hands off his collar. "I'm not in love with her. But you are. And so is he." Inho pointed to Doha standing by himself.

"Don't you think it's entertaining and funny?" Inho chuckled. "Two of the most popular guys in school chasing after a normal, average girl. That's kind of... entertaining you see."

"You," Jaehyun gritted his teeth. "Stop bothering her. I'm giving you your last warning."

"Alright, I got it, knight in shining armor," Inho shrugged. "The show's almost over anyway. It seems like that one over there has already won." Inho looked at Doha.

"Don't say things you don't know," Jaehyun's hands clamped into a fist before he stomped off.

"Wow, what a show," Inho clapped as he looked at Doha standing helplessly in front of the school and Jaehyun who was angrily walking away.

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65 streak #1
Chapter 19: That girl is a real psychopath, it's scary
65 streak #2
Chapter 18: Damn they are really out to get the poor girl
65 streak #3
Chapter 17: Oh wow drama begins
65 streak #4
Chapter 16: Awwww that ending tho, that's so cute
65 streak #5
Chapter 15: Jealous is not a good colour on Hee Ra
65 streak #6
Chapter 14: Oh gosh I hope she will survive this trip with that roommate
65 streak #7
Chapter 13: Doha's confession sounds like James Bond confessing
65 streak #8
Chapter 12: Inho don't be such a jerk
65 streak #9
Chapter 11: For a split second I thought he needed proof haha
65 streak #10
Chapter 10: Hee Ra is pure evil... she's a psychopath