The 47th time Hyungwon ed up

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Chapter 6




Hyungwon was setting up the ring lights around the corners of the set. 

His webcam was connected to the smaller screen, and he looked back at himself. He looked good, or he knew that he looked good. Hot. 

He was wearing a black harness, straps going around his neck and amongst his chest. The body glitter was once again back, and it was silver, shimmering in the studio lights. 

Taking a deep breath, he smiled weakly before pushing the record button, looking up at the webcam, all innocence ever existing, gone like that. 




Hyungwon barely had the energy to check his comments, but he did. Sadly, he didn’t found anything interesting or unusual, just a lot of older men and young girls… Nothing new he sighed to himself and his mind started wandering off.

The black harness were laying thrown on the floor, and Hyungwon smirked, wondering if Minhyuk were still watching his live streams. He wondered if Minhyuk would like the harness, he cared about what Minhyuk thought about it. 

He also remembered that Wonho liked it, liked it a lot…


Interrupting his fantasies of Minhyuk and the harness, his phone rang. The display showed Minhyuk and he answered with a simple Hi…

”Hey… I just have a question?”

”Hit me?” 

”Do you wanna go on a date tonight?” 

”A date?” Hyungwon asked, phone between his shoulder and ear while trying to put on a pair of skinny jeans. It was a big fail. 

”Yeah, like a real date? A nice restaurant, a walk by the beach…?” Minhyuk sounded excited at the other side of the line, and Hyungwon smiled. He liked it when Minhyuk was happy. 

”Sounds lovely Minhyuk, any suggestions… Sorry, I need to put you on speaker” Hyungwon threw the phone on the bed to put on a shirt and style his hair. Todays outfit consisted of wide, black pants and a white tee, hair backcombed slightly. 

”There is this place downtown that I really like, ___________” 

Oh… Hyungwon knew that place, it was in that area he and Wonho used to get street food really cheap since Wonhos sisters boyfriend owned a place there. Hyungwon knew there was a really nice restaurant there, nothing too expensive though. 

”That’ll do perfectly” Hyungwon said, turning off the speaker. 

”Great, I’ll pick you up at 8pm then!” 


Hyungwon sighed heavily, he knew he had to tell Minhyuk about Wonho, his alcohol problems and just his past in general sooner or later. 

He knew he had to do it sometime soon, because his past was haunting him. It was coming after him, it was hitting hard and Hyungwon knew it had to be soon. Tonight would be perfect, but he didn’t want to ruin the date… 




At eight, Hyungwon was outside the door, instantly seeing Minhyuk leaned against what he assumed was his dads car. The older smiled, meeting Hyungwon halfway, one hand around the Hyungwons hip, the other cupping his cheek. Minhyuk kissed the younger before whispering Hi babe.

”Hi… ” Hyungwon mumbled, and seconds later Minhyuk could feel a hand on his , gone seconds later. 

”” Minhyuk groaned, hitting Hyungwons hand which had the younger laughing. 

He was looking forward to this. 


Listening to Justin Timberlake the whole way, both boys were enjoying every second, unaware of upcoming events. 




When they had ordered, Minhyuk laughed and Hyungwon gave him a confused look. 

”What’s so funny?”

”I don’t know… Me being here with you? I don’t know, I just really enjoy it, even though I don’t know how to do dates?”

Hyungwon laughed ”I’m probably as bad as you, so let’s see this as practice, so future dates will be even better?” 



”And then I went downstairs, getting ready to o-” Hyungwon seemed distant again ”Hyungwon are you okay?”

The younger didn’t answer. 

”Hyungwon…?” Minhyuk tried to sound calm, but getting upset made his voice raise a little more high pitched than it should, and it just came out really weird instead. 

It had taken second before the younger had stormed off leaving Minhyuk alone at the table. Taken aback, Minhyuk looked over where Hyungwon had been staring. A boy and a girl were sitting together, hand in hand. Minhyuk couldn’t understand why Hyungwon was so upset over that. 




” ” Hyungwon muttered, it was chilly outside and his jacket were still inside. His breathing was uneven and hitched, tears threatening to fall. 

Hyungwon didn’t even think about it earlier, you know how much he missed Wonho. 

When he had spotted the older in the restaurant, his heart fell. 

The girl beside him was beautiful, she had sharp features but a soft looking expression were plastered to her face. She was wearing a black dress, nothing too fancy, fingers intertwined with Wonhos. 

Mina, if Hyungwon remembered it correctly, was beautiful, she was

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monjiexi #1
Chapter 33: Awww I respect your ddecision but I really did love book 2 as much as I love the first one ㅠㅠ
sehunzy4beast #2
Chapter 32: Thanks for such a amazing story! :) Its really great that it also can help you to get up from your personal problems and become better throuout the whole story. This fact itself is a really good example for everyone to learn from !! Cant wait for book II !!
srod1953 #3
Chapter 31: This story is one of te first that I fell in love with. I'm sad to see it go but hopefully book to will be just as great
Chapter 31: Im glad that feel better now ❤ it'll probably feels empty without reading citrus update ;;
OppaIsWaitingForMe #5
Chapter 31: U actually updated lmao!! xD before i check the updates i first check the replies (to see what kind of bull i wrote to authors and people xD) I didn't know u updated lawl! ANYWAY THAT WAS *Sob sob* BOOTYFUL >,,< *fangirls* sjgxejvdisxishjxjedke!!! So ure gonna ..(?) post another one? Another season xD season two @^@ ooooh!! I'll be the first one to subscribe to it (surely) xD
monjiexi #6
Chapter 31: I cant wait ughhh I love this so muchh srslyyyyyy !!!!
Chapter 31: *hugs* now you almost made me cry :3 but i can't wait for the next one!! :D
srod1953 #8