// moving to seoul

My Best Friend's Friends

ring ring 

"Hey mom! I'm at Seoul!" screamed Joo Eun.

"Okay, take care of yourself! Don't give Youngdoo too much trouble," her mom replied.

"I won't, don't worry about me and just take care of yourself," Joo Eun chuckled.

"Alright, send Youngdoo my greetings," laughed her mom. "Love you."

"Love you too! Bye," Joo Eun said as she hung up.

Joo Eun looked at the time. Her best friend Youngdoo should be here by now to pick her up.

Kwak Joo Eun. That's her name. She moved from Namyangju to Seoul to get a better education. Her goal in life was to be successful and earn lots of money. She had promised her parents that she would not return until she graduated. Now she was waiting for her best friend Youngdoo to pick her up. The only reason her parents felt reassured sending her off was because of Youngdoo. Joo Eun and Youngdoo had been best friends since they were kids. They grew up together and their parents were best friends until Youngdoo decided to move to Seoul on his own when high school came. 

"Kwak Joo Eun!" a man screamed.

Joo Eun looked up and a huge smile grew on her face. She ran to the man and threw her arms around him.

"I'm so happy to see you Youngdoo!" Joo Eun cried in joy.

Youngdoo smiled as he patted her on the back. He took her luggage and began making his way towards the exit before Joo Eun stopped him.

"One second," Joo Eun said as she took out a Polaroid from her backpack. "Let's take a picture."

Youngdoo raised his eyebrow at her before getting in the picture and smiling. "Cheese!"

"Isn't that Yoo Youngdoo from School of Performing Arts?" "It is!" "Wow, he's so handsome." "Ask for a picture."

"Excuse me, are you Yoo Youngdoo?" a girl ran up to Youngdoo.

Youngdoo eyed her and nodded. 

"May I take a picture with you?" the girl squealed.

"Sorry, my friend is here and I'm a little busy," Youngdoo replied coldly before grabbing Joo Eun's luggage and walking away.

Joo Eun looked at them confused before bowing to the girls and walking away.

"Who were those girls?" Joo Eun asked as Youngdoo put her luggage in the trunk of the taxi.

"I don't know," Youngdoo shrugged before giving her a smile.

"Weird," muttered Joo Eun.


"WOW! Is this your house?" Joo Eun asked as she stepped into the luxurious apartment complex. 

She had never lived yet alone seen a place so luxurious in her life. She had been living in Namyangju her whole life and this was the first time she had stepped out of her hometown. 

Joo Eun dropped her bag on the floor and ran into the house excited. She jumped on the sofa, admired the flowers, sat on the carpet, the television, etc. This was too good to be real. 

"Your room is here," Youngdoo said as he opened a door on the far right. "My room is next to yours and the bathroom is across from you."

"Youngdoo! Have you been living in this luxury without telling me?" Joo Eun cried. "How could you do this to your best friend?"

"Calm down," Youngdoo shook his head. "Here's your school outfit. We're waking up at 7 tomorrow so don't be late or else I'm leaving you here."

"Thanks friend," Joo Eun grinned as she took the outfit admiring it greatly.

Right before Youngdoo walked into his room, he turned back.

"Also, don't touch the kitchen," Youngdoo glared.

"Ahhh why???" Joo Eun whined.

"Do you want my house to burn down?" Youngdoo asked.

Joo Eun sighed and shook her head.

"It's off limits for you," Youngdoo pointed at her before closing his door.

"Ahhh, this is too good to be true," Joo Eun sighed as she jumped on her bed. "This feels so comfortable."

Joo Eun spread her arms and legs out as she stared at the ceiling.

"I wish mom and dad were here to enjoy this with me," Joo Eun sighed as she looked at the time.

"Heol, look at the time," Joo Eun's eyes widened. "I need to sleep if I want to wake up on time tomorrow."

Joo Eun prepared the shower and brushed her teeth before changing into her pajamas and heading to bed. She laid on her bed and looked out the window. From her room, she could see the perfect view of a night at Seoul. 

"Thanks Youngdoo," Joo Eun whispered as she fell asleep.

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65 streak #1
Chapter 19: That girl is a real psychopath, it's scary
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Chapter 16: Awwww that ending tho, that's so cute
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Chapter 14: Oh gosh I hope she will survive this trip with that roommate
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