// first day of school

My Best Friend's Friends

"5 more minutes," mumbled Joo Eun as she rolled back in bed.

"5 more minutes and we'll be late," Youngdoo frowned as he dragged her out of bed.

"Ok, ok, fine," Joo Eun grunted as she got up.

"Hurry and come eat breakfast when you're done getting ready," Youngdoo shook his head as he exited the room.

Joo Eun went to the bathroom to get ready as she brushed her teeth and put on her new uniform. The luring scent coming from the kitchen woke her up immediately.

"Wow, you've become a completely new person since the last time I've seen you," Joo Eun eyed the food as she sat down.

"Of course, I'm a grown man now," Youngdoo said proudly.

"Says the one who peed his pants in elementary school," Joo Eun murmured. 

"What did you say?" Youngdoo glared.

"Nothing, nothing, thanks for the food!" Joo Eun grinned as she dug in.


"Welcome to School of Performing Arts," Youngdoo said as the two stood in front of the entrance.

"Wow, it's so... different from the school I went to," Joo Eun smiled. "I like it!"

"I'll show you to the teacher's office and we have to separate ways after that," Youngdoo said. "But I can show you around the school later."

"Thanks so much, I don't know what I would do without you," Joo Eun patted Youngdoo on the back.

The two made their way onto the campus. Joo Eun wondered if it was just her getting paranoid, but it felt like everybody was staring at them and whispering.

"It's her, the one in the pictures." "Wow, she's so shameless." "Who is she? Why is she walking with him?" 

"Here we are," Youngdoo said as they stopped in front of the teacher's office.

He knocked on the door before walking in.

"Good morning, this is Joo Eun the new transfer student," Youngdoo said to the nearest teacher.

"Oh! Joo Eun, yes, follow me," the teacher replied. "Go back to class Youngdoo."

Youngdoo bowed before walking out and closing the door behind me. Joo Eun made sure not to miss the wink he sent her way.

The teacher walked her over to a desk. "Wait here, Teacher Park should be coming back shortly," the teacher said.

Joo Eun bowed as she took a seat and waited. A minute later, a handsome young teacher walked in.

"You must be Joo Eun," he said. 

Joo Eun nodded awed by his beauty.

"I'm Teacher Park, I'll be your homeroom and English teacher from today on," Teacher Park flashed a wide smile. "Follow me."

Joo Eun followed Teacher Park down the hall and into a classroom where she stood in front of a whole bunch of kids. Her legs began shaking as she slowly introduced herself.

"Um... my name is Kwak Joo Eun and I'm from Namyangju. Please take care of me," Joo Eun bowed.

"You can sit next to Youngdoo," Teacher Park flashed his beautiful smile. "That's all. Please sit quietly as your next teacher comes."

Joo Eun heaved a sigh of relief as she found her place next to Youngdoo.

"Thank god we're in the same class," Joo Eun smiled.

"What would you have done if we weren't?" Youngdoo laughed.

"I would've went crazy," Joo Eun shook her head.

Joo Eun took out her books from her bag as a silhouette hovered over her. She slowly looked up and found two handsome boys standing in front of her.

"Oh, greet them, they're my friend Park Doha and Choi Jaehyun," Youngdoo said.

"Oh, hi nice to meet you," Joo Eun smiled.

They are both so handsome... she thought to herself.

"She's my childhood friend Kwak Joo Eun that I've told you guys about."

"Hey," Doha smiled back. For some reason, it reminded her of Teacher Park.

"Nice to meet you," Jaehyun grinned as he stook his hand out.

Joo Eun looked at it confused before shaking his hand.

"Sorry, he's been living in the states for a while, don't mind him," Youngdoo whispered. 

"Youngdoo, let's go get some drinks before class starts," Doha said.

"Do you want to join Joo Eun?" asked Youngdoo.

"I'm good, I need to prepare for class first," thanked Joo Eun.

"Alright, I'll be back in a couple," Youngdoo said as the three of them left.

Joo Eun took out her textbooks and pencils and began scanning the pages. Thankfully she had learned a little bit more than what they were currently teaching so she wasn't behind at all. Just as she was about to read through the textbook just in case, somebody shouted at her.


Joo Eun looked up and before she knew it, a ball had hit her face...

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65 streak #1
Chapter 19: That girl is a real psychopath, it's scary
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