// school trip pt. 1

My Best Friend's Friends

"Are you okay?" Youngdoo asked as he opened the bedroom door. "You don't have to go to school today if you're not feeling well."

"No, I'm fine," Joo Eun replied. "I'll get ready."

"If you need anything, just ask me," Youngdoo said worriedly. "You know you're my main priority right?"

"Thanks Youngdoo," Joo Eun smiled.

Joo Eun and Youngdoo walked to school together. Usually they would separate at a certain point and walk into school separately, but now that all this commotion was going on with Joo Eun and Doha, Youngdoo didn't feel the need the separate from her. Instead, he felt he needed to be with her at all times to protect her. Right when they walked into school together, Joo Eun could hear everybody start talking.

"Wow, I can't believe her." "How shameless!" "Isn't she dating all of White?" "How many guys does she have?" "Ugh... just looking at her makes me feel disgusted."

Joo Eun lowered her head at the harsh comments. It's not like she wanted to be in the center of attention. She didn't ask for this, she didn't ask for these guys to be apart of her life. If she could, she would want to stay away from White as much as possible. Suddenly, she felt a hand on her chin lifting her head up.

"Don't be scared, walk confidently," Youngdoo frowned. "You didn't do anything wrong."

Joo Eun hesitantly nodded. She definitely didn't do anything wrong, but that doesn't mean these comments didn't hit her like a sharp knife. When she got to class, she saw Doha sitting at his seat staring right at her. She avoided eye contact and took her seat.

Doha bit his lip wondering what he should say. Things were awkward between them, but they were already awkward even before he confessed. He regretted nothing. He was glad he let his feelings out. 

"Alright class listen up!" Teacher Park caught the attention of all the students. "We're going on a trip to Jeju Island next week. Please turn in your forms and money if you want to go. This is not a mandatory trip, so you are not obliged to go."

Jaehyun turned around and faced Joo Eun. "Joo Eun, are you going to go?" Jaehyun asked.

"I don't know," Joo Eun shrugged. "I don't really have the money and I don't want to ask my parents for more."

"I see..." Jaehyun nodded and turned back.

If she's not going, guess I'm not going either... Doha thought to himself.

A week passed by quickly and the trip was already here. Doha laid back on the sofa as his eyes laid on the TV screen. Since he wasn't going on the trip, there was no need for him to go to school. Teacher Park walked out of the bathroom with a towel drying his hair.

"What are you doing?" Teacher Park asked Doha.

"Watching TV," Doha muttered as he took a sip out of his Cola.

"You're going to be late," Teacher Park frowned as he looked at the clock.

"Late for what?" Doha questioned.

"The trip!" Teacher Park said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"I'm not going, I didn't pay," Doha looked at Teacher Park.

"Oh... oops... I thought you were going so I just paid for you," Teacher Park bit his lip.

"You didn't even ask me," Doha frowned.

"Well, guess you're going now, it'll be fun, come on," Teacher Park grinned.

"Ugh... next time don't do things without asking me first," Doha sighed as he went to pack his bags.

"Guess I'll just go since he paid already..." Doha muttered to himself as he prepared for a 3 days 2 nights trip.

Doha and Teacher Park were the first ones at the airport since Teacher Park had to be there before everyone. Slowly one by one, the class started to come. Doha sat on a bench far away from the class with his head on his hand staring out into space bored out of his mind. How am I going to pass time... Doha thought.

"Alright, let's call attendance," Doha could hear Teacher Park yell.

"Choi Hee Ra!" "Here!" "Yoo Youngdoo!" "Here!" "Choi Jaehyun!" "Here!" "Kwak Joo Eun!" "Here!"

Doha thought he heard Joo Eun's name and looked up. Did he just say Kwak Joo Eun? Doha thought. He looked at the crowd where his class was and spotted Joo Eun next to Youngdoo and Jaehyun immediately.

"She came!" Doha nearly screamed as he ran over to them.

"Oh, Doha, you're here too?" Jaehyun said.

"Yeah," Doha smiled as he looked at Joo Eun. "I thought you weren't coming?"

"Yeah... Youngdoo decided to pay without my permission, so here I am..." Joo Eun quietly replied.

Joo Eun could feel his stare on her. "Um... let's go," Joo Eun tried to break the awkwardness.

As the class got on the plane, Hee Ra pulled Doha into the seat next to hers.

"Sit here with me," Hee Ra grinned as she clung onto Doha's arm.

"Sorry, I'm sitting with someone else," Doha took his arm back and got up making Hee Ra frustrated.

"Ugh... you will be mine one day!" Hee Ra muttered to herself.

Doha could see Joo Eun and Youngdoo sit next to each other as Jaehyun sat in the seat behind them. Joo Eun stared out the window in fascination.

Doha patted Youngdoo asking if he could sit there. Youngdoo hesitated but decided it would be a good chance for the two to figure things out. Youngdoo got up and sat in the seat next to Jaehyun.

"What are you doing?" Jaehyun whispered to Youngdoo.

"Giving them some alone time," Youngdoo smirked.

"Joo Eun's not going to like it," Jaehyun said as he got up.

Youngdoo pulled him back down and shook his head telling Jaehyun to stop. Jaehyun reluctantly sat back down in his seat as he stared at the chairs in front of him.

"Youngdoo, look at this," Joo Eun patted the arm next to hers without looking as she was still staring out the window.

Joo Eun turned around to find Doha's face right in front of hers their lips only a couple centimeters apart. Joo Eun immediately jumped back.

"What are you doing here? Where's Youngdoo?" Joo Eun asked.

"He gave his seat to me, he's sitting with Jaehyun," Doha smiled as he pointed to the seat behind him. 

Joo Eun got up and looked at the seats behind her. Jaehyun gave her a worried look while Youngdoo mouthed sorry. Joo Eun sat back down in her seat as she sighed. This is going to be a long ride, she thought to herself.

"If you need anything, just ask me," Doha smiled as he laid back in his seat.

Since they had to sit next to each other for the whole ride, Joo Eun decided to question him.

"Why did you do that the other day?" Joo Eun asked without looking at Doha.

"What? Confess?" Doha looked at her.

Joo Eun simply nodded.

"Because I like you," Doha said.

"Confessing is not a joke," Joo Eun looked at him. "Do you not know the damage you've done?"

"Why would you think it's a joke?" Doha frowned.

"Oh please, you're the school's idol, why would YOU like ME?" Joo Eun rolled her eyes.

"Because you're special," Doha replied without hesitating. "You think it's easy to confess? It's hard for me too. But I did it because it's you."

Joo Eun's heart skipped a beat after hearing that, but she stayed strong.

"Didn't you date a bunch of other girls and use them as playthings?" Joo Eun asked. "And I'm just another one of them."

"I stopped, after I met you," Doha bit his lip. "I admit I did do those things back then, but not anymore."

"Is this one of your pick up lines?" Joo Eun scoffed.

"I'm serious Joo Eun, what can I do to prove it to you?" Doha asked.

Joo Eun could feel her heart beating like crazy. She knew Doha was just saying things, but she couldn't help but fall for it. 

"Show me through actions, not by words," Joo Eun said as she faced the window.

"Alright, I'll make you fall for me," Doha said determined. "Just wait."

Joo Eun wouldn't dare face Doha as her face was as red as a tomato right now. Within a couple minutes, Joo Eun had quickly fallen asleep. When the plane landed, Joo Eun woke up to find a blanket on top of her. She looked at Doha who was in deep sleep. She bit her lip trying to hide her smile. Doha must've put the blanket on top of her when she fell asleep.

Joo Eun hit Doha as she hid her smile. "We're here, get up so I can get out," Joo Eun said.

Doha slowly opened his eyes. "Oh, sorry," Doha quickly got up as he grabbed the luggages from above. 

He took Joo Eun's suitcase for her. "I'll carry it for you," Doha said.

"I have hands too," Joo Eun blushed as she took the luggage from him and walked ahead.

"Here are your rooms keys," Teacher Park said as he handed each one out. "No room changes!"

Joo Eun headed towards her room. She opened it to find a surprise. Her roommate was none other than the snotty Choi Hee Ra.

"Great, it's you," Hee Ra rolled her eyes as she unpacked her things. "This bed is mine."

Joo Eun sighed as she placed her things on the bed Hee Ra didn't claim. She could only hope nothing went wrong on this trip...

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65 streak #1
Chapter 19: That girl is a real psychopath, it's scary
65 streak #2
Chapter 18: Damn they are really out to get the poor girl
65 streak #3
Chapter 17: Oh wow drama begins
65 streak #4
Chapter 16: Awwww that ending tho, that's so cute
65 streak #5
Chapter 15: Jealous is not a good colour on Hee Ra
65 streak #6
Chapter 14: Oh gosh I hope she will survive this trip with that roommate
65 streak #7
Chapter 13: Doha's confession sounds like James Bond confessing
65 streak #8
Chapter 12: Inho don't be such a jerk
65 streak #9
Chapter 11: For a split second I thought he needed proof haha
65 streak #10
Chapter 10: Hee Ra is pure evil... she's a psychopath