// changing seats

My Best Friend's Friends

After taking a couple of days off to recover, Joo Eun was officially back to school. As promised, the boys did not make contact with her in fear of fangirls, but they would always send signals to Joo Eun when they saw her from far away. For instance, this morning when Joo Eun had entered the school, Jinseob was a couple feet away from her surrounded by girls. He immediately smiled at her and even sent her a wink (which made Joo Eun blush a little). When she was walking down the hallway to her classroom, she saw Haejoon and he sent her a little finger heart making sure the girls around him didn't notice. Joo Eun chuckled to herself as she walked into the classroom.

She had already told Youngdoo not to go to school with her and Youngdoo totally understood the situation. He still woke her up in the mornings and left her breakfast because it was something Joo Eun just couldn't handle by herself. She took the seat next to Youngdoo's and took her books out. She still had no friends in the class yet since she was number one on every girl's blacklist, but she was hoping that would change soon. 

A note quietly slipped it's way onto Joo Eun's notebook. You feeling better? -Jaehyun Joo Eun looked up to see Jaehyun walking by her desk. He had swiftly slid the note on her desk as he walked past making sure nobody, especially Hee Ra had noticed. Jaehyun turned around to look at Joo Eun. Joo Eun sent an okay sign and smiled before returning back to her books.

When Doha walked into the classroom, Joo Eun looked up to glance at him. She was positive he was still mad at her, and she wanted to apologize for it especially because he was Youngdoo's friend, but Doha just never gave her the chance to. Maybe when he comes over to our house on the weekend I'll apologize, thought Joo Eun as she went back to work.

Actually, Doha had been thinking about Joo Eun. He wasn't the type to care about girls usually and he only found them as temporary flings at most but maybe because she was Youngdoo's best friend. That had to be why. He was actually worried about Joo Eun's injuries, but he didn't want to admit to it. When all the guys paid a visit to Joo Eun, he went clubbing hoping it would distract him from thinking about her, but it didn't work.

"Alright everybody, settle down," said Teacher Park as he walked into the classroom. 

Everybody quickly assembled into their seats.

"We're going to have seat changes today," Teacher Park said. "Pick a number from this box. Remember, no changes after you choose your seat!"

All the kids scrambled to the box and quickly chose a number. Joo Eun was actually happy this opportunity came. Hopefully, she could sit next to a girl and become friends with her. It also gave her a chance to separate from Youngdoo so all the girls wouldn't be jealous. Joo Eun was too enthusiastic about it. She randomly chose a number and left it all to fate as she sat in her seat.

"You wanna trade numbers?" Youngdoo asked as he, Doha, and Jaehyun were scheming in a corner.

"Let's do it," Doha agreed.

Doha took Jaehyun's, Jaehyun took Youngdoo's, and Youngdoo took Doha's. They opened up the numbers and cheered when they realized they weren't that far from each other. Doha sat in the back corner while Jaehyun sat in front of him. Youngdoo sat in the row next to Doha. The three quickly scrammed to their seats, but Doha and Jaehyun was shocked when they saw who their seatmates were.

Joo Eun looked up to see who her seatmate was and to her disappointment, it wasn't a girl... but another White member. Just her luck. Jaehyun took his seat as the girl next to him stared at him.

"Hey oppa, hope we can be good friends," Hee Ra smiled at Jaehyun.

"We're the same age... please don't call me oppa," Jaehyun frowned.

If only I didn't trade with Doha, I could be sitting next to Joo Eun right now... thought Jaehyun. While Jaehyun shivered at the thought of sitting next to Hee Ra for the whole semester, Doha simply stood there with no emotion. 

"Sit down..." Joo Eun said awkwardly. 

Doha took the seat next to her and faced the front completely avoiding eye contact. Joo Eun did not want to be seated next to a White member in fear of her life, but since it had came down to this, this must be her chance to apologize.

"Ugh... it's you," Hee Ra rolled her eyes as she saw who was sitting behind her. "That beating must've not been enough for you."

Joo Eun opened her eyes when Hee Ra said that. No doubt Jaehyun and Doha had heard what Hee Ra said. Jaehyun was about to open his mouth to say something but Doha interrupted him.

"So it was you who beat her up?" Doha raised his eyebrow.

"Yeah, I had to teach her a lesson," Hee Ra smirked. "I did well right? You were ranting to me about her at the club the other day so I thought I would do a little favor for you."

After hearing that, Joo Eun's eyes perked up and she suddenly felt a rush of anger go through her body. She had gotten beaten up because of Doha... the stupid jerk sitting next to her. Jaehyun was surprised as well. He didn't know the cause had been because of Doha. Actually, Doha hadn't known either. He didn't even know he had ranted about her to Hee Ra. He knew he had said things about her, but he didn't expect Hee Ra to listen to him.

"W-when did I do that?" Doha stuttered as he eyed the angry Joo Eun.

"I can't forgive you," Jaehyun whispered to Doha before turning around.

"No need to thank me, I'll do anything for you," Hee Ra smiled at Doha. "If only this wench wasn't sitting next to you." Hee Ra frowned as she looked at Joo Eun.

Joo Eun was at a loss for words. She was even thinking about apologizing to this jerk, but the situation just turned a whole 360. The whole time, she was just thinking back to how much her injuries had hurt and who had been the cause of it. Doha took occasional glances at Joo Eun not sure how he should apologize. When the bell rang for lunch, Joo Eun got up and left before Doha could even say anything.

Doha immediately got up and ran after her. How was he supposed to know it was because of him? He didn't know Hee Ra would take it so seriously. Doha ran all the way up to the rooftop where Joo Eun had gone to eat lunch. He found Joo Eun bursting into tears at the edge of the roof. He slowly walked up to her and tried placing his hand on her shoulder hoping it would comfort her. Joo Eun turned around shocked by the gesture and slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch me, you sick bastard," Joo Eun said in an angry tone.

"I... It's not my fault," Doha replied not the way he wanted to. "I didn't even know."

"You can't even apologize... you're just trying not to put the blame on yourself," Joo Eun scoffed.

"That's not what I mean..." Doha reached out to grab her before a hand slapped him away.

"Don't touch her," Jaehyun walked in front of Joo Eun to shield her. "I didn't know you were this type of person."

"Jaehyun... get out," Doha said firmly. "This is a conversation between me and her."

"She doesn't want to talk to you," Jaehyun snapped back. "She doesn't even want to see you. Get out of here."

Joo Eun was holding Jaehyun's shirt tightly as she peeked from behind him. Doha noticed it wasn't his time to be here right now and he quietly turned and walked away. The door opened just as Doha was about to open it and Seulgi walked in. hung open when she saw who was standing in front of her.

"Doha-sshi!" Seulgi shrieked. "What are you doing here?"

Doha simply bowed before walking away. Seulgi looked over at Joo Eun hiding behind Jaehyun and a smirk began to form on her face.

"I see where this is going," Seulgi whispered to herself.

Jaehyun turned around to face Joo Eun. 

"Are you okay?" Jaehyun asked as he held onto her shoulders.

"I'm fine, thanks," Joo Eun weakly smiled. "I'm not feeling well, so I'm going to go to the nurse's office first."

"I'll go with you!" Jaehyun offered.

"No, it's fine," Joo Eun replied. "Seulgi needs someone to eat with."

"No! I'm fine eating by myself," Seulgi shook her hands.

"No, I'm fine." Joo Eun said. "I just want to be by myself right now."

Joo Eun made her way down the stairs as Jaehyun watched her from behind. Seulgi looked back and forth between Jaehyun and Joo Eun.

"You like her right?" Seulgi smirked as she asked Jaehyun.

Jaehyun's eyes widened taken aback by the question and a blush slowly crept onto his cheeks. 

"Your face says it all," Seulgi chuckled. "Don't worry I won't tell her."

"Thanks..." Jaehyun whispered embarrassed.

Joo Eun slowly walked to the nurse's office. She was too deep into her thoughts that she was not paying attention as she turned the corner. She bumped into a wide chest. She paid no attention as the guy apologized and simply kept walking forward as if nothing had happened.

The guy frowned as he looked back at Joo Eun walking away. He shrugged before continuing his path.

Joo Eun pulled the blankets over her face as she laid on the bed in the infirmary. The tears had already dried up and all she wanted to do was take a rest to get everything off her mind. 

"I'm seeing you here often," the nurse said as she walked over to Joo Eun.

"Wake me up when class starts," Joo Eun said as she closed her eyes.

"And I guess I'll be seeing you more after this," the nurse shook her head as she closed the curtains to let Joo Eun sleep in peace.

"I just want a simple life," Joo Eun sighed.


*update : junseo got eliminated so I will take him out of the story & replace him with inho starting chapter 11

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65 streak #1
Chapter 19: That girl is a real psychopath, it's scary
65 streak #2
Chapter 18: Damn they are really out to get the poor girl
65 streak #3
Chapter 17: Oh wow drama begins
65 streak #4
Chapter 16: Awwww that ending tho, that's so cute
65 streak #5
Chapter 15: Jealous is not a good colour on Hee Ra
65 streak #6
Chapter 14: Oh gosh I hope she will survive this trip with that roommate
65 streak #7
Chapter 13: Doha's confession sounds like James Bond confessing
65 streak #8
Chapter 12: Inho don't be such a jerk
65 streak #9
Chapter 11: For a split second I thought he needed proof haha
65 streak #10
Chapter 10: Hee Ra is pure evil... she's a psychopath