// bullies are back

My Best Friend's Friends

Joo Eun stares at Doha the whole time during class. She doesn't know why she feels so bad for him, but he's just been lingering in her thoughts. Jaehyun turns around and tries to get her attention, but notices she's looking at Doha instead. He bites his lip and turns around clearly a little jealous.

After class ended, Joo Eun decides to talk to Doha. She definitely cannot end things like this. She did not want to leave on a bad note.

"Doha-sshi!" Joo Eun says as she walks up to him.

"What?" Doha gives her a glare.

"I just wanted to talk out the misunderstandings," Joo Eun responds.

"What misunderstandings? I don't think there are any between us," Doha frowns.

"Doha!" Hee Ra runs up and tugs his arm. "Let's go clubbing today."

Doha immediately turned a 360 and a huge smile appeared on his face. "How are the girls there?"

"Hey! You only need to look at me," Hee Ra frowned. "But it's okay, as long as you're willing to go with me."

Doha and Hee Ra turned around and walked out the door before Joo Eun could say another word. Joo Eun sighed as she packed her stuff and went home with Youngdoo.

"What's wrong?" Youngdoo asks noticing her mood.

"Nothing," Joo Eun says softly before an egg hits her head.

Joo Eun and Youngdoo turn around to find a bunch of girls sticking their tongues out at her.

"Youngdoo-oppa! Why do you hang out with someone like her?" "Yeah, don't you know you're the school's idol?" "Stop ruining our Youngdoo-oppa's life." "Get out of his life!" "Get out of this school, ugly!"

Joo Eun was already in a bad mood and this did not make her feel any better. She took the egg shell from her hair and threw it on the floor before running away hoping Youngdoo had not seen the tears falling from her face. Youngdoo glared at the girls and made them scramble before running after Joo Eun.

Once Joo Eun got home, she locked herself in her room and cried silently hoping Youngdoo wouldn't find out. Youngdoo returned home a split second after her and knocked on her door.

"Joo Eun, are you okay?" Youngdoo asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Joo Eun tried to sound as normal as possible. "Could you not bother me? I'm trying to do homework."

"Alright," Youngdoo sighed. "If you need anything, tell me."

Joo Eun decided to stop her tears. It was childish and she didn't need this in her life. If Doha didn't want to talk to her, fine, she won't talk to him. If the girls wanted her to separate from the boys, fine, she could do that. It wasn't a problem. Afterall, all she wanted to do was graduate from here. She cleared everything off her mind and took a beauty sleep.


Youngdoo woke up the next morning to see Joo Eun already out of the house. He looked in her room, the bathroom, the kitchen, the living room, but she was nowhere to be seen which was surprising since Joo Eun usually never wakes up on time. Youngdoo shrugged and got ready on his own and headed to school.

Once he got there, Joo Eun was already sitting at her seat with her books opened studying. Youngdoo took the seat next to her and initiated conversation.

"Where were you this morning?" Youngdoo asks, but gets no response.

"Joo Eun?" Youngdoo frowns while waving his hand in front of her face.

"Please don't talk to me," Joo Eun whispers while looking down at her textbook.

"What? Why?" Youngdoo asks.

"Don't ask, just pretend you don't know me in school please," Joo Eun responds still staring at her textbook.

Youngdoo shrugs knowing Joo Eun knows what she's doing. He decides to talk to her at home later.

Moments later, Jaehyun and Doha walk into the room. Joo Eun looks up for a split second and makes eye contact with Doha. She quickly looks away and down at her book once again. Jaehyun walks up to Joo Eun.

"Good morning," Jaehyun smiles.

"Good morning," Joo Eun mutters. "If you'll excuse me, I need to use the bathroom."

"Huh? Oh... okay," Jaehyun replies.

Joo Eun gets out of her seat and heads to the restroom. Once she was out of the classroom, she let out a huge sigh of relief. 

"Ignoring them is so hard," Joo Eun whispers to herself.

Joo Eun enters the bathroom and opens up the sink water. She splashes water on herself to wake herself up. She had woken up early in the morning just to avoid going to school with Youngdoo, something she could never imagine herself doing. She wanted to sleep so badly right now, so she had to splash water on her face to stay awake.

Once Joo Eun looked up, she saw three smiling figures standing right behind her.

"Hello, friend," Hee Ra smirks.

"What do you want?" Joo Eun rolls her eyes.

"Someone is getting cocky, just because you're friends with White," Hee Ra scoffs.

"I'm not friends with them," Joo Eun replies.

"Yeah, yeah, grab her," Hee Ra tells her followers.

The two girls next to her immediately run next to Joo Eun and pins her against the wall. Joo Eun's eyes widened afraid of what was going to happen.

"What are you guys doing?!" Joo Eun screams. 

"Showing you how it works around this school," Hee Ra snickers. "You know, I really hate your guts."

Hee Ra cracks her knuckles and gives Joo Eun a big slam in the stomach. The two girls next to her continue to kick Joo Eun with their knees. After a couple minutes of nonstop hitting, Hee Ra holds up her hand telling them to let Joo Eun go. Joo Eun falls to the floor with bruises all over and several cuts on her face. Hee Ra laughs at the view in front of her and exits out of the bathroom.

Hee Ra lies on the bathroom floor groaning in pain. She tries to stand up using the wall. Eventually, she makes it back to the classroom with all eyes on her. Youngdoo, Jaehyun, and Doha open their eyes in shock as they watch Joo Eun limp into the classroom.

"Teacher, can I go to the nurse please?" Joo Eun mutters.

Teacher Park's eyes widen at the sight of her and tell her to go immediately.

"I'll go with her," Youngdoo yells as he rushes out the door to support Joo Eun.

Joo Eun holds her hand up telling him not to come. 

"Go back, I don't want you to come with me," Joo Eun mutters.

"Are you serious right now?" Youngdoo yells. "What am I going to tell your mom?"

"If you really care about me, then go back and leave me alone," Joo Eun responds. "I can go to the nurse myself."

Reluctantly, Youngdoo returns to the classroom. Jaehyun curious as to why Youngdoo came back so fast asks the Teacher to go to the bathroom as an excuse to check up on Joo Eun. Jaehyun runs out the door and within ten feet, he finds Joo Eun fainted on the floor.

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65 streak #1
Chapter 19: That girl is a real psychopath, it's scary
65 streak #2
Chapter 18: Damn they are really out to get the poor girl
65 streak #3
Chapter 17: Oh wow drama begins
65 streak #4
Chapter 16: Awwww that ending tho, that's so cute
65 streak #5
Chapter 15: Jealous is not a good colour on Hee Ra
65 streak #6
Chapter 14: Oh gosh I hope she will survive this trip with that roommate
65 streak #7
Chapter 13: Doha's confession sounds like James Bond confessing
65 streak #8
Chapter 12: Inho don't be such a jerk
65 streak #9
Chapter 11: For a split second I thought he needed proof haha
65 streak #10
Chapter 10: Hee Ra is pure evil... she's a psychopath