// school trip pt. 3 end

My Best Friend's Friends

The sound of water running woke Joo Eun up. She covered her eyes from the blinding sunlight coming through the blinds. She examined the room and remembered the events that happened yesterday. She got up immediately when she saw Doha exit the bathroom.

"Ah, you're awake?" Doha asked with a toothbrush in his hand.

"Y-yeah, I must've slept through the whole night without knowing," Joo Eun scratched her head. "I'm sorry, I'll get going now."

"Okay, I'll see you later," Doha smiled as he walked her to the door.

"Thank you," Joo Eun bowed as she walked away with her hands cupping her cheeks.

"What were you thinking spending a night in somebody else's room?" Joo Eun muttered to herself her face red as a tomato.

Joo Eun stood in front of her room as she banged on the door. Hee Ra FINALLY opened the door with a blank expression.

"Where were you last night?!" Joo Eun frowned. "I kept banging on the door but you didn't respond."

"I must've fallen asleep," Hee Ra shrugged as she went back to her own thing.

"I had nowhere to sleep last night..." Joo Eun shook her head. She walked over to the table next to her bed and found her phone and key lying there.

"I guess I did leave it here..." Joo Eun frowned.

"So where did you spend the night?" Hee Ra asked with no interest.

Joo Eun paused in her tracks. "Um... just a friend's room," Joo Eun replied.

Hee Ra stopped what she was doing. "A friend? Who?" Hee Ra raised an eyebrow as she inspected the girl. "Don't tell me... DOHA?!"

"It just ended up happening, nothing happened between us though," Joo Eun quickly said.

Hee Ra screamed as she kicked her luggage. Joo Eun jumped in surprise. Hee Ra stormed off without saying another word.

"What's her problem?" Joo Eun rolled her eyes as she got ready to head out.

Joo Eun felt as if she was in paradise as she stared at all the teddy bears around her. They were currently visiting the teddy bear museum where there were all sorts of teddy bears. She was too busy admiring the teddy bears to notice that someone had taken a picture of her.

Doha stared at the picture he took as he made it his screensaver. A smile slowly crept onto his face as he constantly locked and unlocked his phone just to see Joo Eun's face. When he looked up to stare at the real Joo Eun, she was nowhere to be seen. He looked at Youngdoo and Jaehyun, but they were too busy with their own business to notice that Joo Eun was gone. Doha looked around the whole area to see if Joo Eun had wandered anywhere by herself. Doha noticed Hee Ra and her group of friends entering the room slickly as if they had been up to no good. It was then that Doha realized something bad must've happened to Joo Eun.

He ran out of the room and looked in every corner hoping to see a sign of Joo Eun.

"Joo Eun!" Doha yelled.

People kept staring at him, but he didn't care. Joo Eun was probably scared and alone right now. He had to find her as soon as possible. Doha looked around for around an hour without any sign of Joo Eun.

"Joo Eun!" Doha yelled once again hoping this time it would work.

"Here!" Doha heard a faint noise coming from one of the rooms.

"Joo Eun?!" Doha yelled once more.

He heard banging from the door to his right. He tried turning the knob, but it was locked tight. He knocked on the door harshly.

"Joo Eun? Are you in there?" Doha asked.

"Yes! I'm here!" Joo Eun yelled back.

"Stand back," Doha yelled as he took a few steps back.

Without hesitating, he ran straight towards the door and knocked it open. Joo Eun was standing there with tears in her eyes as her legs gave way and she fell to the floor. A burst of tears began flowing down her cheeks as Joo Eun cried loudly on the floor. Doha ran up to her and embraced her in his arms.

"It's okay, everything is okay now, I'm here," Doha comforted her as he held her close in his arms. "I'll make sure whoever did this to you pays."

Doha carried Joo Eun bridal style as they headed back to the hotel room. Doha had texted Teacher Park already saying Joo Eun wasn't feeling well and that he was going to take her back to the hotel.

Doha opened the door to his room as he laid Joo Eun on one of the beds. Joo Eun had already fallen asleep and her tears had dried. Doha sat on the bed next to Joo Eun as he tucked strands of her hair behind her ear.

"You've been through a lot," Doha whispered as he stared at Joo Eun's sleeping face.

He pulled the blankets up to make sure she wasn't cold. He took the bed next to hers as he fell asleep as well.

The next morning came. Joo Eun slowly opened her eyes to find Doha sleeping in the bed next to hers. Joo Eun jumped up making noise as Doha slowly began to wake up as well.

"What happened yesterday?" Joo Eun asked as she held the blankets close to herself. "I don't remember coming here."

"I brought you here," Doha said as he rubbed his eyes. "You seemed tired from all the events that happened yesterday, that's why."

Suddenly everything rushed into Joo Eun's head. She remembered what had happened yesterday and tears began forming in her eyes, but they refused to fall.

"What happened to you?" Doha asked as he sat up looking straight at her.

"Get her," Hee Ra whispered as the two girls next to her ran next to Joo Eun.

Without realizing, Joo Eun's arms were captured and the two girls placed a hand over as they dragged her off to an isolated place.

"Hello there," Hee Ra smirked as her friends dropped Joo Eun coldly on the floor in a room nobody ever seemed to come to.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Joo Eun glared at Hee Ra.

"I think you know better than anybody," Hee Ra frowned. "You can keep on sticking onto Doha, I don't mind. I just hope you can take everything that happens to you in the future."

"You son of a-" Joo Eun spat at her.

"If not, then stay away from Doha," Hee Ra shrugged as she played with her nails. "You can't touch something that's not yours or else there comes a consequence."

"Pftttt," Joo Eun began laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Hee Ra was caught off guard.

"I just pity you," Joo Eun chuckled. "How bad must Doha hate you that even after all your efforts he still doesn't turn an eye towards you? Ugh... I feel bad for you."

"W-what?" Hee Ra yelled.

"Also, I won't," Joo Eun cut her off.

"What?" Hee Ra asked confused.

"I won't stay away from him," Joo Eun smirked. "Thank you for giving your approval, not that I needed it. I'll stick by his side. Thank you for helping me open up my eyes and making me realize what I really feel."

"You b-" Hee Ra bit her lip as she signaled the girls to do their job.

The two girls kicked Joo Eun deeper into the room before closing the door and locking it.

"Yah! What are you doing?" Joo Eun yelled in the pitch dark.

"This is what you wanted, and this is what I give you," Hee Ra chuckled as her footsteps got fainter.

Joo Eun felt around for the door handle as the room was pitch black. She couldn't see anything, but when she finally felt the door knob, it was locked. She tried turning it and turning it, but it was no use.

Joo Eun dropped down as she felt all hope leaving her. She banged on the door and tried yelling, but nobody passed by this area so it wasn't likely she was going to get out anytime soon. Joo Eun shrieked as she felt something touch her hand. She couldn't see anything, but she could definitely feel and hear things making her terrified twice as much.

She wasn't sure how much time had passed but it felt like forever. It was cold and she was frightened. Tears began forming on her face before she heard her name being called. Within seconds, the door slammed opened and there stood the person she wanted to see the most.

"Just... stuff..." Joo Eun muttered quietly remembering the scenes from yesterday.

"it was Hee Ra wasn't it?" Doha clenched his fists. "It's time I finally gave her a piece of what she really deserves."

"No, don't" Joo Eun stopped him.

"What?" Doha asked confused.

"I mean, it was her, but..." Joo Eun bit her lip hesitant. "I agreed to her wrongdoings in exchange for something even better. Something very worth it."

Doha could see a small blush creep up on Joo Eun's face.

"And what is that?" Doha asked as he stepped closer towards Joo Eun.

Joo Eun looked up and met eyes with Doha.


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65 streak #1
Chapter 19: That girl is a real psychopath, it's scary
65 streak #2
Chapter 18: Damn they are really out to get the poor girl
65 streak #3
Chapter 17: Oh wow drama begins
65 streak #4
Chapter 16: Awwww that ending tho, that's so cute
65 streak #5
Chapter 15: Jealous is not a good colour on Hee Ra
65 streak #6
Chapter 14: Oh gosh I hope she will survive this trip with that roommate
65 streak #7
Chapter 13: Doha's confession sounds like James Bond confessing
65 streak #8
Chapter 12: Inho don't be such a jerk
65 streak #9
Chapter 11: For a split second I thought he needed proof haha
65 streak #10
Chapter 10: Hee Ra is pure evil... she's a psychopath