// two-faced doha

My Best Friend's Friends

"Hey guys," Jaehyun smiles as he puts his lunch next to Joo Eun's. "I can join you guys right?"

"Yes, yes!" Seulgi nods her head enthusiastically.

Joo Eun simply stares at him and looks around making sure there were no fangirls anywhere.

"Don't worry, I made sure nobody was here," Jaehyun chuckled allowing Joo Eun to release a sigh of relief.

The three chattered as they ate their lunch as if they had been best friends for forever. Jaehyun laughed as he saw rice stuck on the corners of Joo Eun's mouth.

"Yah, you have a little something over there," Jaehyun tried not to laugh as he pointed to the spot.

"Where? Here?" Joo Eun tries to take it off but eventually misses the spot.

"No, here," Jaehyun laughs as he reaches for it himself.

A hand suddenly stops him from proceeding. Jaehyun looks up to find Doha smiling at him. Doha releases his arm as he removes the piece of rice from Joo Eun's face and squeezes himself in between Jaehyun and Joo Eun.

"I can eat with you guys right?" Doha smiles as he places his lunch in front of him.

"YES! OF COURSE," Seulgi nearly screams in joy.

"Thank you god for this opportunity," Seulgi quietly whispers to herself in the corner.

"What are you doing here?" Joo Eun frowns.

"Is something wrong? Am I not allowed to be here?" Doha looks around. "There doesn't seem to be a sign saying I can't eat here."

"Stop fooling around with me," Joo Eun glares. "Who are you really?"

"Me? I'm Park Doha," Doha responds witfully.

"Doha, what are you doing?" Jaehyun intercepts.

"What do you mean? I'm just here to eat," Doha chuckles. "Thanks for the food."

Joo Eun stares at Doha intensely as he eats. This was not the image she saw yesterday. Yesterday, he was an arrogant insulting fool, but today, he seemed like the sweetheart everybody knew him for. Joo Eun shook the thought off her mind when she saw Jaehyun looking at her. She gave him a slight smile and signalled him to continue eating. He smiled back knowing that Joo Eun was okay.

At least someone here isn't fake, Joo Eun thought to herself.


Jaehyun quietly takes a small piece of paper and writes a note on it. He tosses it onto Joo Eun's table when the teacher's back was turned. Curious, Joo Eun made sure the teacher wasn't looking before she opened the note.

Want to hang out with me after school? - Jaehyun

After reading the note, Joo Eun blushes a soft shade of pink. She looks at Jaehyun and nods in agreement. Jaehyun mouths, I'll see you after class. Joo Eun secretly smiles to herself after Jaehyun turns away. 

Meanwhile, Doha twirls his pencil around pretending not to notice while secretly looking at the two. Afterall, he was Jaehyun's seatmate. It would have been weird for him NOT to notice their exchange. 


"Joo Eun, can I talk to you after class?" Youngdoo asks as soon as the bell rings.

Joo Eun quickly looks around and sees the death glare of all the girls in the classroom, especially Hee Ra's. 

"I don't think now is a good time, I'll talk to you at home," Joo Eun whispers as she quickly runs out the door.

Youngdoo looks around the class and glares at all the girls while mouthing what to scare them off.

Joo Eun stands outside of the school's entrance as she waits for Jaehyun to come. Excited, she quickly takes out her cellphone from her bag to make sure she's looking okay. A hand taps her shoulder shortly after. With a big smile, Joo Eun turns around.

"Jae Hy-," Joo Eun paused.

"What a pleasure to see you here," Doha smiled.

"Yeah," Joo Eun rolled her eyes. "I'm busy so if you'll excuse me."

Joo Eun tries to walk away, but Doha grabs her wrist.

"I want to talk to you," Doha pulls her back.

"I'm REALLY busy right now, so can we talk another time?" Joo Eun quickly says as she sees Jaehyun walking towards them.

"And I REALLY need to tell you this right now," Doha replies.

"What? Hurry up and say it," Joo Eun bites her lip as Jaehyun gets even closer.

"Go out with me," Doha shoots her with the bullet.

Joo Eun stands there blankly looking behind Doha while Doha is still holding onto her wrist. Jaehyun stands behind them with no expression on his face. Doha turns around and smiles as he meets with Jaehyun.

"Oh, Jaehyun, good timing, I just confessed," Doha smirked. "You can be our witness."

"Let go of me," Joo Eun struggled out of Doha's grasp.

Joo Eun ran away as soon as she was let free. Doha stood there with his arm still up, but with a smirk on his face.

"You'll give us your blessings right?" Doha smiled as he asked Jaehyun.

"Don't fool around with her like that," Jaehyun glared as he ran after Joo Eun.

"Woops, did I make a mistake?" Doha said to himself smiling.

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65 streak #1
Chapter 19: That girl is a real psychopath, it's scary
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Chapter 18: Damn they are really out to get the poor girl
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Chapter 16: Awwww that ending tho, that's so cute
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Chapter 15: Jealous is not a good colour on Hee Ra
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Chapter 14: Oh gosh I hope she will survive this trip with that roommate
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Chapter 13: Doha's confession sounds like James Bond confessing
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Chapter 12: Inho don't be such a jerk
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Chapter 11: For a split second I thought he needed proof haha
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